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Everything posted by MaiDong

  1. Are you suggesting that the system hasn't been used by anybody yet? Please, I'm asking about recent experiences, why do so many have to come here and pick and bicker, it's what has destroyed this forum.
  2. Again, ambiguity is the key here, that's why I'm asking for recent experiences.
  3. That's not a recent experience of obtaining a Non-O from HCMC, but thanks anyway!
  4. Because of ambiguity. I'm asking for recent experiences of obtaining a Non-O from HCMC since e-visa changes, thanks anyway.
  5. As you can see from the screenshot below, HCMC e-visa application requests 'Financial evidence...' Has anybody had to show financials for a single entry e-visa application?
  6. I've just checked on the HCMC consulate, and the processing time is now showing 2 days https://hochiminh.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/non-immigrant-o-accompanying-thai-spouse-and-family-members Am I missing something? Or have processing times been changed? Or was that the old processing time when appointments were needed? And now the e-visa system is in operation, the processing time is just 2 days?
  7. Agreed. Desperately obtaining Thai bank account & seasoning funds! Something I'd not previously been able, or was unwilling to do.
  8. Because I was asking about recent experiences, that's all, don't pick me apart. If for example someone had used an agent, or used another trick, to get a quicker turn around.
  9. Thanks, I've read all that, I'm actually asking if anybody has had a quicker turnaround recently, or at all, apologies for not being thorough enough.
  10. Can anybody confirm if the visa processing time for HCMC is actually 5 working days?
  11. Does anybody have another way to contact ianguygil? I need to open a bank account after over 20 years of avoiding it... Alternatively, can anybody recommend an agent in the West of Bangkok?
  12. Any recent experiences of obtaining a Non imm O multi at the Royal Thai embassy in Manila?
  13. Is this a mew requirement? I obtained my last Multiple Entry Non Imm O Visa at the Thai Consulate in Savannahket last July, it wasn't required then.
  14. Sorry, my mistake, I meant a Multiple Entry Non Imm O Visa, not a METV.
  15. Any other recent experiences of being asked to show 400k in the bank for a METV for visiting wife? I hear this every couple of years, but it's never implemented...
  16. I'm not totally sure about vis exempt etc, but they didn't say anything about it, I was gone in a flash, long trip back. I'm heading to Savannakhet for a Non-O.
  17. Not so great! I only read the date on my stamp, which was the 7th of July, but my visa expired on the 3rd. Immigration first offered me a 'special package' of 30 days upon my return across the river, with no questions asked regarding B10,000 and an onward ticket, for B2,800, then kindly offered me a 'special price' of B2,600, which I declined, and rode the 600kms home again! I'm off to Laos imminently to get a new visa. So, the border crossing is still open should anybody be interested, I just didn't use their services.
  18. I can't believe people come on here to waste theirs and everybody else's time by arguing and nit-picking, it's pathetic. Anyhow, transam, thanks for your report, it's always handy to get up-to-date info for those of us who need it, we're appreciative of your OP! Now, please PM me the name of that hotel you stay at with the ...Indian food menu, I'm going in a couple of days and fancy a change from the night market area, despite that being a nice area to enjoy a cold one. Thanks!
  19. Has anybody used the Ranong border for a bounce? I'm in Chumphon now, and I'm going to try the border in the morning...
  20. And I too don't mean to appear rude either. But, I asked him for the same product in Line, he confirmed, so I purchased, this was a few weeks ago now, so whether or not he was sold out, I don't know. I was actually planning on buying a kilo from him but wanted to make sure the product was the same again, so whether it was a B300 order, or a B2,800 order, is irrelevant. All he needed to say was, sorry, sold out, and I would have made my choices. But he didn't, he sent me something else, then told me that I ordered the wrong thing, then ignored me, that's my complaint. The 'wrong' weed which 'I' purchased(I didn't, I asked for the same thing again) is ok, just not as nice as the last lot, and it was his mistake, that's what I'm saying here. And anyhow, I'm not continuing to complain, I've spent almost every single reply here trying to explain my original point, a point that was quite clearly made if my screenshots were read thoroughly in the first place.
  21. Yes, that's what I ordered originally, and what I asked for in the second order...
  22. I'm questioning myself now! I've read through my messages to him and there's nothing handled badly, no bad attitude, nothing unnecessarily unpleasant. Here's an easy to understand transcript of the chat; Me; Same again please Same product 100%? Him; Alright sir I proceed to pay the same as before. The next chat page is exchanging address etc Some time later, once I'd tried my new shipment... Me; My most recent order tastes, smells & feels different from my previous order, why is that? Him; You ordered a different one from the last time. You ordered a different one. You ordered the product Green Crack Bar. Me; I asked to order the same as before I proceed to show him a screenshot of me asking for the same product. He proceeds to show me a screen of me asking the price. Me; I asked you for the same product as before But you sent me something different Why? Again, I proceed to show him a screenshot of me asking for the same product. Me; I would like the same as my first order please I'm not enjoying this other product(which I didn't order) And that was it, no nastiness, nothing, just straightforward, easy to understand English, which I done on purpose to avoid any 'misunderstandings'. This is the same Thainess I've experienced for decades here. A normal business in most cases would apologise at the least, but just ignoring, it's childish.
  23. Showing me the price I paid doesn't help in any way whatsoever. I know what I paid, and I asked for exactly the same product. Once I received it, and realised it was different, I contacted him - as my screenshots show - quite normally, but received no apology, no explanation, and finally got ignored. And no, I didn't pay a different price - have you read and understood my screenshots? I asked for the same product, he gave me the same price, I paid straight into his bank, he sent the wrong product, it's really that simple. I haven't made a big deal out of it, I've simply brought to light that you should tread carefully with people here, as once their mistake is highlighted, they'll bury their heads in the sand. And thanks for your advice on how not to point out a businesses failure, I'll be sure to never do that again...
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