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Posts posted by lennoxgilby

  1. Thanks, I've done that several times already.

    Once I had a pair of Tannoy Revolution R1's in one of my check in bags and a Marantz PM 4001 amplifier in the other (with a hel_l of a lot of clothes to pack them in firmly...!!

    Ended up being way over weight and paying a fine, however it was less than I would have been charged had I taken it through the 'red lane' and declared it (or taken it through green and got caught...!!

  2. Thanks for the info, I suspected as much.

    I had no idea about the work permit thing though - that's interesting. I think this is the way to go if you have one and possess a large amount of stuff you want to bring over (in one trip)

    May have to try it out for myself....

  3. Yes you are correct in the assumption that the prices here in Thailand are very inflated and it is indeed due to the high level of import tax levied upon them by the government. Piyanas are amongst the top few high end audio suppliers here in Thailand. I have done a lot of business with them but every time it leaves a big hole in my pocket but what else can you do, maybe somebody out there has some suggestions? I would think the same implies if you were to buy anywhere else overseas and ship over here! The only way around it would be if you were a work permit holder, then you are allowed to ship in personal effects within a certain time frame so if you had a decent set up at home you could bring it over without implementation of import tax! But this would obviously be a one time option . . .

    Another option would be to look at locally made hi-end audio made in Thailand, I would imagine that this option would be cheaper. However I have no Knowledge of the quality and reliability of Thai hi end Audio products.


  4. Is anyone familiar with a company called Piyanas?

    I have spent a while scoping out their website although I haven't actually visited one of their branches yet.

    As a UK citizen I am familiar with a wide range of hifi brands and their 'recommended' retail prices, however looking at the prices of several items on Piyanas's website I found them to be a lot higher than their UK equivalents...

    ...for example:

    Rega Apollo CD player: 31,000 baht (approx 620 queens heads)

    In the UK most online sellers let this go for 400-500 pounds. Even high street hifi shops would be selling this for no more than 550...

    Proac Tablette Reference 8 signature's: 64,000 baht (approx 1280 bigguns...)

    These go for around the 800 pound mark, and usually less.

    Am I reading this correctly, or are these inflated figures a result of large import duties, or another anomaly?

    Do other hifi shops around the city (Fortune Town/Mr Balance in Pantip Plaza etc...) sell these products at the same sort of prices?

    Slightly confused, help is appreciated...!!

  5. For 600 baht or less you won't get anything out here that is remotely high quality!!

    Regarding headphones, Sennheiser are a brand with which you can't go wrong.

    For that money you could get some of the 'entry level' in ear phones, but don't expect them to be blocking out any noise, cos they won't...!!

    Pantip plaza is the best for cheap electronics, but try also fortune town mall on pra lam 9 (theres a sennheiser shop in there on the second floor...)

  6. Subs are essentially designed to bring impact into film soundtracks however many designs on the market today are also tailored towards the recreation of high quality bass lines for two channel music.

    If you are using it more for the latter, I would seriously recommend a high level speaker connection, whereby the roll off from your loudspeakers is fed directly to the sub, ensuring a synergy between the two components and a more realistic 'low end' when listening to two channel stuff...

    For purely film watching, you can forget what I just mentioned and drop a high quality RCA cable in, just remember to optimise it correctly before you begin, and think about where to place the unit in your room. Hope you have understanding neighbours. :)

  7. I have a little time on my hands over the next few days, what with the Taksin verdict, (I will be staying home tomorrow) and the following monday off work. Based on this I'm going to immortalise my thoughts on the craziness that is the Thai school system...

    This is my third year as a teacher in this country and my third school (its taken me this long to find one I like...) The previous three have all been different with respect to my duties and the curriculum, however a pattern has emerged which as any teacher will know, is the blueprint for every educational institution within the borders of this great land. I'm talking specifically about the guidelines issued by the ministry of education regarding pass/fail procedure and how it is to be implemented.

    In very simple terms - each and every student must pass regardless of ability or effort (and this is non negotiable.) The sooner that we (as falang teachers) realise this and start to tow the line, the easier our lives become because the stark reality is that we have absolutely zero ability to affect the system, and incidentally neither do the Thai's. I was in a meeting just the other day when the subject was brought up and was told by the director in no uncertain terms that it was out of her hands. All this begs the question: why bother testing students at all, if the result is always the same...??

    I won't go into my views on the reasons for the above, however I would simply say I find it quite sad that a truly wonderful country such as Thailand (which promotes such moral values as respect and duty) can at the same time, display total disregard towards the potential of its younger generation (whose skills and intellect provide the basis for the future.)

    Anyway, ce la vie!! So long as it remains the land of smiles, I'm a happy man...!!!

  8. I have installed and optimised more Denon dvd players than I care to remember, and I can tell you that (at the price) the 1910 is one of the greatest machines I've used in terms of build quality and spec.

    It was also the lowest priced machine of its kind (some five years ago) to be released with the all important HDMI output, although check the native resolution of your tv for an indication of the potential to be gained from an early machine such as this. For example, you don't mention whether your telly has an HDMI input (I'm guessing it does) however if not, and you're running hi-def on a component cable you will not be getting the full picture (excuse the pun!!) If I remember rightly, that machine outputs 1080i and 720p resolutions whereas nowadays most new lcd's and led tv's have the ability to display 1280i and p resolutions and higher...

