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Posts posted by KayT

  1. Oh dear,can someone please tell me how to delete a double post please? So much has changed since I was online last.

    Oh and as a matter of interest I have been in bed sick for the last 3 months with early liver failure that has been aggravated by the MSG in my food. For the information of the banquet manager who adds it to his dishes.

  2. Many times I have been glad to be allergic to most medications because it means less spent on unless drugs that end up in the sewer.

    MSG is very similar to Aspartame (lets talk all the Sugar Free diet foods here) and one of the lovely side affects of both of these happens to be Methanol poisoning.Now if you have ever had a batch of bad beer (unlikely but possible) this is the same effect you get then.Gut pain like you wouldnt believe, headaches that make you want to rip your head off and itches just to name a few symptoms. Now granted it is unlikely that the average person would suffer this badly, however, the minor side effects are just as nasty and are more widespread than most give credit for. Didnt someone note that Thailand has one of the highest rates of damaged livers? Well when the liver is damaged the symptoms are much worse.Hence the need for headache meds etc. Vicious cycle really.

    Placebo affect is very real and would serve well in this country for those who "need" the drugs for ailments that just dont have any cure except time.

    Just my two cents worth.If you need more info on MSG and Aspartame the Wikipedia has a lot of information

  3. You are aware of the combined option? Money in the bank in Thailand + yearly income must be 800,000 and you can get an extension of stay.

    Thanks for the suggestion Mario - I have used the combined ( pensions plus Thai bank balance ) for the past 4 years but the BB element is sadly depleted !

    I am at the decree nisi stage of my UK divorce and will marry my Thai "wife" ASAP ; then my pension will meet the 400K requirement for a Non-Imm "O" Marriage Visa to secure my future in Thailand. Is there any other option for me than a Tourist Visa to get me through this short term problem ? Cheers, Brian

    Please make sure that your marriage is going to be a legal beneficial thing,There was a thread a few months back that said that if you were over 50 and marrying a Thai it was not going to be legal even if you married them in another country.I just wanted you to make sure just in case it created other visa problems

    Hope this helps

  4. it does also help to identify those motherfuc,,,ers because they will be the only ones on the street besides the armed forces andpolice - do you understand the reasoning behind this?

    Actually . . . that's total and utter <deleted>. If I was hellbent on torching buildings and causing general mayhem with impunity, I'd probably be respecting the curfew along with everyone else and then, once things got back to normal, I'd resume my nefarious activities.

    And that Herm is the next phase.Stay tuned.

    Have been to BKK for a few years and traveled to almost all parts of Thailand including North and North East.

    I know many shop owners in my area, they are mostly Isaan, and many know me by name. I also shop at the local Thai market.

    Lately,may be it's just me being paranoid, I have noticed some change in their attitude.

    Nothing hostile but the smiles and overly friendly demeanor are gone.

    It has not happened over night but has been going down for about a month or so.

    In the beginning the feeling was like something was amiss, not right, not as usual but I could not put my finger on it at first.

    Understandably, some of them if not all are upset by the latest events, but a little over a month ago there was no hint of things turning that nasty.

    As a result I don't feel as comfortable as before going to a thai market, which was fun in the past when all was well.

    Is it just my personal experience or there is something going on that I don't get?

    I have never felt unsafe in BKK or in Thailand for that matter, now it is starting to change.

    Let's wait and see.

    I am a local here in my part of town.In the last few days Thais look at me like I have an extra head or am from outer space.Not my local friends in my street but almost everyone else (oh and its not just Thais.Farang look at me like I am strange as well) I hear mutterings behind my back and then if I am doing business I speak in Thai only.It settles them a lot.

    We have many many strangers moving through our area due to bus routes coming here that are not normally here and I am wondering if the locals here feel threatened not just by the Reds but the idea they are being targetted for looting or worse.Its a sad time and very very tense.

    I do what I am able and I am listening all the time.Smiles help.

