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Posts posted by MansonDust

  1. My wife and I got married in Sweden in 2012. In the beginning of 2013 we had the marriage registered in Thailand at amphur. We decided that my wife should keep her thai surname.


    Later in 2013 I changed my surname from a very common one, to a more unusual. I have tried to update the marriage registration with my new surname a couple of times in Thailand, but have never brought the right documents according to amphur.


    Now we are going to divorce and my wife is moving back to Thailand. Its easy for us to divorce in Sweden, but how to do it in Thailand? 


    I think I have figured out how to properly register my new surname and register the divorce:


    1 Get a proof of my name change, proof of family and our marriage licence from Sweden

    2 Let Notarius Publicus bind the documents and get a apostille stamp

    3 Send the binded and stamped documents to swedish foreign ministry and have them legalized

    4 In Bangkok, have the documents translated to thai

    4 Go to foreign ministry and have them legalized in Thailand

    5 Go to see my wife and take her to amphur to register my new surname and then apply for divorce


    Is it anything I am missing here?

  2. Me and my wife are planning to move to Thailand and KK before next winter. My wife comes from a village near Kranuan, but I can't think about living in the middle of nowhere, so we plan to live in KK. For a start we are going to rent a house or apartment and look around for a house to buy. If you guys have any tips for nice areas to live in, it would be great.

    I have read this thread and see there are good possibilities for workout in KK, but what about entertainment? I'm not interested in the beer bar scene between Kosa and Pullman, more like music clubs with live bands. Also a good disco is nice sometimes. Must be something like that in a big city like KK?

  3. Thank you all for taking time to answer my question. It was not about if i would send money or not, because there has never been any doubt from my POV...

    Just that i dont know enough about thai incomes and rents... that's all, and now i think i have the proper answers.

    And yes... i felt it not only as she bemoande herself, it felt more like fishing from her... Hope she has better luck with next guy she meets...

  4. "Use your brain, god gave it to you for a reason"

    Thats what i'm doing... i'm asking you guys... :)

    MansonDust....I'll go along that you are genuine in asking this...

    Yes i am 100% genuine, othewise i had propably sent her some money instead of trying to get facts by asking here...

    Of course i understand that her economic situation is not my problem and she didn't ask me straight out to send any money, i guess she was only bemoaning of her situation. Thats why i asked her how much money she makes from work and how much she pays for her apartment.

    My own rent is less than 1/5 of what i get from work after tax, so i guess proportions should be the same in thailand.

    I smell dead rat here, so i will ask her straight out next time we talk what this is about. And definetly cut her off if she cant come up with a good answer.

    Thanks for you help!!!

  5. I dont know if this is the right section of the forum for my question, but i'll make a try.

    I met a woman in bkk last november. We had a great time together for 2-3 days before i was leaving to get home. We agreed to meet again when i'm coming back in april.

    I call her now and then now she has started to complain she has not enough money.... I have read about all there is to read about thai women trying to rip off farang men and get one or more sponsors to send them money, so i am a very reluctant.

    Asked her how much she gets from work and how much her rent is. She works as an accountant (she has studied marketing at university) and when she talked about work i gathered that she worked with invoices and like cashier. Doesn't sound like an advanced job to me, and i know in my home country this kind of work is not well payed. She said she would get somewhere around 25 000 baht a month from work and that her rent is nearly 12 000 baht.

    So my question, could that kind of job really pay 25 000 a month?? And isn't it a bit too expensive to have an apartment that costs nearly 12 000 when you live alone, especially when you dont make more than 25 000 a month...

  6. Ok.. this is my last contribution in this tread.. I just got a sms from 111 or Noi half an hour ago.. 6 days since the last, she text this:

    Hi darling. How r u ? hope u r fine,i am fine have a nice day for u. time to working for me now. Take care

    Who start working 1 am?? Why and where? I guess I have not enough experience... think I'll give this thing up..

    This is the last you hear from MansonDust

  7. to MansonDust, i say grow up. she is a hooker for heavens sake. you are not the only man for her, she is out hunting men every night, as she has told you by sms.

    actually....come back to thailand, meet up with noi and set your poor suffering wife free to enjoy the rest of her life with a man who deserves her love.

    the 8kgs is possibly from some nasty disease you have caught. lets hope you at least practiced safe sex so that your wife is still safe.

    Of course I know she is a hooker, and it hurts... I'm beginning to forget her and hope she wont sms me anymore. But I still want to go alone to Thailand for a week. And as somebody said above, why not send my wife to Jamaica.. I dont mind. Why should only I enjoy myself??

    the 8 kgs is not from any disease... yes, maybe if yellow fever is regarded as a real disease. I think they are lost because I dont eat half of what I eat before and besides I'm exercising too much, just to keep my brain from thinking about her. Only this week I have been to the gym 2 hours and have been out power walking 59,8 km:s. And about that much since the middle of december.

