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Posts posted by luckyman

  1. Why not run to the bathroom to get some water? That would be my first thought, a fire does not ignite and burns down a house in a few seconds only, I agree with some of the posters that running out and leave the fire to spread at will was at least not really clever, was it?

    It's the last thing I would do: to trow water on an burning electrical appliance!

    Better trow a blanket on it.

    Me too, as water is a great conductor of electric current, if not the greatest.

    The water was meant to be thrown on the bed, on the curtains, on surrounding furniture and if wooden, on the floor, obviously...........Einstein !

  2. What reason was there to point out that he was a math teacher in the headline? Seriously? The story would have been just as "interesting" if it was a taxi driver.

    I think being a retired Maths Teacher from Assumption, the reporter was trying to point out that the said person should have had more brains.

    Yeah 63 year old retirees make mistakes. Just like many of the geniuses on this forum do.

    I'm sure we've all plugged in an appliance, unaware that it was faulty, only to either find it no longer works and/or that it trips a circuit breaker/fuse. Thankfully that's usually the extent of what happens. We don't usually experience sparks flying about igniting flammable objects nearby.

    Apparently he didn't have a fire extinguisher available and ran out of the house to seek help and alert neighbors. Fire started by faulty appliances are, unfortunately, fairly common. Based on what was written I don't see that having "more brains," aside from being a meaningless comment, would have resulted in a different result under the circumstance. As far as I know, people have only one brain and the option to have more of them is not currently available.

    Obviously the choice of headlines was intended, successfully, to produce the anticipated responses about things adding up or calculating or being factored in, etc.

    Why not run to the bathroom to get some water? That would be my first thought, a fire does not ignite and burns down a house in a few seconds only, I agree with some of the posters that running out and leave the fire to spread at will was at least not really clever, was it?

  3. If seems that one goal all of the perpetrators share is making the news. And with the media always looking for exciting flashbang stories to sell, these two have a twisted common cause.

    These days, any disenfranchised Muslim head job with an internet connection knows he (or she) can instantly become a worldwide sensation and have their fabled 15 minutes of fame. All they need to do is kill a group of innocent people in a public, sensational and horrific sort of way.

    The headline-hungry media even cooperates by giving them romantic sounding handles. The aspiring terrorist can strap up and head off to commit carnage with macho images a lone wolf dancing around in his warped little mind. Something any number of psychotic underachievers might salivate over. Makes one wonder if our soldier of Islam would feel just as noble if he knew the media would label him a chronic masturbator or frustrated transvestite instead of a lone wolf.

    But naturally the media cant do this as it would be insensitive, discriminatory and infringe on the murderers rights. However, one thing they could actually do is very publicly refuse to publish names and/or photos of the lunatics who commit these crimes. Would it solve the problem? Of course not, there's no reason to give them the spotlight of personal publicity they all want.

    Great comment.

    I have argued with friends before about this, what if all newspaper outlets incl. the face-tweet-insta-google media gangs would completely ignore the next terrorist attack? I know, I am dreaming, but still !

  4. More "balanced" news like that is needed to calm things down. Surely there must be news out there of ethnic Germans shooting children in a restaurant, hacking people to death with a machete or ax? Even one with a bomb? They were around 30 years ago so it is possible (some of the older pro-immigrant leftists are probably one in the same).

    I was asking that myself too, when are we going to read about a Christian or Catholic nut case that walks into a crowded mosque on Friday afternoon with an automatic weapon and starts firing at anything that moves?

    I've been expecting something like that for months already, if not from a nut case then from some one that wants revenge because he or she lost a love one (s).

    A horrible act as well, but it might work preventive.

  5. Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore."

    He pointed out that "most people who commit Islamist acts of terror are also psychologically unstable."

    well, he got that RIGHT!!

  6. He was found guilty in a Thai court. No surprise that he has been denied entry to Thailand. Would be the same in any country he was found guilty of a crime.

    Tough situation for his Thai family ...

    that is utter nonsense. I don' think any European country would have barred him for a minor offence

    They would if he didnot have permanent residency visa. Read the actual news of today, the suicide bomber in Germany was denied a permit to stay and was to be deported for a few criminal offences...

  7. Seems somebody recognized the couple and forced them to go report themselves, I donot believe they really went to the police on their own.

    Secondly, it was not like they were fooling about in the middle of a crowded beach or on a bench on Ratchademnern Avenue either, and if the vdo maker had left them at it instead of filming them and sharing his content, this would never become news either.

