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Posts posted by Yaaklenmai

  1. When True couldn't provide any answers to what exactly would be available and/or when I decided to hold off signing up for any of their packages and instead use the internet for complete games/highlights or "catch up" - dependent upon K.O. times, until things became clear.


    Going on the problems reported by others on this thread, since the PL season started, it would appear that I was right in doing so.


    I can't help but wonder just how much their incompetence has cost them?

  2. 10 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

    For many months I have been receiving both an emailed bill and a printed bill, though I pay yearly in advance to get the discount so the bill is always for 0 Baht. There is an option on the email to stop receiving the printed bill altogether but this is not obligatory.


    My point revolved around their (seeming) desire to save money, by not sending out monthly bills (which they used to do) and the way that could be viewed in relation to that company's longevity!


    No more, no less, but think I may be switching to True - once I've checked out the availability of their 799 broadband offering

  3. I've no idea, but here are similarities!


    I used to receive monthly bills from them, but have now only received one in the past 4 months, despite 3 phone calls requesting them.


    Instead, I just receive an sms, on the day payment is due, stating that my service will be terminated if I don't pay on that day!


    Do I need that sort of service?


    No I do not - just, seemingly, because they wish to save money on printing/posting bills.


    They are now just coming across as another "joke" Thai company.



  4. I've no idea, but here are similarities!


    I used to receive monthly bills from them, but have now only received one in the past 4 months, despite 3 phone calls requesting them.


    Instead, I just receive an sms, on the day payment is due, stating that my service will be terminated if I don't pay on that day!


    Do I need that sort of service?


    No I do not - just, seemingly, because they wish to save money on printing/posting bills.


    They are now just coming across as another "joke" Thai company.



  5. Given the lack of official information, from True, it just seems to be a re-run of when CTH acquired  the EPL rights and I have no intention of signing up to any of the True offerings until the reality of what they provide becomes evident.


    I can't see my team (Sunderland) being regularly available, unless all games are!


    In the interim I (along with, I believe, many others) will be investigating the in and outs of acquiring an Android Box along with a subscription to a high quality stream.


    As an aside, does anyone know if a CTH Ready Box and satellite dish could be used in conjunction with a legitimate True subscription to their "football only" offering?

  6. One further question for any "techies" on here.


    I'm one of the "saddos" who has a CTH "ready box" and satellite dish (only installed last November, with a 12 month subscription to all channels) - is there any way that these can be "re-tuned/jailbroken" to receive the True signals (maybe by obtaining a working subscriber number)?

  7. It smacks of the amateurism of CTH all over again, with them having no idea of what they could offer, at what price, for an age after they won the EPL rights.


    What is it with Thai TV companies that they can't provide accurate answers when they have potential customers queuing up to buy?


    I can't help but wonder how many will just say "s*d it" and use dodgy streams, or an Android box instead?

  8. Considering the way that they abused their position (cutting off this batch of customers, then the next, then the next, in order to save themselves money) I believe that their behaviour amounts to nothing less than fraud and the directors must be held to account!

    Please let nobody forget that it was only at the end of 2015 when, instead of standard (monthly) subscriptions,they insisted that subscribers switching from cable to satellite (because they had to, based upon CTH cutting cable provision) purchased their ready boxes, which came with a 12 month subscription to all included channels (including the EPL).

    Now, I for one, cannot believe that they didn't know that they were going to lose the EPL contract at that point, so what they knowingly committed was fraud!

    In addition, CTH (at that stage) must have factored in the loss of subscribers that none renewal of the EPL contract would have upon their revenues and known that the company would, rapidly, become insolvent!

    The directors need to be dragged in front of the courts and then banned from acting in similar capacities again, whoever they may be and existing directorships quashed - including the "big cheese", Wichai Thongtang, who appears to have his fingers in many pies!

    That is what would happen in the west, why not in Thailand?


  9. Add SCB to the list. I was charged 180 baht today for the very first time.

    There was a time when I could use my Nationwide card in an ATM and there was no charge now as well as the charge this end I also get charged a flat rate fee of £1 plus 2% on any withdrawals and that applies anywhere outside the UK. So I am back to withdrawing a large cash sum in the UK with all the attendant risks rather than taking smaller amounts from the ATM during my travels. I guess now that interest rates are so low the banks have just cast around and looked at other avenues for revenue.

    Don't forget though when you change your Sterling into THB (or whatever) that you will be receiving a tourist rate, rather than the quoted exchange rate, so can end up as being "swings & roundabouts", when compared to receiving that minus the fees imposed by your home bank..

  10. all that fabulous Thai food and you are eating sh.t , your choice your money i supposes.

    again comparing Thailand with the UK ,

    Each to their own I guess, I'd prefer to eat a steaming pile of dog excrement than most thai food.

    to the OP, I believe the delivery charge is used to pay the delivery person.

    Many thanks, that is what I was hoping to establish.

