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Posts posted by Eagle60

  1. 18 hours ago, puck2 said:

    If it would be possible to find out where the billion(s) of Prayut's Thai Baht come from, the military dictator had to flee Thailand, too. The problem is. Prayut has the judicary completely under control, therefore we will not learn where his dubious money comes from. Be sure, not from his monthly military salary!!!


    But I'm sure YOU are  "closing your eyes",  when the military dictator took the  regime by a cup! Not by an election - like Thaksin. That's a big difference, but this will not go into your mind/brain.



    People never get what they deserve because the options are always so awful and opposing sides are both as bad each other. I did not realise in reality fair elections existed.

  2. That is an amazing, well thought out suggestion to thrust the economy forward, lower costs of living and benefit everyone :-) "Cost of living is going up so I need more money." Yes...so we can give it to you; but by the way, the cost of living will now go up again, to support the increase you ask for. "Oh...I did not think of that. So I will be just the same, as I was before and no better off ?" Yes. By the way you don't pay or hardly pay tax, so you don't pay anything for the roads, lighting and schools you use anyway as you are below the tax threshold. But we can start charging you for that if you like. You get that free courtesy of the people who pay tax. "Oh I did not think of that."

    ​Sorry for my sarcasm as I would love for everyone in the world to have lots of money and everyone do well. Good luck with that.

    • Like 1
  3. The more I read the press coverage on this, the more I realise that the tabloid press from the UK are incapable of any level of basic investigative journalism, and instead repeat the same old lines over and over again. Where is someone asking the hard questions?

    You are so right. I see the same words almost copied and pasted from paper to paper. And they swarm like parasites grabbing at anything that can keep their front page stories going. I can now see why they call them the gutter press.

  4. God this is so horrible and sad. I can't even imagine how devastated the families must be at this time. Depresses me. And on all accounts from the press, the victims were two of loveliest young people you could ever wish to meet. Really good people with their whole lives ahead of them. Doing charitable work, living life to the full, smiling and enjoying themselves. All destroyed by some horrible person or persons. So sad.

    Then add into the equation all the speculation, gossip, media circus and now someone who says he was a friend of the poor victim and then in The Mirror and various other papers in the UK, it reveals he had a child pornography conviction which he pleaded guilty to. Now whether anyone thinks that is relevant or not, it is still information and child pornography is not something the majority of people like or ever look at. It disgusts them. So whether anyone thinks it is relevant or not, it just adds more unpleasantness to an already horrible situation.

    The only solace I find is that the families of the victims and the friends of the deceased behave in such a decent fashion under such terrible circumstances. None of their friends have talked to the papers as far as I know, and they all seem to be doing what any normal person would do, which is grieve privately with decorum, whilst under appalling pressure, stress, emotional devastation and sadness.

  5. People on here make me laugh NOT.

    If the cops had screwed it up they would be all over them. If the cops do it right they are all over them.

    People (TV members with brain cells) there is no difference between this case and a case in the western"civilized" world.

    If a wealthy or well to do family is involved before the police can do anything they have to have a case that is air tight and has no means of the person getting away with it.

    Therefore the [police may have known for a long time who was involved but had to go through the motions to get as much info without tipping off the Headman so that he was not concerned about running interference.

    Think about all the cases in the US UK involving wealthy people.

    It will be interesting to see who gets arrested for aiding and abetting and also if Martial (military) Law rules are invoked.

    I could not agree more. Well said.

  6. I so hope it is true and it brings some closure to the poor families destroyed by this terrible crime. So very sad and so horrible for all concerned. RIP to the poor victims. Sympathy and good thoughts to the families of both Hannah and David.

    Well done to the work done by the Thai police ! If they have got them, they sorted out a crime very quickly indeed and successfully.

