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Posts posted by pimfram

  1. Here is how you can connect to our IRC channel: All you need is a IRC client. There are a few good choices:<br /><br /> * MIRC<br /> * Chatzilla (Plugin for firefox and Mozilla webbrowsers)<br /><br /> * Download and run the client<br /> * Connect to TheBox irc network. The command to do this depends on the client you're using.<br /><br /> o For MIRC, type: '/server irc.TheBox.bz:6667' or for a SSL connection: '/server irc.TheBox.bz:+6697' (ignore this if you don't know what SSL is). You type this in the command box at the bottom of the screen and omit the quotes. Then type '/join #TheBox.bz' (again without quotes). Enjoy chatting!<br /> o For Chatzilla, type: '/server irc.TheBox.bz 6667'. You type this is the command box at the bottom of the screen and omit the quotes. Then type '/join #TheBox.bz' (again, no quotes). Enjoy chatting!<br /> Since the staff is constantly gets bombarded with IRC questions, I think this guide is a proper addition to our FAQ to teach you guys the basics of how to use IRC. This is a pretty easy step-by-step instructional guide.

    * Download and install MIRC

    * Run it, you get a welcome window press CONTINUE.

    * Now at mIRC Options you need to fill out your name (use your nick), email address (whatever you want there), NICK1, and NICK2 in case nick1 is taken.

    * On the left side of the window click on Servers, and there select ADD, as description put TheBox.BZ, for the server put irc.TheBox.bz and press add.

    * Under Servers, you see Options, check Connect on startup and Reconnect on disconnection and UNcheck Pop up connect dialog on startup.

    * Press OK on the bottom of this window to close it and then press the LIGHTING icon on the top left corner.

    * After you are connected the mIRC Favorites window pops up, press ADD, in that window type in channel #TheBox.bz, check off Join on connect and press OK.

    * Now you are back in mIRC Favorites window uncheck on the bottom Pop-up favorites on connect.


    * Press continue and VIOLA! It should have connected to the irc.TheBox.bz server automatically and joined the channel. Hack away at your keyboard, but remember being a prominent keyboardjockey doesn't get you laid.

  2. from the stamp on the passport one deduces that he was a assiduous frequent visitor of the Country

    Thailand, Italian hanged person: suicide

    The body of Maurizio Tosadori, veronese of 54 years, found in a river. The head dangled from a rope

    BANGKOK - Sunday in the river Chao Phraya di Bangkok is of an Italian the found corpse, with the still penzolante head from a rope tied to the bridge Rama VIII.

    The police, prefers the hypothesis of the suicide for hanging, has identified the victim in Maurizio Tosadori, a veronese architect of 54 years who found himself in the Country from the February beginning. The identity of the victim has been confirmed from the Italian embassy.

    PASSPORT IN HOTEL - To Tosadori arrived after three days of surveying, when the woman who manages the small guest house where the veronese spent the night, in the Saint Khao Road, has contacted the police.

    In the room there was his passport: in the photo, new a particularly visible one on the left temple corresponds to what it has the victim. Tosadori had entered in Thailand from Cambodia, and from the many stamps in the document it deduces that he was a assiduous frequent visitor of the Country. After the hypothesis of the homicide, the police inclines for the hypothesis that the Italian has removed the life hanging itself with a rope from mountain. The examinations carried out from the Siriraj Hospital on the head have defined the wound compatible with the hypothesis of the suicide: the violence of the tear - the jump has been of beyond five meters and the body of the victim was overweight - therefore would have caused the decapitation. The dead women could go back to approximately 24 hours before the retrival of the body, therefore to saturday.

    ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND OF HEALTH - Tosadori would have killed for the serious conditions of health and economic in which it was found. The police has reported that he often coughed and he had a tumor to the stomach. The albergatrice, knew than it for a long time, has revealed that the man had disappeared on saturday after that had to leave the room having accommodated it for two weeks without paying. In a letter found in the room, together to various medicines, Tosadori the woman for the hospitality ringraziava. An other ticket, found again on the bridge with a phrase in English who ago to think next to the desperation for a difficult love, had initial state associated the victim. But that bridge is used from many braces of Bangkok for the exchange of messages and a comparison between the various handwriting seems to exclude the hypothesis that the ticket has been written from the victim.

    25 February 2009

  3. Decapitation is the norm in cases like this. Nothing suspicious about it either. People that commit suicide in this manner are not acting rational, so it is to be expected that the circumstances of death will reflect that mental state. I'd wager that 9 out of 10 MEs upon seeing the info as presented would approach it as a suicide.
    Me too, there is/was a reason that when hung from the gallows the drop was only a few feet, any further and the body WILL seperate from the head,

    I still need someone to explain how the head stayed attached to the rope.....

    The more the rope tightens the more it grips, the skin tears off irregularly leaving some in the noose, the head is heavy but the skin is elastic and can take the weight, maybe it would have fallen off after some time, but it was discovered in time.

    why would a dyslexic murderer go to such trouble and take such a risk?

    if it was a gangster, why not have him shot instead?

    or pushed off the bridge without a note, bag or a rope even?

    i think its either a sick murderer or a suicide

    if it was suicide, where is this Kath he wrote about?

    and when will she phone the police?

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