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Posts posted by valentinob29

  1. That made me laugh with the guy being african :D

    He's British, not "African". I am aware of Africa as a continent, but not as a nationality. Likewise, I am aware that many people who hail from the continent might be of either black, Asian, Arabic, oriental or white appearance.

    I concur with "Electra" that the catalyst was the couldn't-care-less attitude of the embassy official who didn't want to delay his early dart on a Friday.

    In response to the previous poster who suggests that it is of no concern to the Thai authorities that someone is trying to leave on a potentially forged/counterfeit document, I would only say that s/he has little understanding of the way these things truly work. If a document were to be either forged or counterfeit, and this were to be detected by the UK immigration authorities, the holder would be on a flight straight back to Thailand, whereupon it would be the Thai authorities' problem. They may as well deal with a perceived problem at source, rather than a day later.

    Unfortunately, as already established, it was the British embassy bloke who created the whole problem.


    Absolutely, the British Embassy 'civil servant' should be held accountable and in the public eye - not hushed up and swept under the carpet. The man/woman who dealt with this case should declare themself and appologise publicly for putting the life of a British National at such a dire risk - a Thai prison for God's sake! Where is their compassion and shame?

    Some may say - 'we only have hearsay to back this up' but the fact is that he spent 3 unecessary days in an absolute hel_l where anything could have happened - rape (it would have to be a pretty big gang) or worse because the British Embassy bloke couldn't be bothered to make this a priority! I seriously hope he/she finds him/herself in need of such immediate assistance and is left swinging in the wind! :o

    most at the UK embassy go far and above their call of duty to help what most locals describe as bottom of the foodchain brits.

    And on this I have to agree

    they can never win can they- but some at least do appricaite their hard efforts when most other countrys let their nationals rot

    psssttt......wake up....including this one

  2. thank goodness that poor man was freed

    and for someone called john who said the immegration got what they wanted...???

    ha ha ha

    they were odered by mummy and daddy west to sit like dogs when barking too loud and did

    HUGE FACE LOSE for those who love this nonsense

    and lesson....- here it is

    welcome to the place that lets you off something you never should of gone to jail for when you

    1- are from the west

    2- have some$$$

    3- know the right people


  3. 2. The slightest raising of the voice is not infrequently taken as close to uncontrolled shouting suggesting the person is out of control of themselves or seriously lacking in good sense. This could be confirmed by threatening movements, glaring, etc. A barechested passport photo would finish the diagnosis of "complete insanity" to most Thai.

    Nothing said in this forum is going to change this.

    There was NO bare chested photo of him in his passport, please don't promote misinformation.

    please pass a message to this poor man

    if he ever choses to retun to thailand I will ensure that he enters without any troubles

    please do NOT listen to any BS about any silly blacklists

    send us a meesage we will assit

    where is he please?

    does he needs books/visits?

  4. Loosing face is one thing that is "wrong" with them. If you scream he or she will loose his face so to speak. To get it back he need to take strong action. Western do not have save face and a protocol what to do and who to call. They also have human rights Thailand does not.

    this is so true

    its so sad

    people like that fool pimfram and others only make matters worst- they are pure ingrates

    the west should bring thailand to its knees each time it steps out of line for this

    this is no the racism but fundamental abuse

    and we c al ourselves buddhists


  5. why do people think our beliefs are outdated.

    look at your own religous beliefs before you laugh at ours.

    i can assure you most religions have more unbelievable stories.

    the son of god coming and dying for your sins, moses parting the red sea,sampson killing 1000 people with the jawbone of an ass,they are funny beliefs.

    confession is even more foolish then your stories, say 3 hail mary's and your sins are forgiven. now thats funny.

    I agree.

