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Posts posted by Eagle60

  1. 18 hours ago, puck2 said:

    If it would be possible to find out where the billion(s) of Prayut's Thai Baht come from, the military dictator had to flee Thailand, too. The problem is. Prayut has the judicary completely under control, therefore we will not learn where his dubious money comes from. Be sure, not from his monthly military salary!!!


    But I'm sure YOU are  "closing your eyes",  when the military dictator took the  regime by a cup! Not by an election - like Thaksin. That's a big difference, but this will not go into your mind/brain.



    People never get what they deserve because the options are always so awful and opposing sides are both as bad each other. I did not realise in reality fair elections existed.

  2. On 4/17/2018 at 12:05 PM, Morch said:


    Oh, I doubt you do not understand my point, victim card played notwithstanding.


    You are definitely pushing a point of view which places responsibility with the West,  and effectively gives Assad's regime and Russia a free pass. Claiming "not to side with" then going on in such a manner is actually a reoccurring theme in your posts in topics dealing with either country or both. Other than the mild assertions about not being a fan, not supporting this side or the other, or even "no better" - the general attitude exhibited toward Putin and Assad is, at best, one which gives them the benefit of doubt, or at least not halfway as judgemental and condemning as views expressed vs. Western counterparts. To put  it another way, all the waffle about "us" Westerners not experiencing some forms of adversity, enjoying freedoms etc - yeah, that's because "our" leaders and political systems are generally speaking , better than the likes of Putin and Assad.


    Similarly , your supposedly "anti-war" proclamations are decidedly pointed in one direction, disregarding and ignoring any carnage dealt by powers not Western. The bias in your position renders the "war is not a good thing" comment rather hollow.


    Thanks for making my point regarding media. The expected "rejection" of RT, but no real answer as to where people are to get their information from, seeing the wholesale denouncement of Western media sources. The remaining default is the host of supposedly "alternative" media sources. That these are not necessarily accurate, independent or free of agenda isn't often mentioned. Obviously, you do get your information from somewhere, like all of us.


    Going on about "the rebels" and alleging this or that is either clueless or intentionally misleading. In effect, there are various groups of rebels. Some were supported by Western powers, some weren't. There was no suggestion of it being otherwise. Of course, Assad did free quite a few of them from his prisons as well, in the early days of the uprising, and he did buy oil from them when it suited, but eh. Easier for some to lump things together, I suppose.


    Nobody claims you do not have the right, or even the duty, to question your leaders, their motives and whatnot. But applying such scrutiny in a one-sided manner, does not quite convey the sentiment you're going for. As for the waffle about not being allowed to say this or that, or "free society" being under threat - I'd suggest you get a grip, and while at it, try and apply these two faux comments notions to them two other countries in question. Got little time for "any of them" political leaders, yet go on and on and on about supposed wrongs of Western ones.


    As for being "rude" - it is usually bad form to post walls of text. Punctuation wouldn't go amiss, even when posting bogus rants.


    You are an argumentative little chap aren't you. Deary me. The suns shining. Its a nice day out there.



    On 4/17/2018 at 12:22 PM, Morch said:


    "I rarely get into politics in conversation"


    You do realize your posting history is public, right?


    "If you do not agree with the media sentiment, or dare to speak honestly, people get really nasty."


    But then again, maybe you do not really follow such topics on TVF, where not embracing "alternative" view often results in the same sort of abuse. As for "dare to speak honestly" - with the hidden implications that it applies only to one set of views, probably coinciding with your own.


    "I can not understand any human being who sits at home watching TV, or on their mobile and shouts for war and thinks its a a good thing that world super powers are falling out."


    Not a whole lot of that going on in these topics. There are,several posters apparently favoring a forceful military retaliation by Russia, and quite a few Russian officials commenting in that manner as well. Don't see a whole lot said about this outta you. In fact, you even gave the first post in this topic a "like" - calls for a Russian strike on UK bases, and labeling Assad a "legend" notwithstanding. But do, do go on about such things being "potentially very dangerous" etc.


    And the usual "not taking side" nonsense, while banging on about the supposed sins of Western leaders. By all means, don't trust them and don't take their word for granted. Just as long as you apply the same standards all around - while taking into account the nature of leaders and political systems on the other side.



    Yawn Yawn. :sleepy:. I seem to have a stalker ha ha ha.

  4. 3 hours ago, BuriramSam said:

    Yes, the recent attack was more specific and about chemical weapons.  But the big picture in Syria is about getting rid of Assad. Wht want it done years ago? Because longer wars are more profitable. Just look at Afghanistan. We could have finished early on in Tora Bora but didn't. I believe that was by design.

