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Posts posted by Yohan

  1. Your item Number 2 is legally incorrect. Absolutely.

    You are right, so let me add, when you bring the cheque, ask for a receipt for it from the seller.

    Thank you!

    Yohan...you are not a newby. That also won't make an iota of difference. You cannot own land in Thailand generally speaking.

    To BUY the land is out of question in this thread, the point is how to prepare for mortgage, lease, or maybe later on, if you get out from there, to use this money eventually for a foreign owned condominium, or to separate house/land ...

    If you pay money for something like house, lease, mortgage ....you should have very clear documents, which show from where (from whom) this money originated. To do all transaction via a bank is a good way for that.

    This is, what I recommend. Of course, it is up to the foreign individual, to come up with cash money and to pay - without anything in return except some promises....

    For lease, mortgage....some legal advisers recommend also, if a Thai wife is involved, to make her up a testament, a last will to favour the husband - so relatives cannot so easily interfere, should the wife die earlier than the husband.

    Personally, what I recommend, is a company ownership. Shareholder-laws are not easy to change - it might cost some money, yearly reports and book-keeping, but I think, if correctly done, it is the strongest form of possible ownership in Thailand.

  2. Headline WOMAN WITH NO PAST

    Posted Monday, August 30, 2004

    By Wimon Praveentusanee

    Email [email protected]

    Location Bangkok


    36 years old, MBA-US, virgin, alone. Not necessary to talk or meet. You just send your profile with picture(s), an essay about yourself, plus two recommendation letters. Applicants are required to be very rich and must live permanently in a developed country. And for your profile to be considered, there is an application fee of US$100.

    Demand and supply, quality and price have to match.

    Otherwise such products will remain in the storage as unsold.

  3. I would like to add the following:

    1- Transfer the money into your own bank account, and also ask for a tor-tor-sam form for buying property. I know, you cannot use that now for this house, but maybe later on, should you move and prefer to buy a condominium, while selling the house, you can use it to register the condominium in your own name.

    2- Buy with a cheque, issued by the bank, with your name on it and keep a copy.

    This makes it clear, who paid for the house.

    3- Beside lease/mortgage agreements, keep all related original papers (land registration, selling contracts, house registration book and mortagage/lease agreements) with you, maybe in a safety box in a bank, which can be opened only with your own signature. So nothing can be done with these important documents without your knowledge.

    This makes it impossible (or very very difficult at least) for any other person, to make use out of the house (like to sell it or to remove you from that property)

    4- Some people recommend, to separate land and house.... you cannot buy the land, but your Thai wife can....

    however you can own your house 100 percent as a foreigner.

    If they want to kick you out, at least they have to pay you for your house. And together with a long-term land-lease agreement, this is impossible to remove you without your agreement and paying you off.

    5- I know, this is legally a good way, however I have no practical experience, how to handle that? Has anybody done this?

    If a owner offers land/house for sale, how to separate the house from the land?


    About the other question: As far as I know, any restriction for a Thai wife, who is married to a foreigner, to buy property in her name, has been abolished. There is no difference related to own property in Thailand, if the Thai spouse is a man or a woman.

    I cannot comment about the resident permit question.

  4. ..... being farang myself and away from my family and natural home I need to have intereaction with other farang. I am online everyday for as long as I can because it helps my life in Thailand. My wife understands this and is happy for me that I have this interaction.

    My wife is glad that she has met some of the people that post on here

    About same with me in Japan and Thailand. My wife does not complain, as she is using the computer herself to talk with our daughter, who is living in the US, and we also met people personally, we met first on the internet.

    For wives, who are complaining about the husband's computer activity: Please, consider, that your husband is still at home.... is it better for you, if he would go out, spending money for drinking or gambling?

  5. I am astonished to see some people voting YES in this thread for

    Farangs Dangerous

    Farangs have a bad influence on thai culture

    Protecting Thailand ..., From Exploitation by Farangs

    and I wonder, if they are Thai or foreigners.

    /Edited By Wolfie.

    Luckily High Society of Thailand do not only welcome Farangs in Thailand, they are travelling even overseas to meet them, to stay in their countries and to study about their culture.

    Beside the Royal Family, Thailand's politicians and businessmen all have very strong connections to foreign countries.... Thank you!

    And Farangs do not have a bad influence on Thai culture....what a nonsense!

  6. The FACT that it doesnt always work out DOESNT make us irresponsible by agreeing on certain precautions with said partner at the time. FACT is if a woman deliberately stops taking the pill WITHOUT your knowledge or consent, then SHE is the one breaking the moral and ethical obligations. If the man does not want to be a father with this woman, ABORTION should be the number one choice, and in this world of EQUALITY, where women want equal rights and a level playing field, SHE should have to have an abortion, especially in this situation.