    However, to be fair, most of the people ridiculing Thai beliefs and religion also ridicule Christianity and all other religions. But, that doesn't make them sound any less annoying and self-righteous.

    its all crap, but the western world is NOT starving and is not one big corrupt whorehouse

    that is why they laugh at us- this place staves yet still clings to this nonsense!

    this place is the laughing stock and until seeing this will remain

    some of them do too,but not nearly as many, and they have something this place does not-fallback=$$$

    so sad

  6. As long as i've been here i have never experienced something like this nor heard of this rule that farangs can't touch thai women in a public place. I've done it and i see thai do it all the time, never any problems. I think it's a made up thing with some basis in old fashioned etiquette, wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Agreed. The woman in question just obviously hates foriegners or the OP.

    at the root of this is the sad fact that she, and all of those pathetic clingers to hi-so style nonsense really hate themselfs

    they know they are nothing and have serious issues in their life to deal with

    and project their misery onto others and buy something that has no price and they can never obtain by their own merits- class

    I hope the OP washed his hands!

  7. Story is, I was asked to pass a message on to someone, a Thai lady, after she was not answering her phone and the belief was she could not hear it because she was in a club and the music was blasting. It was on my way home, so was no problem for me to pass on the message.

    I know this lady as she is a good friend of a Thai male I know. ( I have known her about a year or so. She will stop and talk to me if she sees me out. ) It was in a club, the music was loud and she was there with her female friends.

    I touched her on the arm to get her attention and had to stand close to hear her talk.

    I am finding it a bit strange that I received a phone call today and have been 'told off' for holding that Thai lady last night.

    The conversation went along the lines of, 'You understand last night you hold lady. You are a Farang and she is Thai. This is not good for her.'

    So to be told I am not allowed to do that because I am a Farang seems crazy. If I was a total stranger to her and her friends, I could understand it.

    On recollection, I did put my fingertips on her back for a second or two as I spoke to her, but have never had a problem with this before. It was not a cuddle type touch or anything romantic. I was in the club about 10 minutes in total and most of that time was spent locating her. The whole conversation took maybe two minutes.

    Is this such a bad thing all things considered?

    Thoughts anyone?

    typical nonsense from hi-so wannabee desperate for attnetion

    forget /ignore it insert the word" stupid" between thai and lady

  8. ...

    I guess you are someone who believes and I hope it benifits you,

    I am not out to convince anyone , I am conviced that most who believe deep down know its aload of tosh

    such as that priest who declared "God is on my side"

    as he went forward into the flames and promptly got burned to a frazzle..oh dear...that was one of Gods top bods was it not?

    where was He- looking for a fire existiqusiher?

    I could fill a book, the fact is that not one, none, zilch, nadar, zero, nai, has( I ever will) to show

    and politley I do not care who listens( but some must and do not like because we have been banned from debates- I love those "open" forums where certain questions just cannot be answered and end up in that pathetic whine of - you must have trust, and faith, oh please, back to the pen...I wonder why

    Nope, I'm agnostic. I just don't think that insulting others' beliefs is an effective way of convincing people to be open minded about what you have to say. People are more likely to think that you are just arrogant. I hope that all people choose to think critically about their beliefs, but I also know that people become very vulnerable when they realize that everything they have believed about their existence and purpose has been false all their life. People tend to resist that vulnerability even when it means denying obvious truths. This is human nature, and people shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

    Instead, I think we should focus on ways to help people transition to a more rational view of the world. I see it as being similar to recovery from any addiction. Richard Dawkins writes some compelling arguments, but I think that he alienates himself from the very people who need to understand his arguments, and in doing so is preventing them from even considering what he has to say. He is very anti-religion, so religious people are going to look at him with suspicion, as someone who is attempting to attack their beliefs, not help them.

    you are right it is wrong to be rude

  9. Geek,

    You put this out there knowing what would happen. Everyone is a sceptic until something happens to them.