    Huge money made from wars.  And a small number of people an politicians get very rich from it. Had buddies in Iraq and Afghanistan both as soldiers and as private contractors.  Terrifying the thinsg they told me. You may enjoy reading this book The Shadow World- Inside the Global Arms Trade. By Andrew Feinstein.

  5. 19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    France, the United States and Britain circulated a draft resolution to U.N. Security Council late on Saturday that aims to establish a new independent inquiry into who is to responsible for chemical weapons attacks in Syria


    Better late. . . 

    Bravo! A voice in the wilderness that deserves a far wider audience and needs to ring throughout the corridors of global power.


    There are countless millions of us "sheeple" (that is what the ruling elite contemptuously calls us behind our backs) who feel exactly the same way, yet whose voices are drowned out by raucous self-interested politicians, their corporate cohorts and their servile mass media collaborators.


    I am a father of five. In the past the question every concerned parent used to ask himself or herself was, "What kind of world will we leave to our children?" Now the question is not what kind of world but whether there will be any world to leave them.


    This not only unthinkable but unallowable.


    If ever there was a time to start a world-wide peace movement, with massive public demonstrations of the kind that helped shorten the Vietnam War and end nearly 30 years of bloody sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, this is it.


    If no an existing political party is willing to advance such an agenda - arguably the most just and desirable in human history - then a new international People's Party is needed to represent the silent majority of the sane.

    What a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the kind words. It is only my feelings and thoughts. I rarely get into politics in conversation, as it always turns nasty and people end up falling out.  If you do not agree with the media sentiment, or dare to speak honestly, people get really nasty. I can not understand any human being who sits at home watching TV, or on their mobile and shouts for war and thinks its a a good thing that world super powers are falling out. It may come to nothing and I hope so, but it is always potentially very dangerous and any normal human being should be totally against it. If not, then there is something seriously wrong. War is a horrible thing. Any military person will tell us that. All my friends do, both American and European military. There is too much war in the world and that is a fact. No one with a heart wants to be involved in conflict with Syria and many do not believe at all the chemical weapons news. It could be true, but due to our politicians behavior and not exactly telling the truth, why would we believe them ?  They are not worthy of of it. They have not earned it. But instead of everyone coming together, when they should, they fall into the oldest trick in the political books, used even by the Romans ....divide and conquer. Divide people into opposing political factions and then they are weak and never a problem.  All they do is squabble. Of course we all know, those people who are almost applauding and think its a good thing to have a fight with Russia, would all change their minds, if their homes were blown up, their families killed, their lives decimated....reality might then sink in. It actually saddens me to hear people make such comments, as it just shows me how little humanity has developed.  I hope it all blows over, but at least I would have said my bit and feel better for saying what I think is the truth. I wish you and your family  the best and lets hope it does not get worse.  You are absolutely right, it is the time for the silent majority to make themselves heard. It is also the time that we had a fresh new approach to politics with people who were honest. People who cared for the people who paid them and put them in that position. Leaders rather than greedy second rate managers. Always nice to hear from other people who think similarly and prefer to avoid wars. Have a great day.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Morch said:


    Cool story.


    "I am not in any way taking sides" - but the above is nothing but a one-sided bash fest. No sides taken, but this is all about "suffocating Russia". Not siding with anyone, yet the destruction meted on Syria is somehow Western issued only. And there's more - "all sides of the political divide have been irresponsibly bombing foreign countries.....Both in Europe and USA". Guess Russia doesn't do that, and even when it does, it's still the West's fault anyway.


    People who have never been to war or experienced it, should never be in a position of power to send others - does this apply all around? Putin? Assad?


    We are not to believe BBC, or CNN, newspapers too - what other sources of information are prescribed is not mentioned, but guess these would be either of the RT variety, or if that's too obvious , maybe the "alternative media" moniker, which some try to conflate with credibility. And yes, politicians - never trust them. Unless they are Russian, or specifically, Putin. Putin will never lie to us, and he really cares.


    So this is all about pipelines? Gee...and guess Russia got not interests in this as well, right? Just that evil greedy West. The same heartless West who didn't help the Rwandans (nice off topic there), while Russia sav....ah, no, Russia didn't lift a finger and never does. Bearing in mind Russian airstrikes in Syria, and the resulting death toll, or Russia escapades in the Caucasus one got to wonder if there are limits to how disingenuous some can get. But do...do lecture others about "seemingly apathetic reactions". By all means.