    For once can't all the complainers, moaners, arm chair experts, say 'well done'. For once admit you are wrong and give credit to the police. There are fair few on this chat forum who have made complete idiots of themselves with all their conspiracies, misinformation and spewing out whatever the latest garbage press piece said. I doubt they will even admit it to themselves, let alone publically on here...I am sure they will find some excuse and say it was due to someone else, or something else. Rarely do bitchy type moaners ever admit they are wrong. For once admit it and say well done. You will make yourself a better person for doing so and maybe learn something.

    By the way...murder cases in the UK often go unsolved and some take months to solve. And powerful people get protected in our counties too. Pedophile scandal recently in UK is a prime example ! There is violence in countries all over the world...so let's not keep making out Thailand is any worse. It is so boring to keep hearing this constant Thai bashing. Please change the record. The majority of Thai people are charming and most welcoming. And very tolerant of foreigners who come to their country and moan all the time.

    If it is so bad, why are you so attracted to Thailand ? I guess people live in Thailand for a reason and find it a better option than living in their own country, or why would they be there in Thailand. But they still moan and complain about the very place they freely chose to live in. Seems there are a few confused people out there .

    As for the last week of media hype, gossip and childish banter.....have you worked out yet that there is no exact literal translation from Thai to English. The Thai Alphabet has 44 consonants and 37 vowels and in English we have 24 consonants and 12 vowels. Meanings are often misunderstood and newspapers normally use Google translate to do their work for them. Hardly an accurate translation at all. So much of what is said is misconstrued and misunderstood. Add into that cultural differences and any intelligent person can understand you cannot judge people on news paper trivia. Especially as most come from un confirmed blogs and so called experts who know nothing, or very little about the country or its people.

    So please stop whining on like a petulant child about Thailand, what they say and the police. Get away from your computers and go see the real world. And stop Thai bashing.

    Be happy for the families. The scum may well have been caught. Well done to the Thai police. They did it quickly.

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  7. what a joke this govt is, they cannot handle the fact they are on their last legs and after declaring that they will not invoke this unless there is more violence they do it. This once again shows how pathetic the ptp are, they have no idea what to do and are reaching for straws. Lets see how long yl and the capo people can keep their hands clean from the blood, they are now responsible for any deaths.

    You are a great example of those who speak without knowing what they are talking about. This Government will be reelected even if people like you would prefer that it not be.

  8. As usual I did my work, spoke to people. I walked past the protest areas. Stopped to eat. Everyone was peaceful, other than singing. All smiles. Felt perfectly safe at that time and had no reason to think otherwise. Went shopping at the shopping mall and had a perfectly normal day..... ....I agree with lostinsurin's comment 100%....so well said !!!! Please take this good advice....and I may add, my bit..."If not and you want to get the best of your time, as a guest in someone elses country: stop moaning, stop making foreigners here, look like grumpy, arrogant, rude bitter men, with no where else to go; and start to smile, be positive and enjoy life. You are lucky to be in Thailand. Its a wonderful country and we all hope it goes on like that. Lets hope all of the problems end peacefully and if not then deal with it, but stop complaining and spreading negativity. I came here to get away from that awful mindless attitude......Or as LostinSurin says....go to Big C and have a coffee.

    One over zealous police officer with a baton will spark a riot situation. Time to get out.

    As usual the chap in Big C gave me my basket and asked how I was "fine and how are you" I'm fine too he said, with his big smile. These are beautiful people.

    If you wish to leave, good bye! coffee1.gif

  9. Very different. Very, very different.

    The fact that they are using The Headless one to be in charge of this is quite concerning. A delicate situation, now in the hands of an alleged criminal, drunk, thug who takes orders from a convicted
    criminal fugitive. It's going to get messy.

    How is that different from when Suthep was in charge of the last SOE?
  10. Garbage comment. Switch on brain before opening mouth. I have seen not one thug at all during the whole time I have walked past protesters and I am carrying on my working life as normal. As are most. Do you contribute to Thailand's economy ? Do you pay taxes ? I presume you understand the meaning of the word democracy without looking on the net and were here thoughout the last 20 years to justify such an impactive and amazing comment. My advice...think before you speak please. It does yourself an injustice as a human being. You have either not been here, are not here, or simply naive. Good luck with thinking more.

    lets get these thugs off the streets and let the average citizen have his streets and access to government agencies. normal life needs to go on. The people has had enough of Suthep and his crowd of thugs.

