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Everything posted by ttrd

  1. The confusion is real as she didnt claim the price she paid - she claimed the price she was going to sell them for ....
  2. .... or they could claim that they were not wearing seat belts so a involuntary swopping happened during the accident. When they stopped, they swopped back. This will only cost 2x fine for not wearing a seat belt ....
  3. ... and if you do, be careful with your choice of date. "September 11" is exactly one to avoid ....
  4. Yeap - against stupidity even the gods fight in vain ...
  5. ???? So where did she hide the money during the 3 months?
  6. Wonder why "easy come easy go" came to my mind ... ????
  7. Yeap - Ranarong said that such cases can attract the death penalty ....
  8. RE - Starting today (Monday), motorists or motorcyclists who refuse or fail to pay fines associated with traffic tickets may face arrest * There are not that many prisons in LOS, but by all means - it could be a way to fill up all the empty hotelrooms ...
  9. Depends what's coming next - if the fishermen get it during a fishing trip and they start blaming the fish, then we may face infinity ...
  10. Of course it's not proveable, at least not scientificly - in a Thai way only as it seem to be based on pure assumption... To be proven the vet needed to be looked inside a room together with the cat only for 5 days until the symptoms appeares - yes, then it's proven, but when the cat was only only one of many contacts during the 5 days then it could be transmitted from a lot of other sources.
  11. Flee the country - where to? Understandable if he is a Ukrainian as rumours says ...
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