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Posts posted by Nagatus

  1. You have to consider the fact the the US prices don't have any tax added to them, and most other countries do add tax.

    Regardless whether the items are manufactured locally, there is a tax added to them.

    When you ship something by the shipload, the transportation costs are insignificant.

    Like someone said already, in the long run you are better off buying locally.


  2. Sorry, I know this is completely OT

    I once read some good advice "If you are arguing with and idiot, make sure he is not doing the same."

    Browsing though this thread I would say, "If you are arguing with a fanatic, and he is doing the same, no good will come out of it. Both will just ignore each others point."


  3. Hello all.

    I am running windows XP and my wife needs to write messages, search in google etc but we need to install Thai font on to our computer but I am not too sure how to do this.

    Can anyone pls assist.

    Thanks......... Slippery


    Control panel->regional settings->languages->Install files for complex script..... (including Thai)


  4. Are the firewalls and anti-virus software available in Linux part of the operating system or are they third party? How are you defining what is an 'operating system' and what is 'third party' software?

    Firewalls are part of, if not all, a great majority of Linux distributions. Antivirus software is not normally a part of a normal installation, mainly due to lack of viruses for Linux.

    I define "operating system" as a collection of software that comes bundled via a single software source, be it a cd, dvd, what ever, basically a compilation of programs that the packager has seemed proper to include. It is up to the user whether to install/use them all.

    "third party" naturally is some other collection/single piece of software.

    Don't want to argue how precise my definition is, just IMO :)

  5. Well another way of looking at security is that it starts with the user. Many if not most modern trojans and viruses spread through email that tricks people to run code in some way or another. This is not something an operating system can prevent.

    Granted, the OS can't prevent it, but what it can do is to protect itself, ie. only allow the user to write to specific places and to specific files, specifically the one the user owns or a temporary directory. This way any harm will only affect the users own files, and not corrupt the system itself. This may sound like only a very tiny difference but is actually quite important. If you need to salvage something from the system you can for example use an other account on the system. But it maybe impossible to even have a system that will protect the users actions harming users own data :)

    IMO an OS should not allow a regular user to write anywhere they want, not even after clicking some meaningless "OK" button on some equally meaningless dialog box.

  6. <snip>

    Maybe cause I am not native English speaker I comprehended what the OP meant. To my understanding there is no such thing as alimony in Thai law. If there is, I think it would be very hard to enforce on the husband if he stays in Italy. So the short answer is no, no need to pay anything. Whether this is morally right is up to the person in question. Personal relationships are exactly that, personal and very hard for outsiders to give any real consideration with this little amount of information.


    I beg to differ. In Thai court issued divorces there is provision for alimony. This is usually in the form of a lump sum to be paid to the wife at time of divorce.

    My bad, I stand corrected. Thanks for enlightening me :)

  7. Should be fine, no worries :D

    230 volts is not actually that it varies all the time anyways, I am not 100% sure about the herz difference (why do the US always have to invent the wheel again?)

    wrt the 120 volt thing I would leave it behind, the converters you need or actually an inverter in this case will always give you a poor transformation ratio and hence will add more to your electric bill.

    Sorry no more help :)

  8. hi, my friend have problems with her wife. she want a divorce. this my friend stay in italy and is italian, staing with her thai wife.

    if they divorce, she have a law mantenace check?

    she no work, no have money, and want return in thailand.


    Maybe cause I am not native English speaker I comprehended what the OP meant. To my understanding there is no such thing as alimony in Thai law. If there is, I think it would be very hard to enforce on the husband if he stays in Italy. So the short answer is no, no need to pay anything. Whether this is morally right is up to the person in question. Personal relationships are exactly that, personal and very hard for outsiders to give any real consideration with this little amount of information.


  9. Good vodka?

    Well I would say that the basic requirements are that it is made of pure grain, from as much as possible from a land that is not too overly cultivated (not sure whether that is the right word). Distilled with the best equipment with the tightest quality control.

    The end result, either Finlandia or Absolut, no compromises in either.

    Get what you pay for :)

    Oh, atm at the wrong time zone too, but going to sleep as we speak, so don't take offence if I won't respond too soon. Much later there anyways :D

  10. A recent survey conducted by Igognito Maximus corp. showed that an overwhelming majority of farang women (0.1%) showed preferance towards dark skinned Issan man. The basic reason for this preferance was that "I know what I get", meaning, there is no illusion about the drinking habbits or work ethics, full and none, respectively.

    What comes as a surprise learnt from the study, though is the fact, that when these husbands ask for some donation to their relevatives, the majority of the western women seem to agree that since it is their custom it is ok, as long as the husband behaves accordingly and satisfies their daily needs.

    These Issan husbands seem to be more and more a going trend and some what worrying phonemenon among cultivated western males. "God only knows what will happen next" said one.