    And about safe sex, no worries, I'm on the safe side there.

  8. Hi Girls

    I'm hoping that you can help me, over a difficult time in my life.

    I've been with my husband for over 23 years, which I thought were happy years. We have 2 kids.

    As we have certain commitments over in the UK, which has been taking it's toll on my husbands

    health. We prevoiusley had been to Thailand on family holidays, which he totally chilled out.

    So probably (naively) thought that, time away in Pattaya would do him the world of good, we

    didn't want him 6ft under. Gut instinct told me something was amiss, and at xmas we went away

    as a family to Pattaya again. Only this time he got caught, I left him there.

    So back here in UK, he has addmitted he's been unfaithfull. Only the once!!

    Anyway, I never at any stage in our married life stopped loving him and I still do now. We've

    talked and talked, I found a way in my own head to get over this BIT OF FLUFF (bar girl). But

    he's told me he still has feelings for me, but he loves her!

    He say's he dosen't trust her, I've told him she only loves you for your back pocked and trying

    to feed the family in the back of beyond somewhere. But he knows all this, yet he still loves

    her!! If any of you ladies have been through this, how the hel_l did you cope?

    I am a man, in the same situation as your husband. I think your husband, just like myself

    has cought the serious disease called Yellow fever or Jasmine fever, if you like you can read my story


    I feel totally up side down after last trip

    to Thailand. This is what has happened, its a long story, read it if you like:

    My wife and I have been a couple for 25 years, married for 23. Two grown up sons. In November

    2005 when I became 50 yrs, we took a 3 weeks trip to Thailand. Both of us came to love the

    country and its people so next November we went back for another three weeks. We travelled

    around and ended up in Bkk for a couple of days, just like the year before.

    After a shopping

    day on our way to the hotel we went past a massage place and said to each other, it would be

    great with some massage before going to the hotel. Said and done, we went in and two girls

    came to us and started to wash our feet. After drying and paying they took us upstairs to a

    room with matresses on the floor and curtains around each matress. Like small booths. My wife

    and her lady went into one of to one of the booths and my girl took me to another, quite a bit

    from my wifes. ***we really dont' need to read the details of your sexual encounters***--sbk

    Well, I felt I had to know if this happended commonly, so the last day before going home I said

    to my wife that my back hurted, and I would like one more massage bergore leaving. Went back to

    the same place, neighbour to the hotel and said I wanted one hour oil massage. None of the

    girls from the other day was there, and another one came up and showed me to the massage booth.

    Well,a s might already have guessed, same procedure as last time..

    We went home later that evening and started planning for next November trip to Thailand. This

    time though, I didn't check the sites I had checked out before. Now it was web sites like

    International Sex Guide, and World Sex Guide, I looked at their Thailand pages, and especially

    Bkk. I read all about bar girls, freelancers, soapys and massage parleurs. Wow, this was a

    whole new world to me...

    Well, 11 months pass quickly and November 6, 2007 came and we left for our third trip. Went

    first to Koh Chang and then to Koh Samet. We was going to meed some friends at the airport,

    they were on their way to holidays, and we were on our way home and was going to spend a couple

    of days together in Bkk. We stayed one night in Pattaya, because we had to be early at

    Suvarnabhumi. In Pattaya we ended up in a bar in the evening, you know the kind of bar where

    girls are pole dancing. At the pole next to our table was a young girl dancing and I could not

    take my eyes from her all evening. I said to myself I could have given my right arm for her..

    My wife didn't mind that I was looking, she knows I always look att girls.

    Next morning we left for the airport and met our friends. Both couples had a reservation at

    Swiss Park at Sukumvit Soi 11. After checking in I said to my wife I wanted a massage at the

    same place at last year. Ok she said, I will take a nap while you go there.

    **once again, we really don't need to read this***

    We had a great time together with our friends and when they left for Koh Chang we had one day

    and night for ourselves. In the afternoon that day I said to my wife I wanted one more massage

    when she was at the pool. I had planned this, I wanted to have a Soapy Massage and went away to

    Soi xx and Lovely Massage (I have changed the name). I went in and the Mamasan showed me the fishbowl, for those of you

    who doesn't know what a fishbowl is, it's a window where the girls are sitting behind waiting

    for customers. You point out the girl you want and the Mamasan call the girl for you. I looked

    over the girls and Mamasan tried to advise me to pick number 111, after looking them over my

    choise fell on her, number 111.

    She came out and took me by my hand and led me to the elevator. We came in to a room with a big

    bathtub and a round bed. After ordering some water she started to undress me. I will spare you

    the details from the 90 minutes session, but it was the most fantastic I had ever experienced

    under my 51 years... If I should have guessed her age I would have said 23, but I didn't ask,

    dont know why.