    Trying to convince people will be like

    It's a tough job. But as I see it, what we call reality is basically the thinking of a majority set of people within a certain social group, a consensus among a majority who have their idea of what realitiy is ( in my view what one calls reality is a constant scanning process aided by listening to advice from fellow scanners) .. Maybe the crazy drunk man in the village holds some secret knowledge. Maybe he is just a crazy drunk. Any serious anthopology student would examine the beliefs of a populace in a certain region before coming to the conclusion that it is all just mumbo jumbo. Maybe the conculsion is it is all mumbo jumbo but it is the examining of the subject that is interesting. If ghosts are imagined it is just as intersting as if they are real. There is a thin line between belief and reality. Reality and falsehood. Belief for many is real. I read in a science magazine a few years ago that there is a machine that one can put on his or her head and expereince images of ghosts. So there must be a part of the brain that is inhertently susceptable to these expriences, triggered by this machine. That process is interseting. Why would someone, a subject, expereince supernatural images when these things do not exist. There must be something there to start with. Probably, ghost stories told to them as a child. Who knows.

    Some people hold onto the belief that there is life after death and the idea of ghosts assists them in this ideal. It is something that one has to have an open mind about.


    Nice contribution. Precise. One word answer. Like it. Well done, mate. Codswallop. Good word. Maybe the subject is beyond your grasp. Maybe you have a nice colouring book that you can colour in instead.

    Livinginhell, I don't know why you tto continue to try and get a rise out of me. Nonetheless I enjoy it. But one word replies, won;t cut it, baby.

    Try harder.

    All the best.


    disagree- I think that one words sums it al up

    thanks for that

  10. Yes its great when the BIB cruise around locking up all the grannies, marching them down to the lockup for the day then at 4pm the local judge hoards them all into court, asks them for a guilty plea & then hands down the standard 1,300 baht fine....not that its happened to me :o

    my point being, you would think with everything going on in this place, that the BIB would have something better to do!

    darling- we agree on something

    there is hope for us yet!


    more stupidity/time/money/etc wasted

  11. it is true that christians are as lame as anyone else who choose to believe

    all religion are a base system to stop the weak losing hope

    and for the powers to stay in power- it also elavates the ego of the herd

    can anyone in their right mond believe in such nonsense

    is the thought of death so scarey?

    they cannot stand the thought their ones existnace will end- but , like it or not- end it will

    deep inside they know this really, thus, we the non sheep are hated

    we spit in the face of such nonsense knowing there is nothing to fear

    but how many in the west truly believe? I can count on one hand

    and- in the west one can question everyone- can one do that here?

    or openly show comtempt for such obvious nonsense

    we have many atheists because they can say what they want without fear

    Once the world puts this times wasting endevour to rest it may see that change/progress/development does not come from a talking snakes, pregnant virgins, rich men turned poor, shocking fashion crimes and all the other complete and utter crap out there

    but instead focus on the power we all have within us all-without surrending to this cult of lameness

    I think you are oversimplifying the reasons for why people hold religious beliefs. Also, I don't think that anyone cares what you believe or don't believe. At least, not the majority of the people, and generalizing that they all hate you because of the negative experiences that you may have had with a few is not accurate. There is no need to "spit in the face" of people who hold religious beliefs (i.e. "the sheep" to whom you refer). Nobody is going to be convinced by you if you ridicule them for what they believe.

    you are right- I do sound too rude- I apologise, but I did not say what you said

    I oversimpilfy because it would take too long to write all here

    I challenge anyone to read some of the books mentioned here and honestly say that they are still convinced

    read the "christ conspiracy"

    for fun check out -landoverbaptist

    there it is proven that the bible advises that girls like well hung men( one of the only true bits I 've read- but do not tell neverdie!)

    I said " we spit in the face of such nonsense" not people

    specificly , and I should of been more details, the beliefs, and more so the so obviosly manipulative ones

    not individuals

    I guess you are someone who believes and I hope it benifits you,

    I am not out to convince anyone , I am conviced that most who believe deep down know its aload of tosh

    such as that priest who declared "God is on my side"

    as he went forward into the flames and promptly got burned to a frazzle..oh dear...that was one of Gods top bods was it not?

    where was He- looking for a fire existiqusiher?