    • Like 1
  11. Do you understand the meaning of the word terrorist ? I suggest you look it up as the only extreme person is yourself for stating such a childish and inappropriate remark. Ridiculous comment. Come on be real please.

    Good timing. Suthep has run out of moves.

    The goverment has handled these "protesters" (terrorists would be a more accurate description) extremely well so far.

    • Like 1
  12. and your point is ? I rest my case. My last sentences are proven correct. Have great day.

    Why does everyone keep harking on about Suthep. He is just a face. Many of the people protesting are not there for him at all. They are there for the obvious reasons, that any child can clearly see, staring them in the face. The absolute majority of protesters are not violent. Most are tax payers and it is their money and hard work that pays for the roads you use, the airports you fly in to and the lights that allow you to walk around at night under. It is their tax payments that keep the country going. They are blowing whistles, singing songs, smiling and carrying out their fundamental right to protest. I have been around them, gone to the shops and nothing made me feel angry or scared. I actually felt a great deal of warmth and positive spirit. It is not my country and I am unbiased and open minded. I am not political and choose to remain out of other people's business. Of course valid opinion is a good thing but how much is opinion and how much is sheer ignorance and prejudice.

    That does not mean everything they do is correct of course. But I hardly feel their nemesis has conducted themselves anywhere near as well. Why is it bothering everyone so much. Shops are open, the bar huggers can still drink, the airport is open.....chill out for god's sake. Let's all hope that it can be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means. But it is for The Thai people to decide and work out. And to keep hacking on about democracy. Ask any politician anywhere in the world and most would not be able to tell you what it is. It's a myth and does not exist. Certainly not in USA, UK or many countries.

    In the USA power and wealth of the country is controlled and owned by a tiny minority. As too in the UK. And I believe in both places our so called lovely democratic leaders used tax payers money to pay back a load of heinous bankers and then made cut backs that hurt the people even more. So democratic of them...thank you so much you democratic wonderful leaders....enough already....Please do not keep going on about democracy. Have we all not seen what our leaders did for us during the latest banking and economic meltdown. So loyal and considerate to us the people. Come on please...let's be serious. I do not think any external country can hold the moral high ground over Thailand. By the way if Thailand is so wrong why did it pip London last year to be the most visited country and more visitors came through Bangkok. Why because it is loved for the way it is. Who says our countries are right.....from my viewpoint we are being abused and cheated continually back home and it is a joke to suggest otherwise. Ask the millions who lost their homes, lost their jobs, got no help from their leaders.... while the bankers got big bonuses and all the help they required.. Come on ...be real. Let's be fair here.

    As for the letter. If a congressman had not interfered in Thailand's affairs then maybe this lawyer would not have written the letter. They are perfectly entitled to and I may add put their legal reputation on the line to speak out at what they believe to be the truth. Why does it anger foreigners so much. It seems to me there is an engrained desire for western people to control and dictate to others. Being a westerner I feel ashamed sometimes and also saddened by the sheer arrogance, ignorance and naivety of their comments and thoughts. Luckily amongst the diatribe there are still some intelligent well thought comments. Peace man.

    Once you state, most are tax payers, that is the end. There is firstly no proof if that and secondly that doesn't give them any more or less moral right to be heard than any other.

    Corruption sucks. Where were this lot during the bomb detector scandal?
  13. Oh dear you are one of those. Yes yes....

    Why does everyone keep harking on about Suthep. He is just a face. Many of the people protesting are not there for him at all. They are there for the obvious reasons, that any child can clearly see, staring them in the face. The absolute majority of protesters are not violent. Most are tax payers and it is their money and hard work that pays for the roads you use, the airports you fly in to and the lights that allow you to walk around at night under. It is their tax payments that keep the country going. They are blowing whistles, singing songs, smiling and carrying out their fundamental right to protest. I have been around them, gone to the shops and nothing made me feel angry or scared. I actually felt a great deal of warmth and positive spirit. It is not my country and I am unbiased and open minded. I am not political and choose to remain out of other people's business. Of course valid opinion is a good thing but how much is opinion and how much is sheer ignorance and prejudice.