    Assad was not that much of a friend to the West. There were hopes, earlier on, he'd take a different path than his dad. He didn't. "Until the decided they did not want him anymore" - do you have that in a more childish, simplistic form, please?


    The "rebels out leaders support" - do tell. Which Syrian rebels groups are currently supported. Not denial that some unsavory ones were supported, mind. Question is with regard to current situation.


    And no, it's not that Russia doesn't want to dominate the world, it simply failed achieving such goals. Putin's working on correcting that.


    Any sane, intelligent human being would wonder what you're trying to sell, and why.

    Thanks for your comments but I do not understand your point, other than you do not agree with me, or it touched a raw nerve.  I am not selling anything except common sense and  an understanding of history that tells anyone " war is not a good thing". Of course I agree that Putin and Assad are no better and I thought I made the point clear that I was no fan of Putin.  I am certainly not taking sides, but it is pretty obvious what is going on here. Where do you think the rebels have got the money and arms from directly or indirectly from ? Bank loan ? The UN has already commented on their atrocities and you can find plenty of coverage if you do some searching. Why do you mention RT...I did not and do not watch it. Maybe what you say is right.  I have no idea as I do not watch it. Having listened to the drivel from most news TV for many years,  I choose not to anymore. It seems all you want to do is attack anything I said by throwing up arguments over things I either have not said or actually agree with you on. Or just denouncing me and being rude.  It does not placate or take away from the truth of what I said. Basically I don't give two hoots who it is, Putin, Trump, May, Assad or any of them. I won't be played or drawn into a squabble over who is this, or who is that. The bigger picture is no one and I hope you included, want to see a situation get out of hand and a war created that affects the whole world. I certainly do not want my family affected by it, or my friends, or yours. Surely that is a sentiment shared by any normal, sane human being. Please do not denounce those of us who prefer not to see killings and actually have the temerity and intelligence to question our own leaders and politicians. They show us time and time again that often they are wrong, or do bad things. If we can not question them, then we do not live in a free society. I hope there is still enough freedom in life, to allow us to do that, without having people shout us down or be rude. Disagree if you wish, but no need to be rude and denounce, just because it does not suit your idea of the world. I am not supporting Russia, or agreeing with Putin (with the exception that it could throw the world into chaos), I am merely stating what I and many others clearly see, but it seems are not allowed to say it, without having people denounce us as childish. Nobody with any sanity would be beating war drums right now, or wishing this to get any worse. If you think for one minute I am a Putin fan, an Obama fan,  a fan of Assad, a Trump fan, a May fan or any political party fan, you are very much mistaken. I have little time for any of them. Sure they are all nice to have a chat to, or a beer. But I despise their foreign policies because it has not made their employees (the people who put them in power and pay them) any safer, or given them better lives. In the UK we always have money for wars, but constantly do not have enough for hospitals or new schools. We are also battling a massive influx of people fleeing war torn countries, due to our and our allies foreign policies. Who pays for that ? The people. Who suffers because of it ? Certainly not our politicians who caused it, not the other countries politicians who caused it, not the rich...they are all buffeted from the realities of the results of such actions....oh yes, us the average people who have to work to pay the taxes, some of whom are now living in environments that have completely changed. The issue is, the people who cause these problems and often the people who support them, do not suffer the results of their actions. Others do. We are all sick of war. We are sick of the arrogance of our politicians and sick of our money being used for things, we do not want it used for. Not sure where you come from, but that is the sentiment it seems to me of most Europeans. But I am sure someone will turn it round and call me a racist for mentioning immigrants, which is ludicrous. I think its nice we help people. But who caused it and who pays for it. Who suffers due to irresponsible foreign policy. All the friends I have who have fought in wars all say the same thing. It is not something any human being should go through or want and they get particularly annoyed with those people who sit at home, or in their office and beat the war drums, but have no experience of it. War is not good for anyone. What I wrote is not a story, as it has none of the basic literary ingredients to be called story. I think what you mean is an opinion, which we all have and are entitled too. Get my drift now. Hope so. You have good day now and lets all hope this potentially terrible situation does not get out of hand, as its good for no one.  Make Love Not War :-)

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  7. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Again, these guys are undoubtedly aren't the sharpest pencils in the box,

    but as no harm was done thanks god, and these guys are going to pay

    for their misdeeds, but the whole issue quickly gone into taking on

    ridiculing mocking and degrading a whole nation and that was utterly

    uncalled for....

