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Everything posted by Gjk7777

  1. Got the pre-approval, uploaded my flight and AQ 1 day stay, got an email saying documents recieved, had nothing back yet, do they leave it till the last 48 hours before flying? Thanks for the replies.
  2. Just in the process of buying Travel Insurance, just wondering has anyone bought Post Office Travel Insurance and used it for the COE and it's been accepted? Oe does it have to be a Travel Insurance specifically for Covid 19 such as this one https://www.axa.co.th/en/axa-sawasdee-thailand-travel-insurance Thanks for the replies...
  3. I would do the same, but seeing my daughter unhappy everyday because she misses me, I need to get out there ASAP..
  4. Does that mean you can travel anywhere in Thailand? I heard it's only in "Blue" areas..not sure where they are though.
  5. Just going to book a flight with Emirates and apparantly you get automatic Covid Insurance, has anyone entered Thailand and had this insurance and it's been accepted? The cover is for $500,000, which exceeds the requirements of $100,000 to enter Thailand. Thanks in advance. Up to USD 500,000 for overseas medical expenses and emergency evacuation. Up to USD 7,500 if your trip is cancelled due to contracting COVID‑19 or for other reasons named in the policy. Up to USD 7,500 if your trip is cancelled or cut short if the school year is extended due to COVID‑19 beyond the departure date, and you or a relative is a full‑time teacher, full‑time employee, or a student at a primary or secondary school. Up to USD 7,500 if your trip is cut short due to you or a relative* falling ill overseas, including contracting COVID‑19, and you need to return home. Up to USD 7,500 if you have to abandon your travels for failing a COVID‑19 test or medical screening at the airport. USD 150 per day, per person for up to 14 consecutive days if you test positive for COVID‑19 and are unexpectedly placed into mandatory quarantine while overseas.
  6. All the Curry shops would close....Who is going to make my Chicken Tikka?
  7. I thought the idea was the Government release data and the press tell the public?, maybe I have been getting it wrong ????
  8. Thanks for the link, Not surprised really, can't see Thailand coming off this year to be honest..
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