    Correct, there is a difference between a woman,


    who takes the pill regularly for contraception and nevertheless is getting pregnant -


    or a woman, who deliverately stops to take the pill, but continues to have sex with the man, without informing him

    in case 1- it is just unlucky, but the woman did nothing wrong....

    in case 2- she is deceiving the man.

    If it happens, beside ABORTION, another solution might be ADOPTION.

    Seems that both, man and woman are now not happy about the child, but the woman feels bad to accept abortion.

    ADOPTION directly after birth might be a good solution in this case. There are many parents out, looking forward for children, but fail to get their own ones.

    Pudgimelon, openly said, sorry, I do not think, that your advices (religious moral teachings or feminist views or call it whatever) are offering any practical solution for anybody.

    And I am still missing comments by female members.....seems very few women are willing to speak out their opinion, when a woman is deceiving the man.

  7. You see the difference is, a farang with no money in the bank would not go to the travel agent and just buy a ticket to Thailand, not unless he had money in the bank/CC's that could support him on holiday. Logic mate, something You guys lack..

    Unless he is the type of Farang that comes to Thailand with 3,600 Ecstacy Pills in his body cream tub.

    This comment has nothing to do with screening and processing of visa applications for Thais travelling overseas. It has also nothing to do with the 30-days visa exception for foreign tourists visiting Thailand.

    Please do not mix up Immigration Rules with Customs and Security.

    A Thai national, arriving from overseas, needs no visa when entering Thailand, but might carry illegal goods with him/her as well.

    It is up to Thai customs to check for dutyable goods and for illegal imports of arriving passengers, not only the arriving foreigners, but of course also the arriving Thai nationals

    Thailand had about 10 million foreign tourists in 2003, spending was about baht 3700,- per person per day. Revenue 309,269 million baht......

    source: Thailand Tourism Authority


    There are foreign criminals among them, too. 10 million foreign visitors, and not even one criminal among them, this is not possible.

  8. hkthai Posted on Tue 2004-08-31, 23:29:38

    Plenty of "trash" from other countries coming in to Thailand...western males included. As a matter of fact some just shows up and don't speak one word of Thai ??? Imagine that!!

    I was not referring to your postings, but referring to the foreigners in Thailand you mentioned, and who YOU are calling plenty of TRASH........

    I was asking you, what kind of foreigners are that?

    Workers, who are coming from countries poorer than Thailand? And who are receiving a much lower pay than the Thais?


    foreign tourists, who are not willing to spend too much?

    some backpacker, who is from a rich country, but not a rich individual


    only foreigners, who are using Thailand for criminal activity? Often with good co-operation with local Thai criminal


    foreign corrupt businessmen, who are sharing the same commercial adventures with Thai policitians and/or businessmen?

    or who?

    I am NOT repeating my statements....I am asking questions to see if your complaints are reasonable or not.

    It was you, who was starting to complain about foreigners in Thailand....and visa regulations for the Thai, when travelling overseas....

    Complaints should be reasonable, with much evidence, or they are nothing more than gossip of a disappointed querulant.

  9. Yohan, for a person who thinks my post is trash, you have taken a keen interest in it. 

    You haven’t really taken the time to go back and read my earlier postings.  Like I said earlier, in essence it takes money, assets, and the proof beyond doubt that a Thai visiting another country (USA, England??, Australia???) will not become that country’s burden in order to gain a visa.  That is the fact and it is stated as such.  There were no emotional strings attached to those statements that said that I was in disagreement about it.

    Your reference to my 150 baht a day statement in your earlier posting…well if you have taken that literally then what can I say.  Basically it is my way of replying to messages making gross generalization with my own off the wall generalizations.  So figuratively speaking, I try to douse fire with water, if the fire is intense then fight it with fire.

    To answer you second post, it doesn’t really matter the details.  I knew that my uncle stood a 50-50 chance and I urged him not to apply for a visa to the US.  By Thai standard he had enough savings and a house under his name.  And yes many Thais can and do live on savings.  Expense was a mute point as we have a place in the US.  He wasn’t about to become a Robin Hood given his age, wife, and kids in Thailand.  That wasn’t enough.  Was I pissed?  Yea but it’s water under the bridge.  Would have been nice though to have a screening process to not waste the time and perhaps save some money.

    First of all, as far as I know, I never said, your posting is trash..... can you show me, in which posting I did so? However your knowledge about visa-procedures is non-existent, and your knowledge about economic facts is poor.

    If you do not want to study about, then let me know, and I will not post anything concerning to your problems anymore.

    Sitting next door to the Consular Section in the embassy of my own country here in Tokyo, I have seen many applications, accepted ones and refused ones. So, after so many years I should know something about it.

    USA is stricter than my own country, has different procedures, but anyway, I should know something about it. And my daughter is living in the USA and is not an USA citizen.


