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Posts posted by gottheteeshirt

  1. Another brilliant tourism idea. Let's take an island that is world-famous and unique for something. Then, let's turn it into yet another family friendly beach destination with crappy infrastructure, which has well-established competition in every subtropical and tropical country around the world.

    Thats what I was thinking. The reason people go to Ko Phangnan is because it's not a family resort.

    I was under the impression that anything to do with drugs is punishable!

    Many Thai kids are 'full mooning' on a regular basis and living for nothing else. About time it was cleaned up.

    Until (if ever) drug use is legalised then it's irresponsible of anyone to condone the selling or use. Remember that the 'backpackers / foriegn visitors' are only here for a short time, the ones who really suffer long term are the local kids.

  2. looking for a laboratory to have my well water analyzed - any ideas? i am on koh phangan, surat thani province. i hear universities do this kind of analysis, any leads? how much does that cost?

    many thanks!

    Have you tried the local water company?

    Or, are there any pool installers near you?

    Water testing is a very simple execise with only minimal equipment needed. Do a google search for advice. Good Luck.

  3. "As for the (single-multiple) re-entry permit is an extra complication and money maker invented by Thai authorities certainly not intended to make life easier for us, non-immigrants amplified by changing rules not in our favour once more."

    Whoever wrote the above hasn't been around much-Re-Entry Permits are most countries. If you are a visitor on whatever visa then, when you leave a country, to return you need another visa, hence the system of getting a re-entry permit which avoids the need to renew your visa-simple logic, not 'invented' by Thai Immigration.

    As many have said above, the simple way is to get a re-entry permit while you are renewing, or extending your visa, then you're not caught with your trousers down in an emergency. Q.E.D.

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