    I could fill a book, the fact is that not one, none, zilch, nadar, zero, nai, has( I ever will) to show

    and politley I do not care who listens( but some must and do not like because we have been banned from debates- I love those "open" forums where certain questions just cannot be answered and end up in that pathetic whine of - you must have trust, and faith, oh please, back to the pen...I wonder why

  12. mmm, not sure what is the mean here

    if nothing found you should lay charges at their feet for violence commited upon you

    this used to be possible( or so we are told) in places like UK, and other euro places) call a lawyer and get them involved

    spoil their day by inisting upon your full human rights( there are so many thing one can do to drag them into overtimes, this making them think twice, not always of coures, but usually this can working), thus clogging up this sillyness and making them amend

    for game players such us us ( rember - its Miss thank you very much) put condoms in your bags and that pills that make you not want to poo, smear you bag with XXXX and this will convince may you ave something to hide inside

    try and choose someone at the end of their shift ( one can tell, look for the signs) and insist that they stay throughout

    remember if you hear the word"policy" just say you do not care, you only care for the law and you wish to see it in full...have good lawyers number ready

    after 10 minutes of this they will start to regret ( or beat you up and put you in a holding pen- so beware this has happened to one of uor more forceful members, but very rarely and shows how lame the " man" is when they need to do this)

    if people do not fight for their rights, which in case yuo are not able to se, are being eroded away at such spped hitlet would be happy

    they will all go

    people say " why do that" have you not heard of abuses, top agencys losing all the information on its people

    are you happy anyone can know anything about you?

    So tell us more. What is your goal ? Free intenational trade of drugs and explosives ?

    thanks for asking,neverdie will like you for that

    my goal

    part 1 ( ahhhhhhhhhh I can hear neverdie scream and sweety get your note book out, and it would help taking off the cap today, goodboy, treats for goodboys)

    big picture- world peace, human rights as a prorty

    not making the multi nationals more rich

    achieved by so many means to explain I would have neverdie begging me to either stop or to sleep with him!

    I think I have fXX him enough ( a joke darling)

    in a nutshell ( no pun intended nevers!)

    we have to get real, be responsible, stop the bull, loomk at the cause more than how to solve the symtoms, put human rights first

    helloooo, wakey, wakey

    there is free trade of drugs/weapons in the sense that all those measures have not stopped it

    and I ahte to tell you cannot stop ( I can quote many from inside whitehouse, et al who say same)in case you did not notice north korea just sent something over the sea

    we must not try to fight people like this in this way

    it will never work

    instead let us follow the way of truth, peace, compasion and look to what makes them want to do this

    quiet neverdie !I was coming to that ( neverdie loves our stance on drugs)

    drugs too- so much wasted on failed policys,but not too much today

    we should learn from the past

    if one cannot see how failed these policys are, how the crooks, drug mafias love these policys, then God help us

    right neverdie?


  13. ^ Its good to see that ourmaninbangers is back, sorry I mean valentinob29, now we can have more of your junkie stories & irrelevant comments.

    When are you going to start to threaten the moderators again bangers, I mean valentino?

    and what part of this is relevent dear?

    what purpose other than wanting to look like a llittle tell tale ( give up perhaps- it does not seem to be doing you much good darling does it) does your post serve

    is wanting human rights for a poor black man sitting in a hellhole wrong?

    are you happy with this?

    is wanting amore accountabilty from the governments who lose all our personal info on trains ( your MI5

    did this recenly no, on a train in UK, great, the world top info collecting agency let it on a train)


    is wanting an end to all these ninse procedurs that someone get flaw in seconds, but cost the tax payer a fortune bad?

    apart from wanting to look like a broken record with these tell tales, can you please say anything to do with this ? yes/ no/maybe? /nothing to say?

    if it helps you feel good- say whatever you like about who you think I am

    shall I ebnd it here and make you happy

    okay dear, lets play man games



    can we move on now swetty?