    Hmmmmm......specially when they staff it with chilly peppers and you need the fire brigade to put the fire out!

    Doesn't matter if you tell them Mai pet....just ignore you.

    Again.....I live in Isaan.......may be it's different in the "elite" parts of Thailand!

    I love chilli heat and have, already, prepared my personal topping which comprises of fresh tomatoes and many chopped red chillies cooked (slowly) in olive oil to liven up a Super De Lux.

    Normally, I cook my own food and don't order in but today I've been very busy and can't be bothered to do that - hence the question!

  11. Does anyone know if this is given to the person delivering the pizza, or if it is just an additional charge that the company collects?

    My reason for asking is that, if a s/c was added to a bill in the UK, I would then not "tip" on top of that, unless the staff had done something exceptional.

    I don't, though, wish to be regarded as a "cheap skate" if the delivery drivers are not receiving the 40THB added to the basic pizza cost.

  12. It depends on if you are talking about the official lottery or one of the none official (illegal) offshoots.

    What I can say (based upon personal experience) is that the numbers for the latter are based upon those of the former and my TGF won more than 500,000 THB, having been told which numbers to buy.

    Make of that what you will!

  13. I will admit that 7/11 can provide something, reasonably, tasty to fill a gap.

    However, that is where any praise, for their product ends.

    More often than not:

    1) THe "cheese" has no taste.

    2) The "toast" is (typical) Thai toast - Anything more than a white colour is, considered to be burnt!!

    7/11, to me, are a bit like Mcdonalds, KFC etc., without the expense.

    They provide edible food at sensible prices, for the quallity they deliver.

    No more, no less!

  14. Can I, firstly, say that I am, extremely, grateful to everyone who has taken the time to respond to my thread and try to help me out - Because help me out you have!

    Some people posted, some posted and invited a p.m. with others contacting me (directly) via the latter route, without posting.

    To cut to the chase, I now understand (I think) so much more about this subject than I believed possible.

    Examples would be as follows - I'm, deliberately, not attributing names because some of the information was received via p.m. and I will respect that confidence

    1) I now possess the "Establishing a Housing Development Guide" - Thai Government Issue (In English).

    From that I can see that the normal "ferang" way (establish company/compose, then submit, Articles etc) is not the way it works here and that the Articles (under whatever name) must form part of the submission.

    2) I now possess a copy of the "Specimen Rules and Regs - English Translation (So not Thai Government issue) for a "Juristic Entity".

    3) I have been provided with the name of a specialist Thai Land Law Lawyer, who would appear to not be frightened of reputations and believes that Thai Law is paramount and must be safeguarded against individual threats.

    4) I can now understand the point made by "Langsuan Man", which I did not before, but think that it is covered in the "Establishing a Housing Development Guide" - at least I hope it is!

    6) GentlemanJim's point was noted and I (mistakenly) thought that we did not need to get to that stage until the company had been agreed upon.

    Having read the "guide" it would appear that Thai Law requires action in advance, (appointment of agent etc) which I would never have guessed.

    So, at this stage, I'm now combing the "guide", in particular, before I attempt to speak to the recommended lawyer, early next week, so that I can have, specific, questions prepared.

    I'm just hoping that it does not turn out that he only speaks Thai - Joke (sort of)!

    In the interim, there is one big question that I would, very much like to know the answer to.

    Can anyone, please, tell me what the difference is (in Thai terms) between an HOA and a Juristic Entity?

    Having read both documents, the first refers to a "Board of Directors" (implying Limited Company status) and the latter to a "Committee", which would suggest something, totally, different!

    I'm hoping to understand the answer to that before I speak to the lawyer - so I don't appear, totally, braindead!

    Once again,

    Many, many thanks to those who have, already, enlightened me and (in advance) to those that will continue to do so!

    Finally, can I thank "Craig3365" & "Metisdead".

    Without their cooperation this thread would have been confined to RE - Many thanks again!

  15. OP: I think you've made a big mistake posting in General rather than in the RE forum. Many of our RE experts never visit the general forum. Here, you'll get plenty of off topic comments and other BS, which I'll try to weed out, but your best bet is the RE forum. Even if you have to wait for replies. You'll have less, but they'll be of a higher quality. Plus, don't forget it's Songkran. Many are out on vacation. Just give it some time and be patient.

    NanLaew aside. He is quite knowledgeable on this subject but I do believe also watches the RE forum. Right?

    Your call.

    Thanks for that.

    Metisdead has been kind enough to leave my post in position, on RE, whilst stating that it is now closed but can be found on General topics.

    Seems like the best of both worlds!

  16. I don't know how big your development is but as Nan Laew suggests you may have an issue getting the required interest from your fellow owners - both Thai and foreign. This has been a major issue in the moo bahn I live in where at the last AGM only about 8 house owners out of say 40 turned up. Trying to get people to agree on actions that were needed was like walking through quicksand - and this was on items that everyone had a vested interest in like the level and cost of security.