    Light,Love and Safety to all

  5. In my opinion, the reds mentality is completely money driven, and without care for any lives, be they innocent or not. They are also clearly not Buddhist people, who believe in peace, non-violence, amongst many other things that the red "army" is completely ignorant of. I am completely and utterly shocked and appauled by this whole thing and pray that this all ends peacefully and quickly.

    Blessed be all who walk the earth and may their hearts be filled with love and peace for all.

    Ms, you are misguided, poorly informed and full of misinformation. If that weren't enough you make assumptions about things that you do not and cannot know and you present them here as if they were fact. You attack you enemy's religious beliefs in an attempt to make yourself seem more virtuous than your enemy. Let me ask you this. If all Red Shirts are "Not Buddhist people" what would you call a Prime Minister who orders his Army snipers to shoot an unarmed Red Shirt leader giving an interview to the free press? Is that what Buddha would do?

    According to Buddhist principles a Monk or a true Buddhist is allowed to kill if it is seen to be for the greater good.He accepts the Karma of course but the actions benefit many.Hence the current situation where the Monks are involved and the peaceful natured Thai people can still do what they are doing.This is only to be used as a last resort however and I think many have forgotten that there was a lot more measures that could have been enacted before violence was used.

    A truly great advert.

    It must have cost a bunch to get Adam Sandler to do it.

    I like the last line in particular....Thailand,amazing for your life. (that is what I heard anyway).

    Thank you

  6. If the Army is worried about people breaking the law, why don't they just arrest themselves for the illegal coup. With the Army self-jailed, all would be peaceful in this lovely Kingdom.

    "the Reds have broken the law."

    So when the Reds come storming down your street or threaten your family and your safety I hope and pray that the Army is there to protect you.That is what they are doing now.Containing violence in the way they were trained to keep others safe.

    I don't understand what the big dilema about the id card is. Simply leave, get another id card at a later date. Why bother even telling the leaders you're leaving. :)

    With an ID card they know who you are,where you live and the fact that you supported the Reds.If you dont get it back it gives them something to follow you with no matter where you go. It has nothing to do with the ease or not of getting a new one.

    But some demonstrators had grown worried about their young family members.

    "When I came to join the rally, I also brought along two grandchildren. Now, I'm concerned about their safety," a woman admitted. She wanted to leave the rally site but feared what might happen.

    "I was told that the soldiers around the rally site are not Thais. So, I think it's safer to huddle together inside the temple compound," she said.

    Wonder if this means that the rumours of the red leaders telling the mob that the soldiers are from Burma and Cambodia were true?

    It seems from some other videos that the guards inside may be Cambodian as well and this lends credence to the words told by the Reds that the Army may be from other countries.I fear for all those true civilians who can not go home now even if they want to.

    Thank you

  7. OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

    What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

    Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


    OMG, don't let me hear anyone talk about 'government crimes' after seeing this disgusting picture.

    What was the parent of this child hoping for in doing this criminally insane act? It only takes one red guard to spot a media sensation in the making.

    Those of you still supporting the reds, do you want a country that is led by people who would do something as irresponsible as this? What do you think they will care for you, if this is all they care for their own children?


    I never talk much her as husband do talk for me

    But this picture make me mad mad

    today I ashamed to be Thai

    If this is Issan man

    I glad I find Farang, my husband make me dead if I do this

    I am Issan Thai and say

    soldier please kill all thai man at protest

    I not cry for you, but many tears for baby who born your child

    you worst man ever I see

    Time all good Thai send message to temples and ask Monks to end your live quick quick

    Buddha is peace, you are evil and must be gone

    While the sentiments to kill all the protestors are extreme to say the least, it is young people like this child and others I have seen in various pics today that will carry the scars of what they parents are doing right now. These children will be asked to "visit the sins of the father" as the saying goes. Young innocents do NOT EVER, under any circumstances, need to be brought into protests on the whim of a parent.

    I fear for those little Angels.The same way as I cried for the ones who became "collateral damage"

    Please open your eyes Mum and Dad. Love those babies as much as you can and keep them safe.They are the future and you dont want to damage that.