    Yes I do agree Ezzra. No need for nasty remarks about nationality or race. You get good and bad in all nations. It seems to me no country's population can claim innocence in not having its fair share of total morons, bullies and bad apples. Sadly I have not found a place that does not have its share of them and if I do, I would move there tomorrow. Best to just say men, or human beings, rather than a specific race of people. As nationality has little to do with it. The UK, Europe, USA, Australia, Middle East, SE Asia and so on, all have their nasty elements within society. Luckily they are a minority, but make a lot of noise. Maybe its just bad genes or troubled upbringing. I have no idea, but its a shame they can't see themselves for what they are and realize life is a lot better if one behaves in a good way.

  8. 12 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Curb your enthusiasm man, anyone who didn't read the OP will think that

    those guys has shot an killed dozens of people at least, yes, they acted

    stupidly and irresponsibly  albeit not less stupid and irresponsible than

    many locals and tourists over the years...

    Thanks Ezzra. But I think people are so saturated with violence and guns,  on a daily basis all over the world. we are numb to it. So our reaction to seeing it reflects that. Would anyone here be saying nothing if a young child, or person was innocently near by and a bullet had hit them. Blinded them maybe, killed them. What about others wanting to visit that beautiful beach. No I actually believe my reaction is a fully understandable, perfectly normal reaction to seeing something extremely dangerous, irresponsible and with a potential to harm others by sheer arrogant stupidity. Add to that it seems from the article they are criminals. Normal people do not behave like this and these people are a danger to others. Now if it had been a a couple of kids with a pellet gun, I think we would all be saying 'silly kids'. But according to the article and the age of the men, and what seems from the article criminal and violent connections, then my reaction is pretty normal, under the circumstances. Don't worry I am not running out the door shouting for the death penalty ha ha ha. Just my thoughts.


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  9. What is wrong with people ? Why would you do that ? No sense of history, education or respect for anything but your own selfish needs ? Have some respect when you are overseas in another country. Get your feet off tables and chairs, try for one day to stop looking at your silly mobile phones, read a book, have some manners and try to be a good person, rather than a scum bag. What is pathetic is that this is likely to have been done by adults not children, as children tend not to travel alone and doubtful would go in a cave without their parents. Its ancient history and some person has to clean it off.

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  10. Sadly happens it seems in most countries around the globe. Until those who govern us and society totally rejects immature and out of control morons like this, it will continue. Name and shame is a good way to start. Give him ten years, or a flogging in public and maybe others might think before having a sissy fit in an adults body. Great shame the majority of us have to put with this kind of unacceptable behavior. Imagine what this loser would have done if he had a weapon and had got at the people in the car. It seems, it is what happens with undeveloped human beings being allowed to walk freely in society.

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  11. How embarrassing to see what looked like a middle aged or older, supposedly adult human being, make an absolute prat of himself in front of what is probably his wife. Its Thailand, so what if mopeds ride on the sidewalk. Get over it and if you don't like it, go back to cold, grimy UK where you can not fart without being taxed, or arrested, or wherever you come from.  What is it with people who think it is there right to attack people. Why do people fight all the time ? Chill out. Grow up. Get a life.  You are a guest. Back to the school yard.

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  12. I see nothing unfair in this. I do not fly Thai but if that is their policy, fine. Its their policy to make. If one does not like it, then do not fly with them. Easy. But I have to say that overweight people on the whole should have some respect for others. The facts are many overweight people are overweight due to greed, gluttony and laziness. I can not guarantee I am right, but I reckon the majority are self inflicted in being overweight. You don't see many obese people in poor countries, where food is scarce. I always feel sorry for anyone who has to sit next to some grossly overweight person, who can not be bothered to lose weight and expects others to put up with it. Squashed next to you, taking up your space, legs touching yours, arm rest taken, sweating...come on lets be real...its disgusting. Not sure people are that effected in business class, as seats are separated. But in economy, it must be horrible for anyone who finds themselves in that situation. It is totally selfish and ignorant in my books. I am not prejudice, its what I think many of us feel. Lose weight and have some self respect. Of course those with genuine medical complaints that can not help it, I fully appreciate. Its a medical condition and I respect that and have sympathy for them. I have no wish to offend anyone. But the lazy self inflicted people who simply can not be bothered to lose weight, sorry no sympathy. Buy two seats.


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    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    As for your child at 12 years old I would hope you trained him well enough that he doesn't disturb other passengers.

    My comments, which I had assumed people would understand, were aimed at people taking uncontrolled, spoiled, small, bratty children that scream constantly and annoy other people. 


    I am with you on this. Amen ! No problem with kids at all, if their parents have brought them up to be well mannered, considerate of others and polite. Sadly this is not always the case.

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