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Posts posted by honestly

  1. What is going on with all the guesthouses being raided with out proper Hotel License? My understanding is only a handful of Hotels in Pattaya have a proper license.

    While the condos on Air B&B continue to operate. 

  2. All thiongs being said LOMBARDIES in New York City have been there over 100 years. Voted by Zagats the best piozza on the PLANET

    Americans can't make pizza either!

    And at 'Italian' restaurants in Thailand where they actually do make a good pizza you need to bring your microscope to locate the ordered extras like anchovies, artichoke, capers or tuna, really you can't find it even you are gonna pay for it they are too fkcn greedy.

    Worst post of the year !!!

    More Italian families and pizza outlets in new york and chicago than in the rest of the known world.

    (outside Italy, of course). All the cities in towns in my area are named for Italian ones.

    Syracuse and Rome are where I grew up. My high school was 90 percent italian.

    Amerigo Vespucci would slap ya.

    Where I grew up...you only hear Italian...and pizzas, as you know them, were perfected there.

  3. Americans can't make pizza either!

    And at 'Italian' restaurants in Thailand where they actually do make a good pizza you need to bring your microscope to locate the ordered extras like anchovies, artichoke, capers or tuna, really you can't find it even you are gonna pay for it they are too fkcn greedy.

    Worst post of the year !!!

    More Italian families and pizza outlets in new york and chicago than in the rest of the known world.

    (outside Italy, of course). All the cities in towns in my area are named for Italian ones.

    Syracuse and Rome are where I grew up. My high school was 90 percent italian.

    Amerigo Vespucci would slap ya.

    Where I grew up...you only hear Italian...and pizzas, as you know them, were perfected there.

  4. I am a martial artist/instructor and can take good care of myself, but i never get the opportunities others get, because i am very humble and always bow down and say sorry to stupid acts of others....coffee1.gif

    He's right, most people who get a beating have invited it themselves.

    I agree. Next time keep your finger in your pocket. You can bet if he thought they would turn around he doesn't do it!!!! Serves him right. Punk !!!

    • Like 1
  5. Frida night, Saturday morning a friend got picked up at a check point in Pattaya. D.U.I. Yes he is wrong for driving in a state of non sobriety. But please hear what has happened since:

    We tried to bail him out in the morning. We were told to come back in 1 hour, at 9am were told the man who collects bail wasn't coming till 1pm. Long story short -- we got him out at 7:30PM. The guard counting the 30,000 baht bail appeared mored under the weather then the people he was assigned to discharge.

    Now the best. Told to come back Monday at 8am soi 9. At soi 9 told to go to the district attornies office out on Sukimvit. There signed paper and told to go to Jom Tien Court House.

    \ He went inside and kept us updated sending texts. At 6pm when all Thais were released they discovered a falang was MISSING. Therefore all the falnags were taken to soi 5 immigration where a computer photo would match them up. Now 7 pm and still confined

    In the meantime we are asking the police what's next? They are telling us they have up 120 days to give back the bail, 30k. Since most don't stay that long it has effectively wiped the slate on that money. One told us they would have to leave country fore 24 hours to get money.

    Does anyone know the TRUTH or FACTS of what happens!

  6. The NK's are really so sure of themselves, just like Saddam was and remember how long his regime lasted! They have a nuclear bomb that they have let off uderground and have no conception of what happens when it goes off above the ground, they have not seen the damage it causes and all their tiny explosions were smaller than Hiroshima, much smaller. They seem to be spoiling for a fight and in some ways I think the US would like the opportunity to end this once and for all, before they can send missiles to the US mainland, it would also be a lesson to other would be's in the middle east, I hope it does not come to a conflict but its racheting up for one, I am glad its not on my doorstep or flight path. Common sense is something NK seems to be short of, like most things there.

    I believe they should be taken from the DARK AGE and put in the STONE AGE

  7. I'm waiting for this verdict as it plays a part in determining my future travels; if he never spends any time in prison, I never travel to Thailand again!

    As if anyone would notice your absence, or miss you.

    Maybe you should contact the judge for this case and let him know your stance, it could affect the outcome.

    You, unsurprisingly, miss the point!

    Next stop Cambodia for you. If you don't want corrupt stay in Eurozone!

  8. For sterters, Please tell me where you get pizza under 200 baht with air con? Maybe Cambodia! Its going to get expensive for all foods starting Jan 1,2013. The 300 baht a day salary wage comes into play. Good luck if you have no money. Because not only will you not be eating out, but, no money no honey!!!!

    i dont see how the increase to 300 a day will effect food prices the current average way for kitchen and waiting staff is 250 - 300 a day now so even a increase of 50 baht will not be noticed

    lets say a quiet restaurant does 20 covers a day with 2 staff to pay that would be an extra 100 baht in wages making 5 baht per cover not the end of the world

    Food prices will be going up and have been because all the emp[loyees must get that 300. Not just the people in the restaurant, but the people delivering supplies, people working the check outs etc.

  9. I always enjoy reading and listening to guys complain about there caddies. "They were slow, couldn't read a green, couldn't drive the cart. I have often wondered if there is a blog somewhere that allows caddies to vent. Can you hear them -- " You should have seen the hackers we had today, shot 110 and blamed me for not finding a ball they hit 100 yards into the woods". Face it most of you guys haven't broken 90 in 10 years and still think your getting ready for the tour

    It's great to read that there is someone who is very happy with the service provided by the golf courses, even happier to read that there is someone who is very happy with the service provided by Thai caddies, could you tell us where you play and how the caddies at your course or courses satisfy you!! caddies are employed by the courses to provide a service relating to golf, they are not employed to be lazy, talk on the phone and have no interest in golf! People complain because it is there right to do so at receiving a poor service, as I have said before, good caddies earn well, poor useless caddies earn a lot less its up to them!! Most golfers play to enjoy the game and most do not care what they shoot!! You should be given the choice as to whether or not you want a caddie, if this became the case a lot of caddies would lose there easy jobs!!

    Have been playing Khow Kheow every Monday for 3 1/2 years, member at Green Valley for 3 years as well. I am not a good golfer, about a 19, but go out to have fun. They satisfy by seeing where the ball goes, fixing divots, etc. if you get a good one, tip them properly ( min 300 baht ), they will be there next time you play

  10. I know how you feel! You must play at Eastern Star Golf Course in Ban Chang/ Rayong! No management, no service, no information, extremely poor greens ( we actually call the "brownies"), a form for comments per e-mail in the clubhouse and the address does not exist, some of these so called golf courses are very poorly managed if at all. So I understand your frustration.


  11. I miss Taco Bell... I miss people with abrain

    but, yeah...you got the right spirit; if you can't find what you like then check the local ingredients and make it yerself!

    I could kick meself as I have all the ingredients for pizza and an oven but never got around to making it and now I'm leaving fer work for 2 years in the Middle East...a thread on pizza crust would get a lot of response on thaivisa...

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