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Posts posted by qwertyuiop

  1. My experience in the provinces where the local health authorities had set up a vaccination centre for the province was different to the image in the OP.

    I thought it was extremely well organised and professional.

    I am sure that the demand is greater in the more urban areas and those areas more affected by Covid, however on the day that I experienced there were hundreds in the queue when I arrived and likewise upon my departure a couple of hours later. People were being processed efficiently throughout.

    Today I witnessed another vaccination centre in a neighbouring province. From my vantage point it also appeared to be well organised.

    The biggest problem seemed to be where to park the vehicles. The demand was substantial. 

  2. On 7/14/2021 at 6:16 PM, wordchild said:

    It seems clear that Thailand has an explicit  "Thai People First" policy with regards to the vaccine roll out here.

    I'm sorry but this simply has not been my experience. I have been treated no better or worse than all those in my village and in my place of employment.

    Perhaps the distribution of the vaccines could have been handled better but I have not seen it having been handled according to some form of 'vaccine apartheid' 

  3. 1 hour ago, rodknock said:

    there is a system, but we are not included!!!

    I don't believe this to be true. It certainly has not been my experience, although I am yet to be vaccinated.

    I have a work permit, yellow book and the pink Thai ID card.

    I tick at least 2 of the boxes of the more vulnerable amongst us.

    I have had my details taken by the village health volunteers and by my employer at least 1 month ago.

    I am still waiting, but that is true for most if not all the inhabitants of my village and most of the employees of the company I work for, who are mostly Thai

    I am aware of a number of expats having received vaccinations.


    My feeling is that the problem is more one of insufficient vaccine doses to go around and expats not always wishing to receive the vaccine on offer.

    More are being directed to areas where the problem is more acute. I am happy with that, although this is a problem which could have been foreseen and resolved much earlier.


    I will be patient

    • Like 2
  4. Sorry to hijack this thread.

    For the last 10 years I have been living & working in Thailand off annual extensions of the permission to stay on an original single entry non-B.

    In the not too distant future my work will come to an end, but I will look to remain living here with my children of whom I have legal custody.


    Is it a simple case to show the local immigration office the correct paperwork in support of a change of the reason why I am seeking an extension of the permission to stay or would I need to leave the country to obtain a non-O first and then submit the paperwork to the local immigration office to receive an annual extension?

  5. 20 minutes ago, rbkk said:

    Anyone else remember registering for a similar program maybe 15 or so years ago. I forget the name of it. The Embassy would "keep us informed in an emergency." This pandemic is an emergency. I received maybe 2 e-mails, the last more than 10 years ago. Isn't there already a database you should be using with my name/E -mail in it? Just curious.

    Yes I remember that. I signed up but I don't recall ever receiving any e-mails from the embassy

    • Like 1
  6. ^ Similar situation to Saltire. I live up in Isaan. I was contacted by the local health volunteers a few weeks ago. I had all my details taken.

    I have not heard from them since, but I also believe that to be the same situation for the whole village Thai or non-Thai.


    From everything I have read it would appear that there are not enough doses to go around yet so some areas will have to be more patient than others

  7. On 6/6/2020 at 9:01 PM, spoon1967 said:

    Thanks Joe, so if I set up a Thai company with 3 Thai partners they would apply for the WP for me, makes sense.

    Think I'll just get a Thai friend to apply for one for me and "work" as an advisor for their company, less hassle.



    Please remember, work permits are job and company specific. Possession of a work permit does not allow you to take up any employment or to work for any  company desired. The work permit will simply allow you to work for the company and in the position listed in the work permit. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/21/2020 at 10:51 AM, Saltire said:

    Surely VFS will be back up and running soon.

    Not so sure that will be the case. I don't know how they make their money - perhaps on numbers of customers processed. It would be intersting to see the details of the contract between VFS & the BE. What is their legal and or contractual obligation to provide a service. Can The BE force them to open up?

    Will the BE be prepared to pay VFS to provide a service even if the demand for their services is very low for upto a year or so?


    The few times i have been to the Trendy building for my and my kids passport renewals their office has been full of Thais seeking visas for the UK & Australia. The passport section is tucked away in the corner and in the times I have been there there has only been one other customer.

    With basically no international passenger flights leaving the demand for visas should be at an all time low. Even when flights start up once again I see the demand staying low for sometime.

    This leaves only expats renewing passports or applying for new family members. Passports last 10 years (5 for children). 

    This doesn't look like a business model that will result in fortunes being made by VFS unless they are being paid a flat fee for providing the service for the BE

  9. 7 minutes ago, Deserted said:

    Why is alcohol being banned? What is the reason for this?

    As with many things in Thailand drinking is a group activity. Banning the sale of alcohol and therefore hopefully its consumption will reduce the number of people congregating and assist with social distancing.


    Why now? Well despite the public holiday being canceled, the Songkran dates are next week. How many will attempt to visit family, congregate and increase the possibility of contracting Covid-19. Lack of alcohol at this time is likely to dampen this desire to congregate somewhat

    • Like 1
  10. 57 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    They'll always have health insurance in the UK, because it's free.

    No they won't. The NHS is not available free of charge to Non-Residents. They would have to show that they had resettled in the UK, not simply returning for health care.

    This particular couple sold everything and have nothing to go back to

    • Like 1
  11. On 11/8/2019 at 9:26 AM, ubonjoe said:

    Yes you can apply for a 90 day non immigrant visa (category O) entry at immigration.

    Info here: https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_80

    Many thanks for this Joe.

    Could I just confirm then that my link states the requirements for changing reason to one based on being the legal father of a Thai child.



    I currently reside here on a 12 month permission to stay based on an original Non 'B' visa.


    When I posed this question to my local immigration office I was told that I must leave the country and apply for a Non "O" and then return to Thailand 



  12. I have a question for the panel. The last time I entered Thailand, a number of years ago, I entered on a single entry Non "B" visa. Since then  I have been applying for and receiving a 1 year extension of stay at my local immigration office. Retirement is not too far off - 2-3  years - and I am considering changing the reason in my application for my next extension of stay from employment to guardian of my children as this will be the reason used after my retirement.

    Can this be done without leaving the country simply by changing the reason on the forms and meeting the requirements or would it be necessary to leave Thailand and return with a Non "O" and then apply for the extension?

  13. 16 hours ago, perthperson said:

    And my experience would be very different.


    Never have I experienced a problem at Sadao and , before you ask, have never given or been asked to give "gifts" 

    It has been a while since I used the Sadao border, but I have used it a number of times in the past. I too have never been asked for  nor given 'a gift'

    I have had one small problem when the IO failed to stamp the correct date in my passport, probably because he was multitasking at the time.

    I went inside the little office, explained the situation and was escorted outside to the original IO who quickly rectified his error. I then continued on my way with smiles all around.


    If only all days could be so smooth


    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, trogers said:


    11 hours ago, samjaidee said:

    Have any members been asked to produce a passport when travelling on a train within Thailand? I was never asked in the five years I lived there, although that was in the early noughties.


    You are asked to show your passport or ID card when purchasing the train ticket.



    Strangely enough I was asked for my passport on board a train just the other week. I thought it very strange.


    However over the years I have bought hundreds of train tickets and not once been asked to show my passport

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