    As for a receiver choice, there's not a lot in it to be fair. I'm a huge fan of both Denon and Yamaha. It all comes down to the number of other components you are running through it. For build and features, the two aforementioned can't be beaten.

    Good luck

  9. I guess it would be too much to have a sign on the genuine VFS office warning about the bogus outfit next door or to have a genuine VFS staff member waiting outside to usher people into the correct building?

    I think the Thais have quite strict libel and slander laws, so putting a sign up saying next door is a bogus office is asking for a huge court case. The entrance is clear to anyone by the signage and the security at the entrance. If anyone is actually fooled into thinking the other places in the building are official then they probably need the services of them to gain a visa anyway.

    Although the VFS center signs are clear when you get outside the office, I've watched people being approached outside the building. When people who are approached think they are being escorted to the VFS center by an employee they tend to 'switch off' and just follow, not looking at the signage on other offices. When we went to take my wifes application we were there for about eight hours over two days and I watched as several people were approached outside Regent House then lead up the stairs past the VFS center and into the Visa World office. I didn't see one person question where they were being taken or even look at the VFS office, and nobody who I saw go in came out of Visa World quickly either.

    Hi, can you please tell me EXACTLY where to go once inside this building as I've been twice already, and I must have been extremely naive because both times I was taken to an office (with staff) who appeared entirely authentic. When you enter, do you go straight ahead (past the cafe on the right), up the stairs one floor and turn RIGHT? Please correct me if I'm wrong about this. Many thanks...

  10. Who stopped you? VFS staff? Building security? Someone else?

    Perhaps a complaint to the embassy is in order?

    I cannot conceive of any legitimate reason why staff of any agency should be allowed in and out of the VAC when sponsors are not allowed to accompany applicants inside.

    But I also find it difficult to accept that VFS would allow their relationship and many contracts with UKBA to be jeopardised by collusion with any agency, let alone one with dubious practises.

    Perhaps they are collecting passports for their clients, as your courier does for you.

    It seems from the advice I have received so far that I was entering the wrong department in the first place. However I wasn't stopped by anyone - quite the opposite. I was actually hustled by a Thai man into the building from the minute I stepped out of the taxi. I was then offered a table where he sat with me and my GF and went through our paperwork. The same man spotted us on both our second and third visits with the same outcome. I foolishly assumed this was standard procedure and the wheels were now in motion. My fourth visit will be made with a lot more care and attention...

  11. If you are non-resident with regards to the UK and have a job to return to in Thailand, prove and point this out in the covering letter - noting that you can only stay for a max of three months in a tax year with regard to UK - and you should be okay given the length of the relationship etc.

    Oh, and go to the correct visa office (on the right before the one you have been going into) rather than the visa AGENCY

    Thanks a lot for that - I knew I was going to the wrong place with regards the location, but didn't want to return to make the same mistake again. Maybe it will be a case of fourth time lucky...!!

  12. Greetings one & all. This is my first ever post on this site, so here goes...

    I would like to voice my utter frustration and anger at the 'staff' of the UK visa agency (Regents house). In hindsight, I was extremely naive in believing the lies of the Thai that hustled me inside from the moment I stepped out of the taxi...

    My story is this - On my first trip to said agency, I was told that there would be no problem at all in obtaining a visa for my GF if I return with a few extra items of paperwork and the standard visa fees of 3,800 baht. Imagine my surprise then, when upon my return I was told (by the same person) that there was now no way that she would get a visa based on her current situation (which hadn't changed since the last time) However if I pad them 20,000 baht they would rush the visa through for me. I laughed in their face.

    After a little research, I returned for a third time accompanied by every conceivable item of paperwork and was invited to speak with a Thai lady who I was reliably informed was the 'manager' of the department. She even had her own office. From the minute I sat down I knew it was a mistake. She didn't care about anything I had to say, and reiterated what I was told on my last visit which was that there was no way she'd get a visa. She did tell me however, that out of the kindness of her heart, she'd sell me one. This time though, the price had gone up. Apparently the going rate was now 25,000 baht. I stood up and walked out without comment.

    Anyway, here's my situation as it stands:

    -Been with my Thai GF for over four years (lived with her at various locations across Bangkok for the duration)

    -She is currently unemployed after quitting her job due to a dispute with her boss over pay

    -Has met my parents in person on several occasions during holidays they have taken in TL

    -I have all the neccesaries: photo's/emails/contracts/utility bills/bank statements etc

    The plan is for her to come with me to Blighty for no longer than a few weeks. We will stay with my parents for the duration (they have written a letter confirming this) and the trip will be funded by me (with money from my UK account)

    I believe that my problem lies with our inability to prove a reason for her return. To do this I have aquired the followiing:

    1) A letter written by her and signed by her aunt (her only family) confirming the very close nature of their relationship as well as the fact that she knows about the trip

    2) A contract from the owner of the house we currently live in to say we will be requiring it for another year

    3) A contract from my employer to offer me the position for another year.

    Short of these few things, I cannot think of anything else that could help me with this dilemma. I'm really hoping the next trip I make to the agency will truly be my last. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance (TFF: Truly Frustrated Falang)!!!!!!!!!!

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