    There has been some talk among western men about having a law that forbids women taking apart in so called "sex holidays" in the south eastern asia. Their claim is that "they are eating away our livelihood"

    And this was a joke unless some of you did not get it :)

  11. great the problem is that a large number of files have nested sub directories within which i dont want i just want the file itself that is stored in there

    will the -j do that

    thanks again


    from the unzip manual page

    		[-x xfile(s)]
    		   An  optional  list of archive members to be excluded from processing.  Since wildcard charac‐
    		   ters normally match ('/') directory separators (for exceptions see the option -W, this option
    		   may be used to exclude any files that are in subdirectories.  For example, ''unzip foo *.[ch]
    		   -x */*'' would extract all C source files in the main directory, but none in any  subdirecto‐
    		   ries.   Without the -x option, all C source files in all directories within the zipfile would
    		   be extracted.

    so I would expect that

     unzip filename.zip -x */*

    would do the trick.

    If your zip files are in multiple directories as well you could say

     find . -type f -name \*.zip -print -exec unzip {} -x "*/*" \;

    to find all .zip files starting from current directory and unzip all of them to the current directory. Only files in the root directory inside of the zip files will be extracted.

    HTH :)

  12. Not really sure how common it is, but my wife has done the same a couple of times when I've had a minor mishap.

    We talked about it and I think she understood when I explained that westerners do not appreciate this kind of behaviour. She did not necessarily agree/understand but agreed that she won't laugh anymore in such situations.

    Have not happened since.

    Maybe find some kind of a sample to show how upset you get from this kind of behaviour, a sample, something that the locals take seriously but you laught at, ghosts are real (don't know that you do laught at this) etc.

    Well anyway this atleast fixes the problem in the immediate family (although you did not have this problem) but maybe it will spread to the extended one too :)

    One point to add, if her brother is normally fine with you, does not disrespect you etc. Probably he meant nothing by it, his reaction, thats all.

  13. I think many people are having the wrong idea about internet usage and sharing.

    When you get an internet connection from a service provider, you get a land telephone line that is connected to a DSLAM on the ISP's end. That line is not shared in any way, only you. The DSLAM is connected to the backbone of the ISP, there you share the available bandwidth with all of the other users, well all the ones connected to the same network anyway, but this is usually the local network which has amble bandwidth available.

    Whether or not the ISP decides to limit your connection speed, or whether the limitation is only due to the fact that the ISP is grossly overselling their available bandwidth is, of cource, completely up to the ISP.

    There is nothing wrong in using all the available speed of the line you are paying for, that is your right. Until the ISP's change their billing according to a monthly cap, limit your speed and inform you about it, or actually charge real expenses for what you get, feel free to use your line as you see fit and complain if you are not getting what you pay for.

    You can make up all the analogues you want, the fact is that you are paying for a service and if you are not getting what you agreed on and paid for, you are right to complain. :)

  14. Same problem here but i'm not download P2P but direct downloads.

    350 ko/s to 30 ko/s after a call to the technician 420 ko/s and after only one day again 30 ko/s

    Johan must be Swedish with the ko's and all (no pun/harm/anything intended), but anyway...

    If you pay for a 4Mb connection it is _NOT_ stealing from someone else to use the whole 4Mb, that is what you paid for, right?

    On the other hand, it _IS_ the job of the ISP to limit the speed of some user interfaces that are using excessive amounts of _limited_ international speed, keeping in mind that all the users need to be serviced.

    All in all the problem is not with the users but with the service providers.

  15. There are some problems in downloading with only from one site, if you loose your internet connection for a second, no matter what the reason. Using a download manager helps on some occasions, but many times you have to do a bunch of clicks to get a generated download url that is impossible to resume after a disconnection -> have to start the whole download again.

    Using a good Download Manager helps not in some occasions, it helps in 99% occasions. If the Download Manager tells you that Resume is enabled at the server yopu download from, you will not have any problems.

    It is not a question of server allowing resumes, its about the session related unique download url generated by the server, there are a _lot_ of these sites.

    I think most people don't really realize the benefits of torrent, it is amazing technology. In general terms it is far better for all internet users to divide the traffic load among many servers(peers) than just put the load on a single line. The torrent protocol actually spreads the traffic pretty wonderfully taking into account the geographical and network topographic divergensies, it will "naturally" prefer the seeds/peers that will give it best speed and without hash fails. Torrent is also extremely resilient, adhering to the fundamentals of the internet itself, it will keep trying to get the file you want untill the sun dies of old age, naturally someone has to seed it sometime, it can't do miracles :)

    You're right as long as the setup of that computer which "hosting" the data files are correct and it's exactly here where the most problems came from.

    Those hosts are not a problem, they will never connect to you just fine, if you just open the port on your computer. If they don't so what? You will get the torrent from some other peer. Seeds are rarely misconfigured.

    There are a number of commerial files available via torrent perfectly legally, these are otherwise digitally protected against illegal use.