    ***once again, nobody really wants to read this***

    The day we were supposed to leave Thailand I went back to the first place for another massage

    with happy ending, as its called.

    Home for another 11 months in our cold home country, while planning for next November in


    We spended a little more than 2 weeks in Koh Chang and Samet before going to Bkk. All I wanted

    was time to go quick so I could go to all the fantastic Massage Parleurs that I had planned to

    visit this time. We were supposed to spend 3 nights and days in Bkk this time, which my wife

    thought was a little too much, but I insisted.

    A week before we came to Bkk I had phoned Lovely Massage to get confirmed that 111 still was there.

    Second day in Bkk I said to my wife that I wanted to go for a massage while she was at the

    pool. I went away at 3 pm, knowing that's the time Lovely open. When I came out in the street

    I called them to confirm that 111 was there. The man said I should call in 10 minutes to know

    for sure. I waited and went towards Soi 12. 10 minutes later I called again and got positive,

    she was there. Went in and the Papsan opended a door and she came out. She smiled at me and

    looked really happy to see me again. We took the elevator up to the room and it was same

    procedure as last year. This time we talked more, as we felt we already knew each other. She

    told me she was 37 years old, and I could not belive it. She still looked like 23-24. We

    exchanged phone numbers before I left and said good bye with a kiss.

    We got to know that airport was closed and we didn't know when we could go home. We had to

    change hotel because the government would pay for the time we were stuck in Bkk. A really

    luxuary suite and free food.

    **** more than enough detail, thanks***

    After beeing stuck 3 or 4 days we finally got a ticket home on thursday. We should be leaving

    on the night between Saturday and Sunday. So on Saturday I went back to see my number xxx at

    Lovely Massage. This time I didn't call before and when I came in there were already two men

    looing at the girls in the fishbowl. My heart took an extra jump, think if they pick my girl??

    I went to the Papasan and asked for her name, we can call her Noi, and he said that would be

    number 111? Yes I said and he called her out. This time she looked really happy and she said

    she thought I already had left Thailand.


    we showed each other pictures in our cameras, she from her holidays with her sisters

    and friends in Hua Hin and I from Koh Samet. She asked me when I would come back to Bkk and I

    said I hope to come sometime in spring, but not sure. She said she would love if I took her on

    holiday a few days. I said I would love to, too. We took farwell and said we shoul send some

    sms in the future.

    A week after leaving Thailand i send my first sms to her:

    >Hi Noi!hope u r fine.r u going to pattaya this weekend?if so have a great time!it has been

    snowing all night here:(i tried sms from another number but dont think it worked.keep to this

    number instead.miss you and bkk..take care..!

    The answer came soon:

    >Hi honey. I well and hope u too. Wondering to get sms from u.I didn't go to pattaya yet.

    Friends of mine couldn't go. So wonderful that u told me has been snowing all night i did never

    ever c snow. Many kiss & tk care Tx xx

    This was followed by lots and lots of sms, like:

    >Hi my love i am well and hope u too. I am very happy to got a long sweet sms from u. Wish u

    comeing back bkk soon also. Love to spending time w u.

    U were ready in my minds too want to making love w u and have holiday time w u. Very long time

    i did never ever has a holiday wish that very much.

    Wishing this day my love have a wonderful day and not work so hard. Kisses u hot and warm. Tk

    care my darling

    >Hi my love. I am doing well and hope u 2. Glad to know that u r thought of my all the time.

    Sorry yesterday i was busy. Yes,would like 2 talk with u 2.

    >In taxi, on my way time to go home. I had a meeting today,be at work 11.30 am before time to

    open feel very tired,but happy to got your sms, that made my world more beautiful.

    >Hi my love. I hat a very nice sleep last ngt. Is best time to call after my work finish. Can u

    call at 1 am then time i will be at my apartment ready. Wish my love have a nice weekend Love


    >My love i am ready at home. Could u call me now? Kiss

    >My love thanks u too. Really enjoyed and happy to talk with u. Wish my love have a wonderful

    sleep and dream about me and then we dream for together, i dream to my love. Sending u sweet


    >Hi my love, how r u ? Thought u miss me very much and i miss u too. Wish u have a nice count

    down in your home i will say cheer in my home. Dream to get u being beside in next year. Big

    kiss and take care my beby.

    >Hi my love hope u r well i am a bit tried too. I come back ready yesterday now at my work.

    Feeling dont want to work any more. Yes, u can call me after work. I sent u sms after work ok.

    Wish u have a great day. Kiss u everywhere and take care.