    What a non event, and some posters here even agree with the Thais and feel the pair should be deported, what a sorry bunch!

    Next !!

  8. A couple of college kids exercised a moment of indiscretion...hardly the first time in history.

    Lesson learned.

    Hardly worth all the attention it has received.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that one Thai local who was so aggressive does not one day appear in a similar photo seated in front of numerous Police...he most definitely displayed a high level of hostility. Maybe a future tuk-tuk driver?

    It looks as though they were given the absolute minimum with respect to the offense (2,000 baht)... but they should still have been deported and banned from re-entering Thailand since it was still a criminal offense I believe.

    you are joking, right ?

  9. From the 1st article by The Guardian -

    The other customers on board supported the decision to offload the group in Bali and thanked the crew,

    Hope the police can keep them in a dirty jail cell for a few days maybe they will learn but I dont count on it.

    Nice to see an article from The Guardian here on TV anyhow, whatever its todays content it is nice to know TV admin appreciates a quality news paper like the G.

  10. Xenophobic and Nationalistic propaganda only gains a better footing by showing off the shameless westerners .

    The military government has looked for critical observation ( even in rape/murder cases involving a western female) of attire and inferred morality.

    Recent announcements of closing down the sex trade and now this highlight a shift in perception .

    We can now be perceived as unwholesome .

    Even educated Thais who haven't left Thailand consider western woman cheap and nasty whores. ( in general)

    This will just help the government next we are critical of them.

    We are after all devils .

    Returning the happiness to the people might equate sweeping us up and out eventually.?

    Certainly violence against us is on the rise .

    Cases closed fast.

    This lewd act is widely seen as representative and indicative of all westerners.

    Thais wouldn't wear a bikini after all .

    And Thais don't engage in acts of sex like that.

    This is the thinking.

    At every stage

    Superior morals

    Superior minds and hearts .

    It's a delusion that's reinforced in every vein coursing Thai blood.

    We don't understand Thainess.

    The fact the 21st century is crashing in like a tsunami around them doesn't matter.

    Until the death will they be confirming in their own minds their superior morals by such acts as two kids smashed out on alcohol ( not served responsibly ) and on holiday doing something stupid.

    Half the people online name calling us are most likely buying food with the ill earned gains of their daughters wired money into their account.

    Isn't it ironic ?

    But alas we dare not accuse the Thais of harbouring organised prostitution on a grand level ...

    At least those kids were not doing their act for purposes of gain.

    As bad as they were.

    It's calling the kettle black coming from Thais .

    It should be seen as a careless act where they the kids are fined and deported .

    However not tarnish us all.

    Great comment, spot on !!

  11. All the moody older expats commenting on his youtube videos are pretty entertaining. They just can't bear to see a young guy having fun in Thailand. Obviously the usual 'does he have a work permit to live here' reared it's ugly head too.

    having fun in Thai;land? the idiot does not know how lucky he is by surviving a bike ride on the roads of thailand? have you forgotten the olympic bikers of last year? google it! this fool thinks he can conduct himself in a usual manner on the most dangerous roads in the world! keep it up punk! will be reading about you soon splashed all over the road!

    Good comment, spot on!

  12. It's time for the Army to sort out all the police in Thailand, major cause of crime itself. When I see the Police, I see mostly corruption dressed in brown.

    I'm sorry but you can't say all police are corrupt. I'm tired of listening to the whining from TV members about the BIB and tea money. There are good and bad cops, end of story.
    Spot on! But the bad ones get the most press so it looks like they are in the majority..
    If it's a case of just a few bad apples, how is it that "tea money" payments and other assorted extortion schemes, are so universally considered simply a normal business expense here? Do you really think the extortion depicted in this episode is a one-off?? And can you even imagine a "good", honest, non bribe-taking, non bribe-paying, cop with a successful RTP career and rising to the top? How is it that an overwhelming majority of "good" cops can't manage to weed out a "few" bad apples in their own midst? Sermonize all you want about unfair press coverage. What really goes on here is widely understood & tolerated.

    Yes but it is not that bad as you might think, especially compared to other countries like US or GB, it is just more in the open here and more hidden in the Western world.

  13. Although I believe she certainly has a point, I donot think it should be the priority of the minister of Tourism.

    She has a host of other issues to sort out first, imo..dual pricing comes to mind for example.