    , but should we not be thinking about this man, and this situation where millions are totally wasted on silly easy to flaw tests

    lets instead stop the confict that cause their necessity


    and hugs

  14. Mjo, Valentinob is OURMANINBANGERS, returned after being banned from thaivisa with a new nicname. If you want to see whats on Valentiob's ajenda, take a look at some of ourmaninbangers work.....its truely amazing stuff & only stuff a serious WACKO could post. :o

    returning? no returning from anywhere dear... no need...and thanks more compliments


  15. The whole ghost concept does not to hold up to close scrutiny. What do you suppose the rules are about the presence of ghost or the chances of one becoming a ghost? Why are there different types of ghost in different country's? Why do they never ever get caught on camera properly? Why are their appearances sporadic and fleeting? Why do they always occur in places with only a couple of people present? Why do they only perform half arsed stunts like knocking a chair over? :o Maybe these are the rules in the 'after life' but it seems ridiculous to me.

    You have to presume that these ghost haunt places the frequented in life. If this is so why do we not have herds of ghost horses or ghosts of extinct dinosaurs ever wander down a high street? There must have been millions and millions of insects that have died in my garden but I never see ghost wasp bothering me. The same goes for cats and dogs and birds. I work in the desert where there are oil field, presumably originating from ancient life. Why do I never see ghost of the animals that once roamed that area? In fact why not ghost fish hovering across the desert where once there was a lake or sea? Or do only humans make ghosts? What I'm asking is why are all ghost events limited to hazy vague testimony's that have been the same since the ghost notion first established itself hundreds of years or more ago? There has been no progress in the world of 'ghost relations'. We have had no intimate contact or recorded conversation, we have no special national ghost areas, ghost aren't officially recognized as endangered entities, we have no rules for keeping them or any dispensation for housing one. We might as well be talking about hobbits, dragons or fairy's. :D

    When we are children the ghost story to very appealing due to our lack of understanding. Then as we get older and hopefully wiser I like to think we abandon the ghost story's. I do wonder if as we approach old age ghost story's again gain in their appeal so as to offer us hope for our nearing demise.

    exellent! is this TV? usually one does not see this kind of sense prevail

    one of the best posts yet

  16. Yes, I believe in ghosts. Anyone who doesn't needs there head examined.

    No, I dont believe in ghosts. Anyone who does, needs his head examined. :o

    i agree,

    bring any ghost and i will do all i can to piss it it off

    have done and am still here, alive and well

    ghost's like religion are for the sheep

    there are more scarey things to fear

    like the mentality that causes the childish need for religion and such crap as ghost

  17. "All and all I still find that Thai immigration is the most ineffective and unfriendly I have been able to find in Asia"

    The Thai immigration are certainly not ineffective when it comes to catching people and extorting money.

    But they are the most Unfriendly people I have ever had to deal with.

    Yes your right mate,they have small brains and massive egos,very unprofessional,without tourism Thailand will fall flat on it's face. Very disappointed with the British Council.

    please- what does UK council have to do with this?

    do you not mean UK embassy?

    any news on this poor man?

    the poster obviously meant british consul or embassy. no need to nitpick surely.

    the underlying point is that, wrongly in my view, the embassy's agenda is influenced by having to keep on the right side of thailand.

    sorry,it is not obvious for those who like details and who enlish is not first

    but i understand

    i was the confuse as i only read some of story and i thought maybe it was something i do miss about past as i have friends whoi do not know like he work there or something

    , but i agree that is their motivation and thats fine so long as one ensures basic human rights for it peoples

    all people

    this man is in jail because we allow it- we should not

    the west could stop it in second,s

    but no- money making ventures are more important than human laying unfaily in a thai jail

    are we happy with this

    any news on this poor man

    where is he now? any address please?

  18. Do people realize that if you eat something with poppy seeds in it and are tested for heroin, the test will come up positive! :o

    Well, more accurately, the test might come up positive.