    Thank you

  8. Dear other humans,

    Please try and control yourselves and not make remarks in bad taste about other people dying. You are much better to say nothing at all than something spiteful. Irregardless of which side of the fence you sit on, please don't be disrespectful to the dead, its not funny, its not smart, it just shows you're lack of intellect.

    Seconded... I have just deleted a number of this type of post... any more and the offending member will be suspended from the forum.

    Be Warned.

    So, we can stay in compliance ... can we get a better understanding of which rule this would fall under? Since you deleted the posts, I am not sure what we cannot say in terms of the dead. Will it result in a suspension if we say we are happy a Terrorist has been killed or making a comment such as "It is a good thing Hitler died" ... to be clear I am not making that comment about Hitler as I don't want to be suspended and just using it as an example.

    It is not that one man died for his cause.It is currently many people are dying and suffering for a cause that is confused to say the least.

    No matter how right or wrong someone's views are they are still someone's family and are/were loved and cared for.This is why respect is important.For the ones left behind.For the ones who are suffering.For the sake of humanity and compassion. Do not judge until you have walked a mile in someone else's shoes.

    People who live in glass houses really should not throw stones.

    Thank you

  9. 4612485914_fc16185973.jpg

    2 very irresponsible parents who need to have their child taken from them by protective services and sent to live in a foster home. The parents need to be incarcerated for child endangerment.

    These kind of people truly make me nauseous. If you don't even love your children with all your heart, how can you possibly love your fellow man?

    There is nothing heart warming about this picture. It is infuriating and disgusting.

    Not only in a war zone

    but open to the filth, desease, living conditions far worse than they complain they have to live under back in Issan

    My Thai wife can not believe any Thai person can stoop so low

    She just says they must be Cambodians, Thais not do this

    Unfortunately Thais do do this.And that is the saddest part of all.

    '''Red leader Nutthawut Saikua urged the government to call a cease-fire.

    He said the red shirts were willing to negotiate but only with the United Nations as a mediator.

    The government should stop its allegation of that they were 'terrorists' because the protesters were unarmed, he said.''


    17 05 2010

    From UN definition of terrorism

    "In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". "

    By this definition the Issan Army occupying central Bangkok are terrorists.

    ps if they came, would the UN soldiers need work permits?

    Yes and the time to get them completed (6-8 weeks ) would mean that they couldnt do anything anyway.

    Oh and I didnt realise that this whole protest was just the Issan people.I understand that there are many many from other areas as well. I know many Issan people who are horrified at being labeled as terrorists by biased comments. Please at least try and be a little more considerate before you start to apply labels.

    Thank you

  10. How do you guys explain this?
    AFP Report: Journalists a 'terrorist' target for Thai army. "The press is a target, as well as people at the protest site," Said Sunsern

    The government spokesman Sunsern has now officially designated the press as "terrorist targets".

    Someone has seriously lost their marbles.

    And don't say I made this up, because it was just posted by ThaiVisa news.

    This would be one of the Disinformation posts with AFP tags added.

    Disregard it.

    I guess that is the problem with punctuation incorrectly applied.Changes the meaning of the written word so fast.Try opening your mind and actually seeing past the mistakes to the reality.Apply some common sense.Like the Govt needs the media off side.What a joke.It will be the side that gets the fairest coverage that wont be the one facing war crimes trials.

    Light and Love to all

  11. My Dear Thai people,

    After this has ended, no matter how long it will and how more will be dying, after this all of you will stay there with the blood of your fellow Thai on it. To tell you to go home is spoken against an stonewall, before you listen and face reality, you burn down your Country with your anarchie and behavior. What ever cause you have had, you have gambled it away with the behavior you have shown. You blame the Government which has shown restrained to the point of weakness and stupidity. You where offered new election and your words of acceptance where just lies. Face Gohok as usual.

    My dear Thais you stand before the world on the border to Anarchy and Civil War and that is UDD, you get a serious democratic disorder! It really was never your intention to get democracy, all you where after was the Money the fugiyive criminal has offered through his present rich Landowners and Business men.