    If prostitution is affecting her ability to attract a huge group of tourists (families) and their sweaty tourist money, it should be a priority for her.

    I know dozens of guys back home (USA) that will never see Thailand because their wives refuse to take their family on a vacation to a sex tourist destination.

    I don't know a single family that chooses their destination based on a few bucks of dual pricing. Irritating expats? Sure. Influencing holiday destination decisions? Not likely.

    And for the guy who's going to respond that he sees plenty of families traveling to Thailand- sure. But how many more would come if they didn't have to expose their kids to in your face sex?

    I don't know about that. I think it has more to do with your friends lack of knowledge and not knowing what is here for there family.

    Just in and around Pattaya you have the world famous Tiger Zoo and Crocodile Farm, Snake Farm and Elephant Show, Go Carts, Petting Zoo, Water Park with Big Water Slides and Gondola to the top of Pattaya Towers, Dream World in Bangkok for 2 days with plenty of rides and entertainment for kids, Condos with there own swimming pools, and of course sandy beaches and great winter weather.

    When my daughter was younger she came to visit me quite a few times there and was never bored nor did she ever see Walking Street. I agree that Pattaya does have a tarnished image, but a lot of that is unjustified. The sex industry is not on ever street corner and like the 7-11 is. Depends mostly where you stay and where you go.

    If you want to go on a holiday strictly for kids then in my day they went to Disneyland. I imagine they still do.

    I tend to think it's more a function of desensitization to it after living here a few years.

    Sure, there are plenty of great things to do in Thailand other than sex. But that really doesn't matter if you have to pass a dozen kiosks selling dildos and porn and 3 or 4 lineups of street hookers strutting their stuff just getting from the airport to your hotel. And that makes the place a no-go zone for most families I know.

    After 5 years, I don't even notice them any more. But I challenge anyone to spend a week in tourist Thailand without someone throwing sex in your face. Usually repeatedly. And regardless of how clueless they may be, a lot of tourists give Thailand a pass because of it- just like they pass on tourist areas with poor sanitation facilities. It's not the tourist's job to learn how to dodge the turds. Not when there's 100 places closer to home where the turds aren't even an issue.

    Ever been to Germany or Holland? Loads of sex shops there too, and hookers as well but most tourists tend to just ignore that and actually, is sex not part if society and of human nature?

    I donot see a problem here that keeps families from coming, rather a dodgy justice system (Koh Tao murders) and unsafe roads (second highest road fatality rate in the world).

  14. It's time for the Army to sort out all the police in Thailand, major cause of crime itself. When I see the Police, I see mostly corruption dressed in brown.

    I'm sorry but you can't say all police are corrupt. I'm tired of listening to the whining from TV members about the BIB and tea money. There are good and bad cops, end of story.

    Spot on! But the bad ones get the most press so it looks like they are in the majority..

  15. Every time some jaded expat comes out with the cliched, sarcastic 'right, because people come here for the temples and the culture' response, it makes me smile. You're just showing yourself up for what you really are. Because yes, people do, as well as for the scenery, the food, the people, the fun activities, and the many other things that people love this country for. The fact that you can't find anything to like about it beyond cheap sex says more about you than it does about Thailand - and the fact that you remain in a place you so disdain in order to have sex with people who only tolerate you for your money is bordering on tragic.

    Nice comment! Spot on

  16. Although I believe she certainly has a point, I donot think it should be the priority of the minister of Tourism.

    She has a host of other issues to sort out first, imo..dual pricing comes to mind for example.

    If prostitution is affecting her ability to attract a huge group of tourists (families) and their sweaty tourist money, it should be a priority for her.

    I know dozens of guys back home (USA) that will never see Thailand because their wives refuse to take their family on a vacation to a sex tourist destination.

    I don't know a single family that chooses their destination based on a few bucks of dual pricing. Irritating expats? Sure. Influencing holiday destination decisions? Not likely.

    And for the guy who's going to respond that he sees plenty of families traveling to Thailand- sure. But how many more would come if they didn't have to expose their kids to in your face sex?

    Well,I totally disagree. Thailand is a huge country with sex trade concentrated in only a very few places.

    I travel through Thailand ny car for a living and have been in each province at least once and I can think of more than 100 really nice places here to go to or just to see with your family without encountering any of that.

    Moreso, I know of people that have been here, travelled around with kids and were not even aware of any sex trade, just pick your destinations using tripadvisor or booking.com instead of TV !!

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