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Posts posted by CMFarang

  1. I live in Lampang and out and about this morning the water fights have begun.

    Were they throwing dead fish with the water ?? Had water thrown at my truck in Lampang on Sunday, no fish spotted.. Did notice the river was very low, and the locals, North of town had set up sandbag dams, and put up tents and tables in the pools they created, to cool themselves down I assume.

  2. About time the courts start to say that these big companies need to protect their own copy right material, Not the job of ISP's or Police , or whatever,

    Take them to court yourself, and quit wasting tax payer $$ to police Big Business interests.passifier.gif

    PB & KAT RULE !!thumbsup.gif

    I know I tried to defend my copyright against a large US based company, and had to pay all my own costs, while the bigger company just kept wasting time and my lawyer costs to delay delay delay. and run my bill up. No Police, ISP. Government would help me.

  3. It appears the Blue van behind the truck was traveling at the same speed. It did not crash and had time to stop.

    Truck appears to wide into the corner ( not paying attention ) and then over compensating into the guard rail. Braking to Hard. Using the Clutch would be the safest way to slow down. But slowing before the corner would have helped. Never brake on a corner, NO Brake failure evident is my bottom line. .

    That's my take on the situation. thumbsup.gif

    Another beautiful day in Thailand biggrin.png

  4. Most short term tourists do not even know they are being Charged at a Higher Price. Some who do , just don't care, they can afford it they say.

    Me, I just do not support any of the venues asking for a higher price, including restaurants and anything that see's a Farang as an extra charge.

    Charge me 5 Baht extra, never see another Satang of mine.. Done..

    Even the airlines here ( Not all ) have a double standard..

    Think Farangs pay heavily, Japanese are the highest charged I have seen.. OH GOODY , JAPANESE, clap2.gif, $$$$$$ KA-CHING

  5. I was writing a RANT, but thought to myself, why ? If the police continue to do little to nothing to stop bad driving, parking, habits in Chiang Mai, nothing is going to change. beatdeadhorse.gif

    Political and financial solutions to counter poor behavior on the roads, and avoiding the basic issue is just smoke and mirrors.

    Just another lame attempt that is sure to result in new driving techniques to counter the counter measure and more carnage on the roads here .

    Address the basics, train police to drive properly, so they can spot the mistakes they witness, and then get them to do something about it. 1zgarz5.gif

    Or just spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to avoid the situation, and get what we have achieved here in Chiang Mai, a mess that the people who can address it , don't want to do or are just oblivious to think logically. Which I have learned is normally the case here .

    Watch yourself out there , no one else is looking out for you.

    Still Ranting here I see.. Which I know is useless.guitar.gif

  6. Same thing has been ongoing for my 20 years here .

    I talk to the farmers, and was clearly told " This is my land, I own it, I can burn what I want , no none can stop me "

    I even burn small amounts, usually the thorn bushes we get on the farm, but I wait until it is tinder dry , and the fire has little to no smoke and is over very fast.

    I can stand in the orchard here and see the smoke plumes of burning fires all around in the distance, I guess that is to high tech for the authorities. ( cheesy.gif )

    Early morning tests higher than midday, of course, we burn at night so we are no hassled by authorities. ( cheesy.gif )

    NOTE : a cloud of smoke passing Through my house in the middle of the night and waking to go into the living room and it smells like a fire was inside the house, I just LOVE IT.sad.png

  7. I live in Chiang Mai, a jeweler with metallurgy experience, and have done this several times. Contact me directly if you want to negotiate and sell it to me.

    One issue is that even though it is marked 10 K or 18 K , more often than not, it can be anything .. Markings mean nothing , especially on older Gold. Even from Europe or America's.

    I had a few nice pieces just ending up being Trash.

    Mexico - nice ring, gold, filled with Sand of all things, was brittle and impossible to resize, so it had to be re-smelted.

    Canada - nice ring, 18K marking, was pot metal / mercury / copper / Gold Plate.. ( Exploded when heated for melting , literally disappeared )

    USA - pendants and fobs , often lucky to get 80% of what is stamped on them.

    23K - for those who love the color of REAL GOLD. I have my first ring, 20 years old, still in great shape, not square. They mix Zinc into the Gold, hardens it up real nice.

    China Town in Bangkok, nothing but bad experiences, fixed scales, all sorts of little scams.

    CHEERS !!

  8. Bradinasia

    Your just trolling for an argument, right ?

    How often are you out at night, after 9pm ?

    Have you ever seen a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation?

    Do you speak thai and question the locals about the habits of the police and the drivers?

    I do not care where you have lived or driven, we are discussing chiang mai here, in which i hsve lived for 19 years.

    Sure the cops are courteous, but know nothing themselves about roadvsafety (85% ?)

    Drivers from every locale in northern thailand, each with different technics on the road.

    Accidents are constant.

    Just go sit at the east end of Narrowat bridge at 10 pm and watch the redvlights be ignored.

    You have not seen what i hsve or understnd why it happens, that is obvious.

    Enjoy oblivion.

  9. Sent many in the Post, no issue at all , either end.

    Even put them in my checked baggage and fly them internationally, never an issue..

    Shipping VIA mail can be expensive, and Bolo makes the best Machetes. The local machete can greatly vary in quality, and the edge blunts on some very quickly. Some hold the edge well, even from the same vendor.

    I know a Burmese fellow here in CM that makes beautiful hunting knives and etches them with Asian designs, and have brought piles of these abroad as well.

    Just do not try carry on baggage with these and all is well.

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