    You want to see the truth, your run away hero has shared peanuts with you and you would go for the peanuts to die. Do you really think that low about yourself. Yes I guess so, because otherwise how would you be able and ready to do what you did to your fellow Thais? How could you? Be so shameless and put your kids and wifes before you and all for peanuts?

    How come that ordained Monks, hanging around the Reds and preach hatred and violence? You are a disgrace to your Country and the teachings of the Lord Buddha.

    My dear Thais, now clean your mess and that means both the elite and the poor, you have all choices now and is up to you. I for myself locate myself to Malaysia as it is more comfortable to work and live there.

    My dear Thais, the time is over to act and live like 3 year old kids, life is not only sanuk, Bier, Whisky, Woman and all other senseless action you do. Life is the way how you treat yourself! The lousy way you treat yoourself you impose on others as well.

    I would like to add to this please.

    Dear Thai people,

    open your minds as well as your hearts.It is time to look at the principles you put forward as your religion and to actually live them.If nothing else "do to others as you would like them to do to you". (and whilst you may say Buddha didnt say that,it is part of the intrisic meaning of the doctrines)

    Time to take responsibility for actions is now.While you are still alive because somewhere at some point in time this will catch up with you all.

    Light and Love to all

  12. Most of the people here,even in this forum, are adversely affected by this situation. I have been told I have to turn up to work tomorrow even though the ONLY way I could possibily get there now is to walk the 10+km to the school AND in that walk I have to pass the areas that are currently closed and where there is fighting going on. As a result of this whole situation my medical insurance AND my life insurance are NOT VALID and as such if I was injured I would have a bill. My Embassy is not interested if I go into areas that are unsafe.In fact they are not interested anyway (the idea being I chose to stay here so it is my responsibility to look after myself). So what do all the experts propose I do? Cant live if I cant earn an income and cant leave right now as transport routes are unsafe....Next????

    I am no expert but...

    All schools in Bangkok delayed start of term to Monday 27th. Stay at home. Be safe.

    outdated since one week. The schools will open Tuesday June 1.

    Correct you are no expert.I am referring to a private school and these have the power to decide to stay open and to push to have staff turn up to work. They did reconsider though after it was pointed out that no insurance was valid and they would be liable for all and any costs and I am sure that parents also put them under pressure to close.


    This guy not only brought his fire extinguisher to put out the blaze but has remembered the broom so he can clean up as he leaves.

    It is time for the mess to be cleaned up and for normalcy to be restored.

    I trust you are all safe tonight.A bit of compassion for those who are not.

    Thank you

  13. I just got this SMS from a Thai friend. "Tomorrow please don't go to any department stores around suburban (areas) such as Pinklaw, Rama 3, Bangkean, Ngamwongwan or Rama 2. Inside News said terrorists will shoot M79's into any public place located outside the Red zone to cause commotion."

    There was no link in the SMS, but I thought I'd pass it along. My wife also got the same SMS from a different source.

    Cheers, Hummy

    Is this SMS in English or in Thai only?

    If only in Thai can you please let us know again when it comes? I dont read Thai well enough yet to understand them

    Thank you.

    See what a mess it is now, the government will be desperate to clear the city because if you thought it was paralyzed before then this time it is indeed paralyzed. Cannot do business in Silom, most most of Petchaburi (Praatunam, Phantip plaza), Rama 4. Real mess. Loos like there will be a lot of people who will not be able to go to work and businesses not being able to operate.

    At the end of the day people have to work to eat.

    That is the point, most people just want to live in the city, work, operate their businesses etc. Now the reds are saying that because they cannot get supplies they will loot shopping centers under their control, tell me this is not too much, so now they will be allowed to steal? There is no law here and if government will not do something it will only get worse as these people do not want to negotiate, they just want their way and this is not negotiating. I saw reds destroying 7-11 with my own eyes. There is not respect for the property so how can u expect respect for higher value like life.

