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Posts posted by andeet

  1. Realizing that there is a long period of waiting before you can harvest, after that period is done, what kind of return can be expected per Ria?

    What are the up keep costs?

    In Issan do they require irrigation or will the rains when and if they come take care of it?

    Hello out there,

    This is my favourite subject, what has happend with all those people starting planting rubber trees the last 3 - 4 years ?

    Me myself have about 30 rais of 3 year old trees doing quite great though they need quite alot of fertelizing and work to keep the grass away.

    We are living in Kalasin amphur Don Jaan.

    I just wanted to get this topic updated because I want to read and learn more from all you doing "dtawn yaang" out there.

    Chook dee na kap


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