    That does not mean everything they do is correct of course. But I hardly feel their nemesis has conducted themselves anywhere near as well. Why is it bothering everyone so much. Shops are open, the bar huggers can still drink, the airport is open.....chill out for god's sake. Let's all hope that it can be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means. But it is for The Thai people to decide and work out. And to keep hacking on about democracy. Ask any politician anywhere in the world and most would not be able to tell you what it is. It's a myth and does not exist. Certainly not in USA, UK or many countries.

    In the USA power and wealth of the country is controlled and owned by a tiny minority. As too in the UK. And I believe in both places our so called lovely democratic leaders used tax payers money to pay back a load of heinous bankers and then made cut backs that hurt the people even more. So democratic of them...thank you so much you democratic wonderful leaders....enough already....Please do not keep going on about democracy. Have we all not seen what our leaders did for us during the latest banking and economic meltdown. So loyal and considerate to us the people. Come on please...let's be serious. I do not think any external country can hold the moral high ground over Thailand. By the way if Thailand is so wrong why did it pip London last year to be the most visited country and more visitors came through Bangkok. Why because it is loved for the way it is. Who says our countries are right.....from my viewpoint we are being abused and cheated continually back home and it is a joke to suggest otherwise. Ask the millions who lost their homes, lost their jobs, got no help from their leaders.... while the bankers got big bonuses and all the help they required.. Come on ...be real. Let's be fair here.

    As for the letter. If a congressman had not interfered in Thailand's affairs then maybe this lawyer would not have written the letter. They are perfectly entitled to and I may add put their legal reputation on the line to speak out at what they believe to be the truth. Why does it anger foreigners so much. It seems to me there is an engrained desire for western people to control and dictate to others. Being a westerner I feel ashamed sometimes and also saddened by the sheer arrogance, ignorance and naivety of their comments and thoughts. Luckily amongst the diatribe there are still some intelligent well thought comments. Peace man.

    Once you state, most are tax payers, that is the end. There is firstly no proof if that and secondly that doesn't give them any more or less moral right to be heard than any other.

    Corruption sucks. Where were this lot during the bomb detector scandal?
  14. Oh dear you are one of those. Yes yes....

    Why does everyone keep harking on about Suthep. He is just a face. Many of the people protesting are not there for him at all. They are there for the obvious reasons, that any child can clearly see, staring them in the face. The absolute majority of protesters are not violent. Most are tax payers and it is their money and hard work that pays for the roads you use, the airports you fly in to and the lights that allow you to walk around at night under. It is their tax payments that keep the country going. They are blowing whistles, singing songs, smiling and carrying out their fundamental right to protest. I have been around them, gone to the shops and nothing made me feel angry or scared. I actually felt a great deal of warmth and positive spirit. It is not my country and I am unbiased and open minded. I am not political and choose to remain out of other people's business. Of course valid opinion is a good thing but how much is opinion and how much is sheer ignorance and prejudice.

    That does not mean everything they do is correct of course. But I hardly feel their nemesis has conducted themselves anywhere near as well. Why is it bothering everyone so much. Shops are open, the bar huggers can still drink, the airport is open.....chill out for god's sake. Let's all hope that it can be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means. But it is for The Thai people to decide and work out. And to keep hacking on about democracy. Ask any politician anywhere in the world and most would not be able to tell you what it is. It's a myth and does not exist. Certainly not in USA, UK or many countries.

