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  1. FYI regarding Urolift, this procedure is only good for a certain shape of your prostate. Your doctor should check before doing this procedure. I changed doctor in order to have this done. I was not a good candidate and could not have this procedure.
  2. I have similar problem. I tried Tamasulin (flomax), and alfuzosin. I tried to not during any fluids in the evening but this caused a reaction like hay fever/cold., but unbearable Now that I look back it was a bad idea not to stay hydrated. I was waking up to pee all night, I may as well stay hydrated. I went from 1 urologist to another as I thought Urolift may be good. The scoped me again which is quite traumatic, as no anesthetic. I found out I was not a good candidate so I researched Rezum therapy. The problem here is this clinic does not have the machine to do it. ( outside Thailand). Then a month later I developed a high fever and had extreme difficulty to pee. Called my primary doctor and said may be some Prostatitis and prescribed antibiotics. The next day I could not pee and ended up at ER. Scans show a small piece of tissue blocking urethra . It may have been nicked or something. Catheter installed and I started super hydration . I was laid up but for the 1st time I can drink a ton of water and not have to worry where a toilet is. Now I am thinking these doctors in my area may not be so good. Better and expensive good procedure than a botched free one! I am considering BNH as I am heading over there soon. It is an expensive procedure at BNH as opposed just about free where I am now(Medicare) I will still give it a good think before deciding as there may be other doctors closer that I can used insurance. Also hate to be able to move around and travel freely when I visit. Long time visitor and also worked in Bangkok. Bunrumgrad has most of my medical record and are usually more expensive. No Thai insurance anymore
  3. I had inguinal surgery about 10 years ago at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok and have had no problems. They used a mesh. During that time I had regular government insurance but also I had private insurance so I had a choice of where to go. I was not so comfortable when visiting my local hospital near my home. I plan to go back for some other procedures and without my Thai insurance and would have to use CC. Personally feel more comfortable using the bigger more famous places. It was my 1st surgery in my gut so I was nervous about it . Bumrungrad had all my health records from years back so I went there. Even if it was out of pocket I probably would have chosen them

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