    Most of the people here,even in this forum, are adversely affected by this situation. I have been told I have to turn up to work tomorrow even though the ONLY way I could possibily get there now is to walk the 10+km to the school AND in that walk I have to pass the areas that are currently closed and where there is fighting going on. As a result of this whole situation my medical insurance AND my life insurance are NOT VALID and as such if I was injured I would have a bill. My Embassy is not interested if I go into areas that are unsafe.In fact they are not interested anyway (the idea being I chose to stay here so it is my responsibility to look after myself). So what do all the experts propose I do? Cant live if I cant earn an income and cant leave right now as transport routes are unsafe....Next????

    I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

    They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

    The only way is to hold elections ASAP

    Elections were held.Next elections were offered.Elections wont mean a thing because the next side that is not happy now has a precedent set for how to remove the sitting govt. Time to work out the hidden agendas and to remove then.Time to educate and to allow for freedom and to ensure that open and free thinking can be a rule instead of an exception.Teach people how to think,not what to think.That is the only way this country (and others) will have a future.

    Thank you

  14. My condolences to those who have died.My condolences to their families.My condolences to the business people who are no longer in business. My condolences to the Thai reputation as a happy friendly place to come that has been callously killed by the display at hand.

    Sadness fills my heart as I see and hear.

    All are being damaged by this.It is not longer a Red/Yellow fight.It is no longer a poor vs rich fight.It is not about winning anymore.

    It is about what is right and what is wrong.Where has the humanity gone?...................


    Humanity HA !

    Read some history :)

    I have read a lot of history.I am talking about the people now who are supposedly educated and have a Buddhist way of life and a peaceful nature.I am talking about the basic humanity that all need to be aware of. We have had patches of humanity shown at various times.This is one time when it really does need to be displayed.

    I trust you understand the concept of compassion. Practicing it randomly can have great affect.

    Light and Love to all

  15. My condolences to those who have died.My condolences to their families.My condolences to the business people who are no longer in business. My condolences to the Thai reputation as a happy friendly place to come that has been callously killed by the display at hand.

    Sadness fills my heart as I see and hear.

    All are being damaged by this.It is not longer a Red/Yellow fight.It is no longer a poor vs rich fight.It is not about winning anymore.

    It is about what is right and what is wrong.Where has the humanity gone?

    Yes I agree with standing up for what one believes in. But first care for and respect yourself and from this grows care and respect for your fellow man.

    NO one should ever look down upon another.We are all equal.We are all one species and we need to remember that we are ALL someones family.Mother,father,brother,sister....Family.

    I can understand hurt and pain and suffering.I have been subject to abuse and been downtrodden as well.And yet I am not taking up arms to hurt,damage,maim and kill.I am not spouting hate and vitriol to inflame and incite.I am not pursuing power to push my will upon others.

    Until each person can remember that everyone feels and each has their own history that makes up that person we will continue to have the type of behaviour we have seen these last few years.

    For all who take the time to read my post I thank you.I hope it helps to inspire some compassion in your heart no matter if you are Red,Yellow or Striped with Polka Dots.

    Light and Love to all

  16. Go to China Town and check out the glasses stores.Pick out your glasses/frames and you can buy a few pairs.Then pop into the glasses shop and get them to fit your lens.The whole thing should cost about 400baht a pair done that way.You can get sunglasses/frames from 39 baht and they are a reasonable quality.

    I have been using mine now for about 4 years and still going strong.

    Good luck to you

  17. "Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva announced on TV Friday that the efforts by the government and the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation have progressed a lot."

    Earth to Abhisit, earth to Abisit... you are in danger or crashing with Pluto, turn right, quick! Turn right!!!

    I want to thank you so so much.After reading through the first 10 pages of mostly drivel I stumbled on your comment (which is still making me chuckle aloud) and I nearly burst my stitches.I have been in hospital myself for the last three weeks and was saddened to hear so many others had had their healing disturbed.

    Yes a quick right turn is in 0rder.

    Light and Love to all

  18. I agree, we should all hug a redshirt tommorow....can I have this lovely creature hug for me?

    Please do. I take it you are the gazelle as you did say lovely.

