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Posts posted by Shido

  1. Some time back I posted the complalnt that I was refused Internet banking when I opened an account at BB's main branch even though I have an O-A visa. Well, Ian at BB promptly intervened and I returned to the bank, where I was treated like royalty and got suitably enrolled.So: (a) the Forum works; (B) Ian works -- hard; and © Internet banking at BB is available even for miserable pensioneers such as I.Just thought you might like to know...Shido

  2. Three weeks ago a bought a simple little "dumb" mobile at MBK and put in a True sim card. Problem is my topped-up baht keep disappearing and I'm not using the phone. Anybody else have this problem with True or any other phone service? I'm willing to dump True if this a True thing. I definitely don't want extended hassles with what should be a very small deal.I am, by the way, getting tons of SMS advertising but I'm told they all do that. I would assume I don't pay for these incoming messages.Solutions? Suggestions?Many thanks.Shido

  3. Thanks for all the helpful responses. That graphic of the BB online log-in totally convinces me that it's out there, but for me?

    When signing up for my savings account I asked about ibanking and the efficient young lady told me with certitude that as I have an O-A visa and no work permit I can't get ibanking.

    Since I am a resident -- if that means having a rental contract, which I do, and which I flashed at the efficient young lady -- I'll go back and give it another try. Maybe she wasn't such an efficient young lady after all.

    But what the heck: have to buy another liter of soy milk at Villa Market anyway.

    Thanks all.


  4. I just opened a savings account at Bangkok Bank's main office. No problem there, but I walked away without asking how I could keep track of my cash. I've been banking online in the States so long it just didn't occur to me that with that option unavailable I needed another way.

    What is it? Can't believe they mail out monthly statements.

    I saw mention in the "opening a bank account" thread of checking up by phone but the number for telephone banking on the BB website -- 0-645-5555 -- produces a Thai language response only and offers no option for choosing English. Am I missing something?

    I certainly do hope I don't have to track my cash using ATM machines. That would be too tedious to be true. On the other hand, it appears that I now have a savings account that pays no interest, so anything's possible.



  5. Wow, you folks are all super-helpful. Very reassuring. Thanks so much.

    I am especially encouraged by that 885 baht/month medication cost, as the number quoted me here in the States was $100 monthly.

    Is 885 baht/month roughly about the amount most people spend for their medication?

    Although, as I said, I haven't yet been diagnosed with glaucoma and am still on the edge, I expect that the glaucoma I will or could have is the open-angle type since my vision is still unaffected and the problem seems to be coming on slowly. I'll go in for another exam in five or six months.

    I'm also curious as to what, if any, side effects people may be experiencing from their medications. I'm not taking any other medications, so no conflict anticipated.



  6. After a year-and-a-half away from Thailand, I'm in the States getting ready to make the final jump to retirement in Chiang Mai when, wouldn't you know, the optometrist tells me I'm on the verge of getting glaucoma. So I study up on glaucoma and discover that I can likely stall the disease, since I caught it early, but that it can't be cured. So if I really do develop glaucoma, I'll be taking medication for the rest of my days. (I'm sixty-seven.)

    Has anyone had experience with managing glaucoma in Thailand? (Quality of care, cost and availability of medications, etc.)

    As you might guess, this has got me a little agitated, since glaucoma can cause blindness.


    -- Shido

  7. Friends --

    I'm retired and looking for a place to settle down in Thailand. I've been here in Chiang Mai for a month and although the city is comfortable, I'm choking on the air and I miss the ocean. So I thought I'd do a swing through the South for a look-see.

    What's the long-term housing situation in or around Krabi town? Do most long-timers buy? Build? Rent?

    I'd like to rent -- bungalow, condo, not sure what -- for about 10 - 15K TB. Is that realistic?

    I did a search on this forum and didn't come up with much.

    Is there a kind soul who could fill me in?



  8. Say ff978472, I had a look at the web site, but it's all in Thai, and the links only lead to photos. Also, I did a quick Google search of the wat and the teacher and didn't come up with anything.




  9. OK, thanks. Those were both useful views. I'd like to get away from the tourist crowds of most coastal areas and Trang seemed to offer that, but I'm leery of trying to set myself up in a town that has very few farang for the good reason that it's just too dull.

    If anybody knows of better alternatives in the far South, please suggest.



  10. What's it like to be an expat living in Trang town?

    I was thinking about retiring in Chiang Mai, where I've been for the last few weeks. It's a pleasant city (despite the smog) but I'm uncomfortable with all the tourists and I find that I'm missing the sea. A friend told me Trang is nice, and I'd like to hear what it's like to live there day-to-day.

    I'm a pretty quiet guy, and I places that are off-the-beaten track, but so far off that I can't hang out now and then with fellow expats.

    All opinions and experiences appreciated.



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