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Posts posted by LotusBoy

  1. Think he forgot to read the Memo..................................


    Schools Corporal punishment was prohibited in schools in 2000, when the Regulation on the Punishment of Students 2000 did not include caning among permitted disciplinary measures. This was subsequently revised and the Ministry of Education Regulation on Student Punishment 2005 similarly does not include corporal punishment among permitted disciplinary measures. Article 6 of the Regulation states (unofficial translation): “It is prohibited to punish pupils and students with violent methods or with harmful, angry or revengeful intention….” The Regulation on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Juveniles in Educational Establishments 2000 states in article 8: “Punishment of children and youth must not be carried out with torture or harsh treatment to the body or mind, by cruel, humiliating, inhumane means, or in any inappropriate manner.”

  2. "We also have to come to the realisation that we are looking to prosecute a company for gross negligence that have financial difficulties in a very poor country."


    Ohhhhhh listen to her! Maybe if she stops the Gregg's she can make payment. 


    Poor country? Never seen to many Lamborghinis and Porsches in my life. Yeah Madchester our kid.


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