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Posts posted by visions

  1. Its the easiest by far just to use the spray cans. I am a pro painter and after fruitlessly searching for a good car paint ended up using the cans. Can get primers, surfacer primers and there is a huge range of colours available if u check out the colour charts which most shops have but dont display.

    There is a good automotive paint supply shop located in ChonBuri that stocks all the top International brands. But for me a 200km trip wasnt worth the effort.

  2. Piyasvasti said the advantage of the 787 was energy saving, with 20 per cent less fuel consumption than comparable aircraft. It will also be 30 per cent cheaper to maintain.

    Going by the number of AirBus 380s being laid up with substantial wing panel cracks even after such a relatively short lifespan, I would seriously question what carrier I used and what aircraft I was booked on.

    In comparison, I suspect the 30% reduction in maintenance on the Dreamliner will be much greater than stated due to the composite construction.

  3. Why dont they just install speed cameras? Much simpler system. Is all computerised including sending the speeding ticket and photo so no local interference in the process. The Govt would soon cover their deficit spending with the revenue gained. And image the 30% graft money that would be available from the purchase and installation contract.

    How many van or bus drivers would willingly display their window stickers for the proposed system? It smells of a way to look like the police are doing something.......but really just an additional pocket money scheme.

    The big Tour buses obeying the 80kph speed limit is a complete joke. It is so easy to bring the traffic violations under control.......yet there is never any attempt at doing it seriously.

    • Like 1
  4. If you do your research, there are several high success cures for most types of cancer. But the Big Phama block any recognition and smother the documented clinical tests etc. Why? because the drugs that cure cancer are not patentable so no profits for the drug companies. They are not interested in a cure for cancer as then the patient doesnt need high priced ongoing medication, that treats (maybe) the symptom but does not cure.

    Last Feb 2010 after major surgery to remove cancer growths, I was given a few months to live ( 3 different opinions) from one of the most aggressive of cancers......unless I submitted to chemo. Then I may get another month or so. After some research I found out that any lengthening of life was firstly at the expense of a general happy life until the cancer took over again. The chemo poisoned the body so much that many other organs fail so u usually die of another organ failure. The medical profession take this as success!! as the patient didnt die of cancer!! Hell they should be up for murder!

    I finally, as the cancer was taking me down again, luckily got on to one of the cures available.......and now, while I am not cancer free yet.....I am well on the road to full recovery. The pain from the cancer disappeared within less than 2 weeks!! Within a couple of months I expect to be 100% cancer free. No harmful side effects!!! And no huge medical bills!! I am not religious nor a doctor and have no documented proof (yet, that is coming) that I am cured......but my body has responded so quickly in such a positive way all I can say is ....Thank God.

    If anyone wants further info PM me.

    • Like 2
  5. Furyrider, I am unfortunately, now not in Thailand. Thru medical reasons I had to leave abruptly last Feb. I am hoping to head back this year again but not sure when yet. and yes I got the hwy number wrong. As BigBikeBkk states its 304 although I branched off onto 331 as I was headed for Rayong not Pattaya.

    I did Rayong to Khon Kaen many times and enjoyed the ride and once from Bulalumphu to Rayong. Few times on my CBR150 took about 7 to 7;5hrs but stop for 3 gas top ups only. Most times I rented a CBR600 or Yamaha R6 and must say much more enjoyable ride. I dont ride that fast but consistent speed. Fastest trip to KK was just on 6hrs and in fact returned the same day.

    The roads are basicly good all the way with the worst being between KK and Korat bumpy concrete altho I suspect has been resealed by now? Plus the top of the hill after Korat (304) was extremely corrorgated but they were working on that the last time I rode it so maybe ok now?

    Plan ur fuel stops so u always have a reserve and fill only from a recognised fuel station.....there are many backyard fuel places but no choice on grade and I suspect doubtful quality.

    Enjoy ur ride and.......be careful.

  6. You dont need go anywhere near Bkk. heading south out of nakon ratchasima you veer left off highway 2 onto (from memory) 331 and follow that all the way direct to hwy 36 which takes u into pattaya. Check a map and u will soon see the route. And Im sure there will be some quick corrections if Ive got it wrong also.

  7. Guys ANY medication you take does nothing but mask the symptoms. It certainly does not effect any cure.

    The ONLY cure is a healthy alkaline diet.......ie vegetables and fruit. Plus drinking alkalised/ionised water that has a PH value of 8.5 or higher.

    I have been doing months of research and have accumulated a huge wealth of knowledge from proven medical research. Far too much to attempt to include or add links from here, but PM me if you want further info.

    Gout is just one of the many results from an acidic diet. The body pushes the fatty acids as far from your vital organs as possible......feet and legs!

    Everyone in Thailand drinks filtered water, often from reverse osmosis. Dont take my word for it, check the PH level. You will find it about PH 5 to 6 there fore adding to your already acidic intake.It is also stripped of vital minerals.

    Neutral PH is 7 PH 6 is 10 times more acidic than 7, 5 is 100 times more!

    For a guide...the popular cola drinks consumed in great quantities with meals....have a PH of 2.4. They are straight poison!! it takes 25 glasses of alkalised water just to offset one cola drink!! Want to kill your kids?.......give them a cola drink. more insidious and painful than if you thrust a knife into them!!

    Your blood is kept between PH 7.35 and 7.4 by your bodies internal workings......regardless almost of what you consume. The difference is made up from the stored minerals in your body. How long do you think those storage levels last if not replenished?? So what happens when there are no minerals left......right...disease in one form or other will manifest telling you your body cannot cope any longer.

    Guys you have a choice.....Alkalise or die!! melodramatic? No.... it is a proven medical reality. If you value your life and those of your loved ones, buy a water alkaliser/ioniser and only drink that water.

