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Posts posted by josh71

  1. get Deca Durabolin from Boots (I kid you not

    Hi, could you just clarify that - you can obtain Deca from Boots? is that with a prescription or not? How much does it cost? It's news to me but I just wanted to make sure before I go and make a complete idiot of myself at Boots.

    Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) is category "S"which means prescription only. Such drugs are generally only available fro hospital pharmacies.

    OTC sale illegal.


    its not a natural compound in your body. for keeping health take ONLY naturally occurinones that your body has.

    and please mention that your testicles will shut down by taking testosterone.

    do NOT listen to these people in here in this forum and just play around with your hormone system. its dangerous.

    HGH is safe in small quantities.

    testosterone should be taken along with docters advice. and ONLY in its natural form. make blood tests. be serious and do NOT play with this.

  2. i will take your advise

    at the end of the day i tried to say sorry to the girl and she started going crazy i couldnt get a word in

    then this thai guy stormed over man and i knew he was going to crack me one i could see it in his eyes i reacted first

    what else was i supposed to do?...

    3 guys then started on me and did what i was trained to do, i took the biggest one out first i couldn't line the other two up in a straight line to go through them so i bolted - there was other guys coming over at that time to. 3 on to one aint good man.

    apart from that i had a great night, some girl in one of the bars really liked me. she's the cashier as well as doesnt go with guys i want to go back but im scared to go into lamai


    Please tell me where did you train boxing in london?

    Is that you on your picture?

    by the way, dont throw punches in a forign country outside the ring dude.

  3. Its an aquatic plant and I know its been grown here in thailand by international sellers. Problem is they refuse to sell to people inside thailand(for whatever weird reason).

    I really would like to buy it and feel its stupid to buy it online from a web shop that bought it from thailand in the first place.

    there must be someone selling this to private people.

    can anyone help me out? phonenumbers, emails etc. to a seller here in thailand.

    here is a picture of it: http://www.israquarium.co.il/PlantsPhoto/R...itans-decor.jpg



  4. Evening Light star, Lamai Hillside behind Wat Lamai, two bedroomed Villa with pool aircon, wifi and from 15,500bht per month plus electric and TV.

    Close to the golf range


    O M IN S.

    Hi all,

    can anyone advise on apartments or bungalows for rent in lamai.

    I'm looking for somewhere that has internet connection available and is reasonably priced (under 20,000 per month).

    If anyone can suggest names, I can do a google search / contact owners.

    Thanks so much!

    I live behing wat lamai. never seen this. where is it?

  5. "Has anyone found a shop with a good and broad selection of extra large size clothes?" Was my primary question.

    So I guess the final answer is, "No" to the original inquiry, right?

    It appears that - from the responses to this post - there is no "one stop shop" where a person could walk into, and walk out with a bag containing all the essential clothing items in the big men's or women's "plus size" category.

    Apparently big underwear is nowhere to be found. Anywhere. Period.

    Pants, shirts, shorts, swim-wear, and outerwear would have to be found piecemeal. with some stores (but very, very few) having a few items - but nobody having it all, correct?

    Too bad! After 5 years searching, I'm going to put this subject to rest. If anyone knows anything different, or has a solution to the problem that I, or the other posters haven't thought of, please post now. Otherwise I'm going to start buying - at a premium price - online, and consider this topic a dead issue.

    But thanks for your help!


    there is a XXXL shop in lamai beach koh samui. if you go down the road from outback or eldorado restaurent you will find it on your right hand side behind a small parking lot.

  6. Agreed, Brit. Kasikorn, that's the ticket.

    I opened a Kasikorn account in June, with only a multiple entrance Visa, and an address from relatives, I deposit only 10 000 Baht got an ATM card and opened an Cyber account(internetbanking it took about 20 minutes to arrange it.

    Cyber account? what is that? I am retired in thailand and have only a debit card here. this card does not work online and I am looking for a way I can purchase online. Is cyber account the way? whats the solution?


  7. I am a dude with the idea of making a self sustainable community somewhere in the main land of Esaan or chantaburi. I hear durian trees and other fruit trees can not grow in esaan, so my second choice would be chantaburi as I am told its the best place to grow fruit trees.