    If you consider the chances for your uncle to receive a visa for USA as 50-50, then there must be a reason for that... and if you tell me, it doesn't matter the details, then I cannot help you to find out what was wrong. If you talk in the same way to the officers in the Embassy of the United States, then I am not surprised, that the application did not work out.

    To argue for example, that by THAI standards, he has enough savings, is not a valid argument and no reason to qualify as a tourist to the United States and not for Japan and not for all EU ....

    I asked you, in what way the US-embassy was informed, that relatives are living in the USA.... you are telling me, details do not matter.....

    I think however, it does and has a very big influence in the visa processing procedure.


    About the 30 days visa exemption for foreign tourists entering Thaiand, this is solely done by the Thai Government - you have to complain there...I wonder, if you will do this and in which form....

    Did you ever try to complain to Thai Government related offices?

    And if not, why not?

  10. What's the big deal? Men lose their hair due to their hormones, as stated in another message. Why waste your time fighting it? My hair started falling out when I was 15 (true) and it hasn't stopped me getting laid, drinking beer, getting laid, getting work, etc.

    If you think your life is based on how much hair is on your head then you need to really think about what you consider to be a life.

    You might think different if you were a woman, or do you like bald girls.....?

  11. i'm not supposed to talk about such things... but let me just say that if you have multiple accounts, thats a bad thing. If you abuse others, thats a bad thing, just read the Forum rules before doing anything out of the ordinary.

    Chaow, Peace, Aur Reviour, g'nite  :D  :o  :D

    Banning people without due warning , Reason and based on personal feelings of a mod is a bad thing also :D

    I'm all for a list available for everyone to see who's banned, why and for how long.

    It maybe would give the forum an open feel , instead of people and posts dissapearing and mods trying to cover it up. :D

    Absolutely right!

    As I said many times, some transparence of the moderators is missing.

    Missing informations about members, banning, deleting posts etc....means to search around, to guess what happen, to open threads to ask other members....

    They made now a sector where everybody is allowed to post....

    I think, this might be a solution for a while....

  12. I do not agree with both, with Rooboy and with HKThai, especially in what way they BOTH are presenting their arguments.

    Some Thais (like HKThai) are obviously living with the idea, that they are all very very poor, and some nationals from well-off countries (like Rooboy) are considering their nation as rich in return....

    Looking at the economic figure, Thailand makes about 2000 usd as GNP per capita and USA somewhat around 35000 usd GNP per capita....

    This is the AVERAGE per person. This does not mean, that all Thai are poor and all USA citizen are rich....

    35 million people in the USA are making LESS than usd 500,- per month, and what sounds great for a Thai (baht 20000,- per month) is around the poverty level in the USA. These people with USD 500,- per month, often out of job, can never pay for any vacation.....nowhere, no way to go even to Thailand....

    On the other side some Thai are remarkable financially good-off, and as far we can estimate, around 8 or 9 million Thai are qualified for an USA/Japan vacation.

    Our Thai friend (female, 50 years, medical research) makes easily baht 200.000,- per month.

    Purchasing power is an important factor, all and everything is 5 x more expensive here in Japan compared to Thailand, so 35000 usd are not the same everywhere, it depends, in WHICH country you are spending it.

    I also made clear, that Thailand is NOT poor, especially comparing it with most of its neighbours, and most of SouthEastAsian country.


    If you want to complain, you should first collect good arguments, as much complete as possible. You should study more about the visa procedures, as you do not know about them. Also some economic facts to consider.

    You should also be realistic, because Thailand is clearly in the weaker position.

    Especially Vietnam is offering the unique chance to shift some good foreign business away from Thailand.

    You told me, you do not know, how many foreign cheap workers are in Thailand, working for a minimum wage, many of them illegal..... but I think, you should know, what is going on in your own country.

    Same with criminality, as you are considering foreigners as the drug-users and drug-dealers....or as main-power for prostitution.....take a look about Thai prison statistics and you might be astonished....

    And finally you should complain to your own government, the Thai government, which is solely responsible for granting 30-days (and no question) visa to many many nationalities....I wonder however if you did it, and I wonder, if you were talking with them exactly in the same way, as you are talking to me.

  13. mbkudu and yohan...I did once post some drunken drivel that criticised yohan but I have since become a paid up member of the yohan fan club.

    To keep with the thread I also think that my hair is falling out...

    Tutsiwarrior, welcome back, we have not heard anything from you for a longer time. Where have you been?


    Medicinebox, Thanks for your information, you know much more about that all, than what I know....I just did, what my doctor told me, we have here in Japan such shampoos, sprays and so on but with different names, local products...many similar products...

    It works, but you need patience....4 to 6 months and all is back again, and without using a wig...

    As JemJem said, there are various reasons for hair-loss. And hereditary is a reason, where maybe you cannot do much against it. My friend got bald at 26.....totally, exactly like his father.....