    I will gladly donate the box where your undigested bits and digested matter in the snake feces can be placed so that you may have a funeral befitting you.

    Actually it is a Kangaroo and it was in Australia.I have seen snakes this large in Bangkok though down Thong Lo way.

    Hugs from them will be as good for your health as the ones from out friends in Red.

    Light and Love to all

  19. Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

    If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

    because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

    In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct......

    Well you're not.

    Thank you kind sir for the correction.I appreciate the help with my lack of knowledge.

    I want to just say after having read through all 28 pages of comments and seeing the types of things that have been written about the Red shirts that the major thing that stands out in this country is a lack of education and questioning.It is a cultural thing and will only change when the system allows for natural curiosity to be satisfied by being given honest answers and honest options.

    To teach someone how to look at an argument from all sides,allow them to form their own opinion without interference and then they allow others to have their opinions intact is an ideal that we need to strive towards.

    It seems that while we maintain a "I am right,therefore you are wrong" POV there will be little growth or change.

    Yes maybe I live in Fairyland with my ideas but it would be great to see this wonderful country blossom to its fullest potential and in doing so show the world that Thailand is really a great place to be.

    Light and Love to all

  20. Exactly . Agree 100%.

    A court dissolves an entire party , the one in power mind you .

    (Well it could have been the army arresting all the MPs same philosophy)

    Then the opposition can take over , no general election .

    Surrealist :D:D:D

    Hmm, I thought the party in power did some things that were against the law? Could that be? :)

    Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

    If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

    because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

    In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct.It does happen.

  21. What an irresponsible article, even if April 1.

    First there is a claim attributed to Dr Kusol Prawitpaiboon that the blood was tainted and that the "diseases also can live outside the human body in normal condition for about six hours". No evidence was cited how the blood was collected or if anyone was exposed. Just a horrible cheap article that will spread fear.

    This doctor has just made medical history with his claims on the longevity of the various viruses since HIV starts to degrade once it is deprived of oxygen and away from human ambient core temperature. The time is measured in minutes not hours.

    6 hours only? Not for HCB, it can go for 10 days and the klongs of bangkok are swimming with it. :D HCV is good for 4-5 days and is concurrent with HIV because it is associated with IV drug users. (Nice insinuation) If this guy was serious he would have raised the issue of TB, but that would have necessitated pointing out that on any given day the trains and subway of Bangkok are filled with carriers and that might expose a secret no one wants to discuss openly.

    I am not going to bash this fellow because I think his statements were taken out of context and distorted. I know he is no friend of the Thaksin camp, but I can't see him making statements that would incite panic. Not that it isn't possible he could be given to rhetoric if this is the same fellow that was one of the communist sympathizers that participated in the Oct. 6, 1976 student protests at Thammasat University back when he was in medical school. He hounded former PM Samak Sundaravej for the deaths of the students saying the student deaths were his doing. In health research a person with such views that would undertake such research is considered biased and any data provided by a biased researcher is deemed tainted. A neutral party should have overseen this exercise.

    However, the same doctor admitted that tests found that the blood used in the symbolic blood-pouring protests included pig and cattle fluids. Ya think? It wasn't any big secret. :) The human blood gathered was small and for the cameras. Several people in TV picked up on the sham that the blood event was going to be when they wrote that they expected animal byproducts to be used. The redshirts did what all other theaterical producers do, they went out and got the props for the show.

    Thankfully the record is set straight by Permanent Secretary for Public Health Paichit Varachit with his statement that the chance of contracting the virus was slim. And there is the comment from Dr Somsak Lolekha, president of the Medical Council of Thailand, who said it is not easy to be infected unless these persons have injuries and were soaked by the disease-concentrated blood.

    For what it's worth, the typical visitor to a Thai tattoo parlour or some dentist offices is at greater risk of contracting hepatitis than were bystanders at the blood splatter party. But shhh, we can't mention that and the absence of health surveillance. :D

    Hep C has been proven to still be active outside the body in dried blood after 7 years or more.Its a risk no matter.

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