    >I love to talk with u too my love. Wish u have a nice dinner and wish u be my good man i feel

    very warm now and then i want to be your good girl too.Kiss

    >Darling u make me smiling. I am at apartment looking TV. Love to talk with u and looking for u

    too. Hope we dream be come ture. Sweet kiss and we dreams for together.Gd nigh

    >Darling. Thank a lot to talking w me too. I really hope we can keeping in touch always. Then

    hope i can open with u everything i need real love not play game with me.Kiss and have a nice

    day darling.

    Those are just a few of all sms she sent me. In my sms to her I sometimes worried about her and

    wondered why it sometimes took so long before she answered. So one day she had a diffent tone

    in her sms:

    >Last night i work late and just woke up. Drinking coffy now. Sorry i am busy. Wish u have a

    nice day.

    >U dont know me enough and also i dont know u enough. Should let everythings step by step please

    ! I had to many responsibility for my life and my family. Then i had know time please should be

    wait !

    >I have to much pressure in my job. After work when i had a bad mood or feeling bad sometime I

    want to be alone dont be worry, ok. Take care

    After this she apologised:

    >Hi my love. So sorry about yesterday that i said to you not nice. Now i am am at party, gd


    And then back to normal again:

    >Hi my love. How r u ? Hope u not been to crazy because u miss me to much. Miss u too, dont be

    worry of me. Wish your day is doing well for u. Sending u many kisses. Take care.

    >Hi darling. Glad to hear fr u. If tomorrow we have a free time the same time ok i will talk to

    u. Have a nice sleep sweet dream and gd night. Many kisses and take care.

    >I dont know about tomorrow. Sometime i got a job after work. When i have more time i will

    telling u ok. Now i am working time. Sweet dream for u. Take care

    Then last Friday evening I got this sms, just minutes before boarding a plane home from a

    buisness trip:

    >Can u call me now ?

    I called her up and explained to her that I just was about to board the plane home. She

    wondered how far it was home and I said 450 km. She said ok, one hour and I said I could phone

    her when I got home.

    When I put on my phone after landing, I had 5 sms popping in immediatley:

    >Darling. I stoped work at Lovely place the end of last year. Work independent now. Cant tell u

    sure when i have a free time. Big change a job and life. I was at darling 3 year,no have

    nothing gd better to change.

    >I work outside and waitting a phone call by customer. Never now about the time. Wish u a nice

    time on your way to go home. Now i am in working time. If have not customer i go home in 5 am.

    Take care

    >Now i am at bar looking for customer and waitting phone call and sms too i waiting for

    eveywhere how way i can do it now. Thinking u understand. Now not a gd time for talking. Kiss

    take care gd night.

    >In my way i do never ever believe about love and never got that also just believe only i love

    myself ok. Sorry i saw many men in my joy. I want only work and get a joy soon.

    >Sorry againg if i said somethings not nice to u.

    I read the sms:es and felt totally empty. I send her a couple of sms worrying about her new

    "job" and how worried I was for her. Last Saturday i got the last sms from her, saying:

    >Hi my darling. Thansk for a nice sms. Hope your day was doing well for u too, my day was doing

    well for me.So understood everythings what u was telling me but not sure what was the

    meaning.Many kisses and take care

    Last Sunday I sent her a sms saying I would like to talk to her tomorrow (Monday) and that I

    would send an sms to remind her, the I would wait for her to tell me when it was OK to call. I

    didn't hear a word from her. Send same sms Tuesday morning and told her it was OK for me to

    call her any day during the week between 2.30 pm to 10.30 pm. Just for her to send a sms and

    say its ok when she had time.

    Now it's Friday afternoon and I haven't heard a single word from her all week. I dont feel so

    good now.

    Since we started sms:ing i have lost 8 kg from not eating... I have planned on going to Bkk

    first in March, but there was no tickets left. Then planned to go after Songkran, in the middle

    of April. Not knowing if I shoul tell my wife or just leave a note I had gone to Bkk for 8

    nights.. and telling her it's something I had to do.

    Two weeks ago my wife asked when we are going this year, she has to apply for holidays at work

    alreade. I told her I would never go to Thailand with her anymore because I get so depressed by

    seeing all beautiful ladies there... I saw that she got tears in her eyes when i said that, but

    she didn't want me to see.

    As it seems, I guess I will not hear from Noi again. But I still want to go and visit Bkk on my

    own. I'm thinking about buying me a ticket in April and tell my wife a couple of weeks before

    leaving, saying I hope she wont divorce me, because I still want to be married to her, but this

    is something I have to do for myself. But if she insists to divorce if I leave, I take that.

    The feeling I feel right now to go there alone, is that hard I'm willing to give her and the life I have up

    for this trip... and if I get divorced I can of course go 3 or 4 times a year...

    I dont know if this could help you in any way. I just wanted to write down my experiences, but I

    guess this is how your husband feels right now.

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