    I had thought that AGMs needed to be at least every 12 months but this last one was 18 months ago. The foreign Chairman appointed at that time then resigned but no one was informed (not even the committee). Salary for the secretary (prbably works about 2 hours per week) went up 30% this year and she works for the original developer who still seems to be running things. When I queried this she said "so why don't you pay a company to take over then..."

    The biggest problem is the complete lack of interest from nearly all the owners to make changes. IMHO you will need a strong Chairperson and committee (or enough to form a quorum) and, as NL says, legally binding articles that every houseowner signs up to, otherwise you are heading for a world of frustration.

    Our development comprises of 58 houses, in a gated community which, currently, has its' own security.

    So far, we've managed to create a reasonable level of interest with meetings, typically, being attended by more than 50% of owners.

    What I'm hoping for is that we can agree to establish the company and then have a strong set of articles approved, thus giving the future board the power to enforce any rules and regulations that they draw up.

    Collecting the cash I would not see as a major problem, assuming that these give the board the same authority that the electricity & water companies enjoy.

    If you don't pay them they just withdraw your right to use their infrastructure!

  17. Be very careful with this idea, they always threaten that if you don't set up an HOA, then the local moo ban will take over. What they (the developers) are afraid of is that the local moo ban will force them to detail any problems with the development and account for any funds collected for the "community" before they will take it over

    If they get you to form the HOA, then the juristic person(s) will take over this requirement and guess what, will have to employ a local lawyer to pry the information out of the developer

    Many thanks, for that piece of advice, it was something that I was, totally, unaware of.

    Do you know if there is a, particular, terminology that applies to the enquiries you refer to?

  18. I'm guessing that "hotandhumid" has his own reasons for being in Thailand and does not want anyone getting close enough to be able to question him about them.

    That is his perogative BUT to then come on here and complain about it makes him sound like a "big girl's blouse".

    Given that his language sounds like American English I would doubt if he will understand that - others, however, will!!

    • Like 1
  19. Kinda surprising that the developers are not leading the way here. I mean, you obviously have done a bit of research but do the developers really expect that every home owner dedicate the time that you have and to have the ability to navigate the legal and technical barriers?

    Kinda surprising that the developers are not leading the way here. I mean, you obviously have done a bit of research but do the developers really expect that every home owner dedicate the time that you have and to have the ability to navigate the legal and technical barriers?

    They, I think, are attempting to be helpful and are, certainly, in favour of us having our own company.

    However, their English is not good enough for them to understand the finer details I'm looking to understand and I'm not sure if they, genuinely, understand the need for procedures not being able to be questioned, after the event.

    For example, when I emailed them (in Thai), having had my TGF translate what I wanted to ask, the response addressed the generality, rather than the specifics of my question.

  20. The development, I live on, is being offered the opportunity (by the developer) of forming a company to manage our own affairs OR have our sois, communal gardens etc handed over to the local government.

    Having studied the pros & cons I think that there is only one sensible option and that is to take responsibility for ourselves.

    However, I am unsure about the legal situation, in Thailand, regarding the following:

    1) Proxy votes

    A number of the home owners are not residents, on the development, primarily using their houses as weekend homes with a couple having rented them out.

    But, as only home owners will be allowed to vote, on whether to establish a company, (or not) the issue of proxy voting takes on major importance.


    i. Is there any required format for the proxy form itself?

    ii. Is there any specific information that the form must contain to allow someone to utilise that proxy?

    iii. What method can be used to send the form? i.e. Can it be emailed, faxed or must it be the original document and must it be received a stipulated time ahead of the meeting when the vote will be held?

    We will require 50%+ of home owners to vote for establishing a company and would not want the legality of any proxy votes questioned.

    2) The Articles of Association (Incorporation).

    Assuming that the meeting votes in favour of establishing our own company and then elects a committee, who will become the board of directors, the first thing that they must address are The Articles.


    i. Is there anything, in Thai Law, which is different from that which applies in The West, which would expect them to cover the purpose of the company, how directors are elected, their responsiblities, their powers etc.?

    ii. Given that the company formation will require 50+% of all house owners to vote in favour of it, is there any Thai Law which stipulates:

    iii. Whether the articles need to be voted upon at all?

    and (if so)

    iv. Whether a majority of home owners (shareholders) must vote to ratify (accept) them OR if a simple majority of those present at a meeting (called for that purpose) is acceptable?

    3) The costs involved.

    The developers appear to be very keen for us to form the company, rather than cede the land to the local government, however, no mention (as yet) has been made of the costs of formation.


    In the event (unlikely I feel) of the developer not wishing to meet these what would our liability (realistically) be?

    Hopefully, someone on here will be able to provide the information I'm looking for.

    Many thanks in advance!

    FAO Moderators!

    I posted this, yesterday, in the "Real Estate, housing, house and land ownership" forum but looking at the number of views (and 0 replies) I think I will not get the answers I need there.

    Please, please leave here, where I may have more success!

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