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Posts posted by jcandeli

  1. Hi. I just got two Sak Yan's from Wat Bang Phra and had a great experience!

    My Taxi driver spoke okay english and was able to help me translate the meanings with the master monk, but I would really apperciate it if anyone here could give me a fuller explanation of my Sak Yans, the meanings, and the literal translation of the words.




    Thanks in advance!


    Wow, I am surprised to see the person tattooing you in jeans and a pollo shirt. Even the Arjans who are not monks seem dress more spiritual. I guess Thailand is the land of contradictions though. :o The tattoos are beautiful. I don't recognize that monk from Wat Bang Phra. Did you happen to catch his name?

  2. There's a Hmong in Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai Province, who does the best work I've ever seen (from an aesthetic view), for 99 baht plus flowers and incense. IMHO any chang sak that charges more than that is in for the money, and that includes both Aj Noo and Po Kae.

    Oh! I am very interested in this person. Can you please give me some more information? Is it easy enough to just go to Mae Taeng and ask around for the Hmong person?

    Thank you so much for your help! :o


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