    Anyway, here is the vision:

    people with spiritual background getting "back" to nature living together in a cummunity of small houses around a common building for all to use. It has kitchen(s), living room etc. then you have your "private" house a little away from there just as 4-6 others has.

    Solar panels would be used for getting electricity.

    fruit trees everywhere.

    vegetables grown under the trees.

    chickens running around.

    small lake to breed fish.

    I have no experience in this whatsoever, so I would love input from people that knows about these things.

    Also I was thinking of trying to find alternative building materials for the houses. whats possible in thailand?

    septictanks: I would like to hear if there is any other solutions than to dump your shit under the ground? I am told it pollutes the clean water supply that you pull up from the ground(with a solar pump off course)?

    Good ideas, warnings, recommendation, opinions etc. are appreciated.



  8. You are approaching the question from the wrong side...as has be pointed out repeatedly...it's not that the baht is strong...it's that the Pound (and Aussie $, Canada $ and other currencies) so weak. The answer then is clear...the UK is on its way to national bankruptcy so its currency is loosing value by the minute and many of the other countries are mainly resource exporting economies (Rooland, Canada, So. Africa) and with the crash of commodities, their currencies are in the tank as well.

    Another way to think of it is why does anyone outside a country need the currency issued by that country To buy goods or services that originate in those countries right...and when was the last time you bought anything that was made in the UK? They don't make anything the rest of the world wants/needs...therefore, no demand for their currency...therefore the price (exchange rate) of the currency drops against others.

    There is no god. So stop worrying and enjoy your life.

    I'm sorry, but I think that you are wrong :D What has happened is that a lot of the world's money has fled to 'safe havens', in particular the US dollar and the Japanese yen. This has resulted in almost all other currencies falling against these two:


    (Source: http://www.xe.com/ict/ )

    What is obvious from the table is that the Thai Baht has fallen a lot less than most other currencies. My personal guess is that the Bank of Thailand is supporting the currency (to save face :o ). My personal conviction is that we will see it fall drastically within 6-12 months, when exports really start to fall. Remember that exports account for 60-70% of Thailand's GDP.

    / Priceless

    I think you are right.

    I also think since thailand is so corrupt, they dont tell you the whole truth of the economy here as not to scare investors away. I think the truobles we see in the rest of the world is going to hit thailand harder because they have played a "lets pretend everything is fine" game for too long time.

    I see empty streets. empty seats in the restaurents. empty hotels etc. ( i live in samui)

    All shop owners say the same thing: no business. I was here 4 years ago, and this island was MUCH more busy than it is now. Thai baht will weaken in the future.......... no doubt about that.

  9. Just wondering if anyone out there has any info on 5 day vipassana on Samui. I know its there, but I can not find it or GOOGLE IT!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP! :o

    Go into the Spa Samui Beach in Lamai(same side as IT complex at the main road). Ask in the reception, they have all info.

    It starts every 21nd. every month as far I understand this. donation basis. Im going myself next month.

    hope this helps.

  10. Well growth hormone is the king of anti aging. I feel so much better on it. And its getting cheaper now these days.

    I just got some Aquatic HGH. Its the new thing. 0 anti bodies and high potency molecules. I am going to try it out from next week when my regular HGH is running out.

    My question is: has anyone in here any experience with AQ HGH? If yes, if dosages the same as with normal HGH?


  11. Well yoga is many things. a small part of it is asanas. the physical side of yoga.

    others are bhakti yoga, kriya yoga, jhana yoga etc. etc.

    its a lifetime exploration and it never ends. The goal of ALL yoga is enlightenment. NOT just getting a slim flexibil body by stretching and eating carrots shanting AUM every other day. Yoga unites body, mind and soul. Awakening within one self is ultimate Yoga. One has to be ready to loose self identity, ego and all your fears for death to enter these kingdoms of counsiousness.

    My biggest leap in counsiousness I ever had was while I took Ibogaine in koh samui. Sacred plants are part of a many thausands of years practise in trancending MIND and all that IS.

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