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Everything posted by ttrd

  1. ????...What on eart could possible heart the image of Nigeria ....?... ????
  2. RE - If your daughter would come home with this guy, what would be your first idea: * ???? ...that this kind of liking must come from her mothers side ...
  3. ????... don't judge by looks neither by backpack, but rather its contents ...
  4. RE - I wonder how she survived during the Covid period with little or no tourists nor locals moving around to give her funds? * Well - back then she was a bit younger and the gasolin a lot cheaper ... ????
  5. Does it exist a single honest insurance company - if so, pls advice ...
  6. RE - she allegedly did have cover, how did the insurance wiggle out of payment ? * The answer to your question may be found under 1.9 GENERAL EXCLUSIONS TO CARD TRAVEL INSURANCE We may assume that a blood test was taken on arrival at the hospital, so it is most likely point 12 that has been used as a basis for the refusal - something that unfortunately has turned out to be a regular occurrence on holiday trips in particular ... https://www.americanexpress.com/content/dam/amex/uk/benefits/UK-Platinum-insurance-documentation-July21.pdf
  7. RE - Jo's boyfriend was not as seriously hurt in the crash and is still in Thailand helping to look after her. * He should consider to travel back home working to cover the bill instead of add up the bill holding her hand in LOS ...
  8. ???? In the bigger picture - Clearly not only negative for Laos ... China Remains the Largest Foreign Investor in Laos - Laotian Times
  9. It might be that it also should compensate for the lack of facemask .... ????
  10. Not only wimen but also us men seem to be a desirable species - after all ... ????
  11. RE - When the younger woman stormed off Tang went after her with a knife she'd brought and stabbed her once. * Who brings knives to a restaurant unless you are intending to use it elsewhere than on the plate ... ????
  12. RE - After some time, the foreign man calmed down and allowed rescuers to treat the nail scratches on his body. * ???? The article didn't mention anything about a cat?
  13. The Thai edition of Muppet show never disappoints ....
  14. RE - Thailand and Indonesia could soon become home for some lucky Aussies * Wonder who will be the luckiest of those 3 - Thailand, Indonesia or the Aussies ....????
  15. No, BUT if there is a risk of escaping during the waiting period before the case comes up in court, the passport can be temporarily revoked - which obviously shold have been done in this case ....
  16. RE - Cabinet endorses withdrawal of controversial foreign land-ownership edict * What a surprise and so quick - wonder if they have got an atomatical withdrawal process up and running ... ????
  17. RE - A 63-year-old New Zealand expat has been arrested in Phuket with 26 guns, 11 grenades, and many bullets. * Clearly an anxious fellow - wonder if it based on an ugly divorce or bar fine runners - maybe both .... ????
  18. RE - The Minister of the Interior says a proposal for foreigner land sales is ready to be cancelled * Hmmm - That was a new variant as until today it has never been any issue for a foreigner to buy a piece of land in LOS, but to own it ... ????
  19. RE completely brain dead * Nope - sorry, but I cannot agree on that one as to be brain dead meaning you actually have a brain - and that is a compliment ....
  20. Meaning Phuket is at risk for a new tsunami - wonder if TAT will count the pieces as Chinese arrivals ... ????
  21. If you fail the taxi driver test in your own home country, this is not the solution to making your dream come true ...
  22. Yes, but they don't - the Thai Elite want to keep their condominium prices artificially high...
  23. The same in Scandinavia and Western Europe - as a foreigner you can own what you buy. In Eastern Europe there are still countries where you as a foreigner cant own what you buy as those countries has laws from the communist time. The same goes for the property laws in Thailand created by ThaiChinese which have ruled thailand for centuries. If it was up to genuin thais we as foreigners would have had the right to own what we bought, but unfortunately it isn't - not yet ...
  24. Against stupidity even the gods fight in vain so this joke will never stop repeating itself ...
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