    In the USA power and wealth of the country is controlled and owned by a tiny minority. As too in the UK. And I believe in both places our so called lovely democratic leaders used tax payers money to pay back a load of heinous bankers and then made cut backs that hurt the people even more. So democratic of them...thank you so much you democratic wonderful leaders....enough already....Please do not keep going on about democracy. Have we all not seen what our leaders did for us during the latest banking and economic meltdown. So loyal and considerate to us the people. Come on please...let's be serious. I do not think any external country can hold the moral high ground over Thailand. By the way if Thailand is so wrong why did it pip London last year to be the most visited country and more visitors came through Bangkok. Why because it is loved for the way it is. Who says our countries are right.....from my viewpoint we are being abused and cheated continually back home and it is a joke to suggest otherwise. Ask the millions who lost their homes, lost their jobs, got no help from their leaders.... while the bankers got big bonuses and all the help they required.. Come on ...be real. Let's be fair here.

    As for the letter. If a congressman had not interfered in Thailand's affairs then maybe this lawyer would not have written the letter. They are perfectly entitled to and I may add put their legal reputation on the line to speak out at what they believe to be the truth. Why does it anger foreigners so much. It seems to me there is an engrained desire for western people to control and dictate to others. Being a westerner I feel ashamed sometimes and also saddened by the sheer arrogance, ignorance and naivety of their comments and thoughts. Luckily amongst the diatribe there are still some intelligent well thought comments. Peace man.

    Once you state, most are tax payers, that is the end. There is firstly no proof if that and secondly that doesn't give them any more or less moral right to be heard than any other.

    Corruption sucks. Where were this lot during the bomb detector scandal?
  15. Well said.

    The US Gov. know about all that issues mention, but they don't care.

    There isn't a true Democracy in US either with 2 Party system, or State in State system (NSA).

    It's all about INFLUENCE and POWER

    What is a "true" democracy?

    In an absolute democracy if the majority deemed that the minority should be killed then that would be right, just and correct.....according to the principles of "democracy."

    There is no such thing as a "true" democracy as we know that it would never work. The majority is sometimes wrong.

    What we are hearing is all just rhetoric, and has nothing to do with "democracy."

  16. Guys just a thought but: His use of words maybe a bit harsh but if he had said “I don’t respect foreign politicians and associate groups such as UN etc”, perhaps we would have all agreed. I certainly would.

    I am from the UK but quite frankly am disgusted by the way the UK behaves around the world. It is arrogant, self interested and short sighted. This is a country (UK) that spent billions on unnecessary wars while its banks used the people’s money to get rich. Then when it went bankrupt asked the very people who it had abused to bail them out. Which the government did using not their money but our money. Then they allowed those banks to make record bonus payouts with not their money but our money. Then if not to spit on us more, the governments who are supposed to be in power to take care of its citizens who put it in power, then made cuts to hurt the people even more. No one bails my parents out or gives them a helping hand. Or any of the other millions of suffering people due to this complete fiasco. So are these people to be respected ?

    Now they are messing round in Libya. How clever when the government is bankrupt. Yes the UK government has no money. Fact. The same could be said of the USA too. Libya, a country that has low unemployment and is reasonably successful with lots of oil ! Yes we all know the guy is not a good guy but Tony Blair was hugging the muppet only a few years ago. I woke up a long time ago that politicians on the whole are self interested, hypocritical and rather disgusting human beings. Certainly not interested in us or our well being. So are they to be respected ?

    The manipulation of the media currently, is the same rubbish we saw during the BBC and CNN campaigns during Thailand protest which we all complained about as being false, biased and untrue. So you believe the very same media now ? Are these people to be respected ?

    How can you respect such stupidity? I respect people who deserve respect. Who show the very basis of being a decent human being. I do not see it in foreign politics. I am not saying here is any better at all. But it is not my country so I take the stance it is not my place to rubbish it or get involved.

    Other than to say…..This Thai politician has a point.

    I don’t respect foreign powers either and for all the right reasons. Reasons that are so obvious they are staring us all in the face. So someone said what I think. I respect the people of the countries but not the powers in charge. In fact I choose to ignore them most of the time and treat them with the same thought as I do a silent fart ….Wish he had worded it better that is all J

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