    Northeast Thailand has a huge epidemic of stomach cancer .......caused by everyone constantly consuming nam blah. Extremely acidic and fermented. Cancer is just waiting for that.

    Sugar.....every spoonful you consume is another pull of the trigger, how many empty chambers do you have before that shot turns life into oblivion?

    Dairy products. The countries with lowest breast cancer are non dairy consuming countries! What other mammal continues feeding on breast milk after weaning??? What mammals suffer from osteoporosis......ONLY humans But we drink milk for the calcium.....but what little calcium is in milk largely passes thru the body without absorbing that calcium. Eat your spinach and kale and they are full of calcium and IS absorbed by the body because of the included minerals and enzymes. Google "Green Smoothies"......extremely nutritional and great tastes. Your kids will rave for more!

    Why did I do the research? Well it started off by a bump on my arm, that started a chain of events that led to advanced stage 4 metastases melanoma. (uncontrollable spreading of cancer) last Feb I had major surgery removing large sections of large and small colon. That took care of the immediate problem and gave me time but the cancer was still there and increasing over time. Doctors gave me but a few months, 6 months tops! I knew chemo and radiation was a death sentence, so i started doing my research. Now it is almost 1 year since my op, and 6 months more than the Docs opinions on my demise. However i could tell the spread of cancer had started again so I needed to find my own cure. hence the research.

    What I have found out is staggering. Too extensive and far too libellous to write here.

    I am now into my self cure and have no doubt I am getting better....day by day I am regaining strength and health......beating my cancer by diet the alkalised water and readily available inexpensive drugs that the medical fraternity wont tell you about......because they are not patentable therefore no money in it for them. I will be CURED of cancer....not just in remission.

    As I mentioned, PM me for further info if you are interested.

    • Like 1
  8. I use to run offset crankpins 10 years ago when i raced, if you look at the head gasket, if there is an aluminium spacer about 2-3mm thick, more than likely theres an offset crankpin installed. The spacer needs to be there so the piston doesnt smack the head. Alternatively the spacer can also be placed at the bottom of the cylinder instead.

    ..and offset bores , cross drilled cranks, titanium con rods, custom manifolds and slipper pistons, et al but the post was about how to help a guy, not to tell us what you have done. This Is TV not Facebook...

    Oh and forgot stuffed crankcases..

    Interesting u mentioned about stuffed crankcases. I used to race 1600cc 2T outboard powered boats and we did stuff the crankcase, with fingers even up into the pistons to reduce volume. made a huge increase in torque powering out of corners etc (no gearbox as on a bike) Resulted in a total of 9 National Championships cuz no one else realised the opportunity available to them.

  9. I guess they figure you will be happy to give the female office 300baht tea money unstead of only 200 to a male. It may not hurt as much looking at pretty face

    Who said they are pretty??? After all....they were Riot Police before....cant imagine any of those being slight built beauties!!

  10. I THINK IF YOU WANTED ONE YOU COULD PROBABLY GET HONDA to order one for you... Dunno why you would want one though as there is no race series here in Thailand for it.. Moto3 is cbr250 based for Honda.

    Moto 3 is open to anyone with enuf $ to put a campaign together. It is not based on the CBR250. There are several Euro manufacturers have Teams entered with their factory produced bikes Im not sure but I read somewhere Yamaha have a team also?

    I was referring to Moto 3 HERE in THAILAND. It is run differently to the Euro moto3 AND Honda's in Thai MOTO 3 are cbr250's. Mainly because they are the only single cylinder 250cc here in Thailand (you can convert a kawaski dtracker).... OK

    Oh Ok Yes you are correct. I didnt realise u were referring to Thai Moto3.

  11. I THINK IF YOU WANTED ONE YOU COULD PROBABLY GET HONDA to order one for you... Dunno why you would want one though as there is no race series here in Thailand for it.. Moto3 is cbr250 based for Honda.

    Moto 3 is open to anyone with enuf $ to put a campaign together. It is not based on the CBR250. There are several Euro manufacturers have Teams entered with their factory produced bikes Im not sure but I read somewhere Yamaha have a team also?

  12. Australia and New Zealand have the highest rates of habitual marijuana use in the world, doesnt seem to affect our society too much. I believe that drugs are a medical problem not a legal one and should all be treated like alcohol and caffeine and nicotine.

    You have to be joking right?? with sky high crime as a direct result of substance abuse, the wife and child bashing, dis-jointed families, poor work ethics, mental hospitals overflowing with twisted minds from abuse, road accidents, oh the list is endless.......How anyone with even half a brain could contemplate poisoning them selves with mind bending drugs defies logic. Anyone with a proper functioning mind doesnt need to prop them selves up with an imagined prop. With proper care and nutrition you stay in control of yourself and can create in reality, what becomes a fading dream when you abuse your body.

  13. The rail link was the proposed Bejing.to KLMalaysia high speed line, But the Thai Government in their wisdom decided to switch the laos/Bkk section to instead run to CM. Hard to think what the Chinese think of Thais now??

    Fantastic logic.....cutting off millions of potential travellers/tourists from China Vietnam etc Guess the rest of the spending is just there for the 30% kickbacks.

  14. there are some nice smooth undulating roads winding thru the hills and scenery not far from Pattaya.....turn left in Bang Saray (about 20km east of Pattaya on 3 ) towards Silver Lake. I cant remember the road names but there are some nice riding thru there. Check google maps. There are several roads that lead u there, all different but nice riding.

    There is a nice winery at silver lake and also nice Pizza restaurant. Its well worth a visit. Even a microlight airfield if u feel adventurous for a birds eye view.

    But remember......the idiots coming round the corner towards u on your half the road!!!

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