    Those sites are very limited and even difficult to find. And more difficult to get connected to that sites. The requirements for to get connected to such sites are quite high, and have to be by the way because of legal problems, and most of that sites are not used for the "normal" stuff, they're used for business related stuff.

    True, OTOH there are plenty of legal torrents around, just google for example "torrent legal movie music", you'll be surprised.

    _IF_ you put even half decent settings on your torrent client and avoid possible ISP torrent filtering/throttling you are guaranteed to get the maximum speed out of your internet connection.

    First is because of the ISP is handling the torrent data on which way?! And the second is, how many User's (by percentage) would know how to setup the system to get out the most?

    Provided we give helpful information like in this thread to the OT, hopefully most of them.

    my $.02

    And to come back to point of legality: Nearly all (by percentage) torrent's are illegal.

    I don't know about that, but please keep repeating it for a few more times, I am sure it will be true :D


    Maybe this is beginning to be a bit too much OT? :D

  16. I think you haven't understand: download via torrents means that you download from a bunch of sites with an unstable speed at the same time while downloading from a legal site is just from one site with an stable speed.

    If you lucky you can get a download via torrents with a lot available "sites" you maybe get an good speed! But if just a few "sites" available, the speed is slow!

    If you download from an legal site like Microsoft for example or an other legal and commercial site you get an great speed and that speed is stable!

    I for example download from MS with 400+ kB/s while if using via torrents the max I can ever get is below 200 kB/s average with an max top-speed of 280 kB/s for one program/movie/music or whatsoever!

    And as a site note: we are talking from legal downloads here and NOT pirated copies.

    There are some problems in downloading with only from one site, if you loose your internet connection for a second, no matter what the reason. Using a download manager helps on some occasions, but many times you have to do a bunch of clicks to get a generated download url that is impossible to resume after a disconnection -> have to start the whole download again.

    I think most people don't really realize the benefits of torrent, it is amazing technology. In general terms it is far better for all internet users to divide the traffic load among many servers(peers) than just put the load on a single line. The torrent protocol actually spreads the traffic pretty wonderfully taking into account the geographical and network topographic divergensies, it will "naturally" prefer the seeds/peers that will give it best speed and without hash fails. Torrent is also extremely resilient, adhering to the fundamentals of the internet itself, it will keep trying to get the file you want untill the sun dies of old age, naturally someone has to seed it sometime, it can't do miracles :)

    There are a number of commerial files available via torrent perfectly legally, these are otherwise digitally protected against illegal use.

    _IF_ you put even half decent settings on your torrent client and avoid possible ISP torrent filtering/throttling you are guaranteed to get the maximum speed out of your internet connection.

    my $.02

  17. Ah the wonderful world of torrents :)

    You're best opening a port on your adsl modem and forwarding it to your computer, remember allow incoming connections on that port on your personal firewall as well. Another option to use is UPnP and DHT on the torrent client, this somewhat helps with NAT and firewalls. If you don't allow any incoming connections you won't be able to download as fast as many peers will not be able to connect to you.

    Make sure your maximum connections per torrent (and maximum connections overall) are set high enough.

    On your 4M connection set something like 120 connections max/torrent and global somewhere around 500-600, if you experience slowing of your desktop lower the limits.

    To keep a goog interactivity on your line do not put the max download speed to more than 350kb/sec, mileage may vary depending on the wuality of your connection. Limit the uploading bandwidth to max 80% of your upload link speed. This will prevent huge cueues forming on the adsl link which kills interactivity of your line.

    Should work like a charm.

  18. Thanks for the replies, very informative

    One thing to note too, that the fake raids on motherboards produce very poor performance and require special drivers from the operating system to work.

    IMO definitely not worth it, if you want performance and security use 4 disks and Raid 10

  19. I managed to open xorg.conf and I cannot make head nor tail of it, there are various 'sections', Screen, Monitor,Module,Device but nothing about

    Horiz Synch or anything that looks like it...

    I am using Ubuntu 8.1, Sorry if this is a bit messy but I am using my laptop which only has a crappy touch mouse....

    In ubuntu say

    $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    in terminal/recovery mode

    Follow the prompts on the screen


  20. I have a particular model Acer laptop that is not fully compatible with Ubuntu. The wireless function will not work and although it is possible to fix it is a little complicated. So, I am wondering what alternatives I should consider. I have Xandros on my Asus machine which is good but I would like to try a different distro. Any suggestions?

    I would rather like to know what is actually the problem and how cumbersome it is to make it work, I assume you want to use linux and (X)buntu in general. That said, it is still (sadly) often the case that having the wireless working perfectly with Linux is a pain in the ass :o

    Luckily normally once you make a fix, it will stay onboard through all upgrades.

    To the question, try Fedora (Redhat) or OpenSuSe they are generally accepted as the ones that have the most support for hardware.

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