    Only if you were eating seeds from a particular kind of poppy. And it would not test positive for Heroin as that is a semi-synthetic drug derived from Morphine which is processed from Opium. So eating Opium poppy seeds might get a positive for Opium but still unlikely.

    Partly true. You are right that heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a semisynthetic drug derived from morphine, however it is converted to morphine in the blood, so you would test positive for heroin to the extent that the heroin test is the same as the morphine test.

    so many ways to get around a blood test

    I just refuse and urine too

    this is real libetys and should not be tolerated

  19. Many years ago, I had a cavity search. The humiliating part was when I noticed that both his hands were on my shoulders!

    mmm, not sure what is the mean here

    if nothing found you should lay charges at their feet for violence commited upon you

    this used to be possible( or so we are told) in places like UK, and other euro places) call a lawyer and get them involved

    spoil their day by inisting upon your full human rights( there are so many thing one can do to drag them into overtimes, this making them think twice, not always of coures, but usually this can working), thus clogging up this sillyness and making them amend

    for game players such us us ( rember - its Miss thank you very much) put condoms in your bags and that pills that make you not want to poo, smear you bag with XXXX and this will convince may you ave something to hide inside

    try and choose someone at the end of their shift ( one can tell, look for the signs) and insist that they stay throughout

    remember if you hear the word"policy" just say you do not care, you only care for the law and you wish to see it in full...have good lawyers number ready

    after 10 minutes of this they will start to regret ( or beat you up and put you in a holding pen- so beware this has happened to one of uor more forceful members, but very rarely and shows how lame the " man" is when they need to do this)

    if people do not fight for their rights, which in case yuo are not able to se, are being eroded away at such spped hitlet would be happy

    they will all go

    people say " why do that" have you not heard of abuses, top agencys losing all the information on its people

    are you happy anyone can know anything about you?

  20. Do people realize that if you eat something with poppy seeds in it and are tested for heroin, the test will come up positive! :o

    Well, more accurately, the test might come up positive.

    exactly, there are way to defeat booze test, drugs test, urine test's

    and the funny thing is- they are so simple. Eg to alter ones prints take a few minutes and renders machines useless. millions defeated by $$$

    I was involved in a website promoting this.

    people mailed me and thanked us for advice until the country we hosted got cold feet.

    Even here I have to be careful.

    So, in other words, all those big brother tests are, for those in the know -useless-

    The verdict is not back on DNA tests. I predict and look forward to when i can inform you that DNA tsting can be defeated too

    I am confident it can oneday

  21. ...

    Exactly. Its nonsense. It may be quaint nonsense, but nonsense none the less, and perpetuating nonsense does no one any good. The Thais need to be brought into the modern world and us buying into their ancient myths doesn't help them do that.


    Right. The Thais need to convert to Christianity so that they can believe in the same nonsense ancient myths as most of the citizens of modern Western countries, including the leaders of those countries.


    In all seriousness, let's not be too hard on the Thais for their religious beliefs, at least until we can claim to have eradicated nonsense religious beliefs in our own countries!

    Religion has been a part of all known human societies. You can find plenty of people who claim to be atheists, but most of them harbor some superstitious tendencies that they don't like to admit to. I'm not saying that they are hypocrites. It's part of human nature, and it is the reason why throughout history people have been susceptible to accepting religious beliefs. We live in a time where science is a compelling alternative to religion, which is the only reason why we have so many professed atheists today.

    Humans are not totally rational beings, so we will probably always have superstitious beliefs.

    it is true that christians are as lame as anyone else who choose to believe

    all religion are a base system to stop the weak losing hope

    and for the powers to stay in power- it also elavates the ego of the herd

    can anyone in their right mond believe in such nonsense

    is the thought of death so scarey?

    they cannot stand the thought their ones existnace will end- but , like it or not- end it will

    deep inside they know this really, thus, we the non sheep are hated

    we spit in the face of such nonsense knowing there is nothing to fear

    but how many in the west truly believe? I can count on one hand

    and- in the west one can question everyone- can one do that here?

