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Posts posted by ThaiTrav

  1. ........"and this is the sort of person enforcing the thai laws......unbelievable ,the clown uniform would be far more appropriate dress. From the hand movements whats goin on go left ,right ,up down ??? Is this a fit?? The other members of the force of course consider this perfectly acceptable and normal ,meanwhile the numbers of deaths on thai roads are at there highest peak even to say worlds no1 most deadliest. Easy to see why. Great to see the Thai government cracking down with such serious actions to the problem . Thank god my kids arent growing up in an area where policing and administrating directions to save lives are taken with such seriousness!

  2. In reality sure its a mess but when all the stuff is picked up it is not so bad , yes  clean reset the bed  and  micro clean the areas where liquids have been spilt . I think the initial shock is far greater than the actual damage as I had the same done to me only in Western countries we had carpet which had to be replaced but apart from all the rubbish and shit which can be picked up and disposed of there is nothing that can't realy be easily fixed , sofa curtains fridge ....what else . Peraps the landlord will be more astute to the quality of his tennant . Admittedly 30k is off the wall .I had a 3 bed with 3 ensuite 9k /mth . 20 but be creeping up but 30k can rent a whole house !!! 30k for that small refined space obvious they were oblivious to the thousands of rental bargains out there. Perhaps the tennants were expecting  a rubbish removal service that they thought came with the letting! 

  3. First time in Pattaya Songkran enjoyed and ever since then 5 later , Now hate it with a passion!!!! Would be so nice if just a calm polite wet not a dangerous loud soaking . I have lost 3 good  people to the stupidity of this festival I think its developed out of control , Why cant it be done in one or 2 blocks where the idiots can be idiots 24 hrs if they like why disrupt other decent folk whom dont share the same idiosy. Love great tunes but man I can't get myself anywhere round the menotinous beat and horns sounding garbage they dance to.It is "Sh@##$$5!!!! Top it off with the your empty headed stupid mentality the looks and motions and drunkedness ,the deaths and you start to realize just how wired differently the people of this place really is . I am of the belief that this race of polluting self centered selfish and most of all STUPIDITY can never change for anything better and I am really saddened to say that . It cant change as the majority don't and no fault of their own have any education to know any better. But on the other side some folk enjoy the wild lawlessness side  and who cares if people die or get injured.

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  4. Hey Bad news for those folk hoping to get and wear one of the new electronic bracelets that are in fashion this songkran. The Govt underestimated the number ordered only 5000 and rumour has it that around 2700 were snapped up on the first day  of issue by now there are only few left to be handed out only to those who manage to blow highest scores. So cheers and usual driving everything back to normal!

  5. 6 hours ago, keith101 said:

    or the transformer just wasn't big enough to cope with all the load from the bars and restaurants in the area  

    Yep Keith I agree with you , I have seen 3 blow up in my time here ,One was opposite Lucifer night club when walking street was quite active about 8pm ,The noise and sparks hot metal frightened everyone . another went off near the condo I lived in on cosy beach hill 6am ,I swear the ground shook. Whats in them that makes them explode?? Doesn't seem to occur in western world least I never heard of it. You would think being bomb like they should be caged or well away from the public . Imagine walkin pissed one night and having that go off above you it does appear to be a common occurance .

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