    or openly show comtempt for such obvious nonsense

    we have many atheists because they can say what they want without fear

    Once the world puts this times wasting endevour to rest it may see that change/progress/development does not come from a talking snakes, pregnant virgins, rich men turned poor, shocking fashion crimes and all the other complete and utter crap out there

    but instead focus on the power we all have within us all-without surrending to this cult of lameness

  22. Lots of money has traces of these drugs.


    so lets play with big brother

    lets fill our bags with substances that mimick drugs and clog them up so bad they will have to re-address the cause and change their ways

    While at first blush taking Mr. Valentino's advise to screw with customs at international boarders might seem like a bit of fun I would advise against it. Spending a few extra hours in secondary, records checks, body searches, interrogation and missed connections are probably lover boy's idea of a good time.

    Bags are swabbed at random for both drug and explosives residue. Drugs are everywhere and rubbing up against a bag with residue will result in the same positive for either bag. False positives are also quite common as has been stated previously. My advice is to cooperate fully, don't act too outraged and get on with life.

    it is miss , not mr, next error....

    I have played games like this I was 18 and will for many more

    cooperate? no thank you.It is up to you if you wish to sell yourself to the big brother trying to control us

    and then.. how can one " get on with ones life" when inepts have all our details

    no thank you I will not buy into this hype of the man= good

    by the way.. all those check you talk of sadly have never really delayed me any

    the good time I/we have had is showing how easy it is to completley neget those silly chips in our passports( 10 secs in a microwave) and the fingerprint scanner

    great fun can be had by all


  23. "All and all I still find that Thai immigration is the most ineffective and unfriendly I have been able to find in Asia"

    The Thai immigration are certainly not ineffective when it comes to catching people and extorting money.

    But they are the most Unfriendly people I have ever had to deal with.

    Yes your right mate,they have small brains and massive egos,very unprofessional,without tourism Thailand will fall flat on it's face. Very disappointed with the British Council.

    please- what does UK council have to do with this?

    do you not mean UK embassy?

    any news on this poor man?

  24. The apologists would do well to read again what she has written.

    The problem here is that the police would not be able to even pay for the most basic necessities, such as crime investigations, if they would not supplement the completely insufficient budget from profits of illegal businesses. Such a system is a breeding ground for corruption and crime.

    Political interference and constant problems over jurisdiction with the far more powerful (and at least equally corrupt) military do their part as well.

    Yes, there are a lot of completely dirty police officers, but there also many good and honest officers trying to do the best they can. You can't just stereotype every officer as a criminal.

    Again - this has to be seen in context with the whole society. Otherwise this just ends up another unintelligent barfly rant.

    Look at the army, please, in comparison. Nobody controls the army except the army. The army has much larger funds to syphon off from. The army owns directly two TV stations, and several radio stations. They have massive budgets of arms procurement to syphon off from. The after the 2006 coup revamped ISOC gives them huge powers over all security matters (the PM is only the nominal head, while military runs the day to day procedures).

    The army has been accused of systematic torture in the South by several international watchdogs, the Rohinya story is still fresh.

    Most here have very little idea about police corruption and budgets. People read one snippet or the other in the paper, and believe they know what it is about. You are mistaken. What you should know you rarely read, unfortunately.

    What are the most important crimes police benefits from? It's not drugs and murder, as you imply. The basic moneys come from local protection of motorcycle taxi stands, casinos, underground lottery, and similar. A police station would not function without that. WHy did the army in 2006 (and still ongoing) got major improvements, while police got nothing. It's easy to blame police for everything, but when no government sees the necessity to grant police budgets they can actually work with, police reform will stay empty talk.

    Murder and drugs is very much an army business as well. Best gunmen and bodyguards - you hire them from the army. Control of cross border drug trade - army.

    Thailand has a policeforce it deserves, nothing more, nothing less - a corrupt police that suits a corrupt system.

    very true- good postings-there are many good ones. Struggling to fullfill their dutys,

    lets help them

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