  14. Boris,

    I see, you do not really know anything about it. But I am not surprised to hear that.

    What means 'Asian Farang' and what means 'Caucasian' ; these are complicated questions.

    However, to talk about different races and how they are accepted in Thailand by the local Thais is interesting and fitting this topic, which is called Asian Farang....

    Thank for your co-operation.

  15. One recent example.

    1. Money in the bank and statement to proove.  A house in his name.  Not rich but not poor by Thai standard.  Enough for a vacation as well as staying with relatives overseas.

    2. No job.  Retired living on savings.

    3. Wife and grown working kids.

    4. Applied for visa for himself.



    When asking you questions, all what I can read, are some strange replies, but no clear answer.

    Let us see, why he was refused

    1. money in the bank, house and so on...

    How much money does he have in his savings, which he can take with him to pay for his expenses as a tourist?

    2. Does he have a confirmed return flight ticket in his name, fully paid? Hotel, accomodation paid in advance (package-tour)

    3. How high is his retirement pension? Or is he living ONLY on his savings???

    4. You did not mention even for which country did he apply? How long does he intend to stay there?

    5. Did he show up with anything related to his relatives, where he wants to stay?

    (copy of their passports, visa, working permit, guarantee letter....)

    6. Any international health insurance, credit-card....?

    To say it straight, no one of my Thai friends ever had any problem to receive a tourist visa for England, Japan and USA and Canada....

    Give me clear informations, a lot missing in your posting and we can look up for the reasons....

  16. IT TAKES MONEY, and the US, AUST, UK, NZ, etc is not going to hand out visas to Thai people with no money, its simple LOGIC mate.


    Wake up mate, read what Teach and Yohan said..

    Let me correct this sentence a little bit:

    IT TAKES MONEY, and the US, AUST, UK, NZ, etc is not going to hand out TOURISTvisas (to Thai) to any foreign citizen with no money, its simple LOGIC

    Yes, a tourist has to pay for his expenses, he cannot work in the country, where he is a tourist! In Japan he should show up with at least USD 150,- (baht 6000,-)per day/per person. Otherwise how can he pay for his hotel-accomodation - for his transportation - for his restaurant-bill???

    The Thai Government has bilateral visa agreements with most countries, of course including USA, Japan, EU countries and other financial well off nations.

    It is regulated in these agreements, who is welcome and to which conditions. Up to now there is nothing known that the Thai Government wants to change those agreements.

    A Thai tourist, entering Japan is expected to support himself, like every tourist in this world. If the Thai national can proof that, he will receive the tourist visa for Japan according to the bilateral agreement.

    Looking at the economic figures, there are about 15 percent out of the population in Thailand, about 9 million Thai, who have enough money to qualify to enter as a tourist in Japan.

    If a Japanese tourist is going to Thailand, the Thai Government has the right to request the same tourist visa procedure.

    Thailand gives the entry permit for 30 days without checking anything and without any visa to all Japanese nationals. Seems that Thailand makes good business out of this politics. But there is no obligation at all for Japan (and for any other country)to follow up and to do the same - and it is up to Thailand, to cancel the 30-days exception anytime and to require entry visa for Japanese nationals (or for any other nationals).

    If a Thai national does not agree with that open-door-30 days for foreigners, then he has to complain to his own government. It was the Thai government's unilateral decision, they made this rule.

  17. nice idea...maybe worth knowing what yohan has to say..might be that a thai head massage every day will keep the follicles from fleeing.


    The scalp needs blood circulation to let the hair grow....Getting older, blood circulation is getting worse, because below the scalp are only the bones of the scull.

    Massage of the head, with various alcohol-based medication is very useful to boost blood circulation.

    Thai head massage is a good business idea, I think.....

    Another important point is, that the scalp must be treated every day, to remove any remains of fat, dust, sweat out of the roots of the hair...Washing it with medical shampoo is necessary.

    If you do so regularly for a longer time, most hair will recover again within 4 to 6 months. I think, if you are getting bald (but not totally bald yet) you should start with some treatment. Good luck

  18. Yohan, I think your intentions are truly positive unlike many here. I can tell that you are most likely German, very methodical with numbered lists of often very good advice. I have known German (Austrian, Swiss) people to be this way. I remember one post by Tutsiwarrior directed at you that was very harsh and mean

    and you were very diplomatic and calm in response. It takes much tolerance and patience to deal in this manner. Good job. Your feminist exposes are just too much for me though.  :D  :D

    To get back on the subject; so Harry's hair is falling out? Jeez, what a bummer.

    This should be the least of one's troubles; when teeth are falling out and the wood

    can no longer stay hard, now that's when the worry should set in. :D  :D

    Thank you, Mbkudu,

    Tutsiwarrior is an exception, he might post against me, whatever he likes :o

    because he is not a radical male feminist.....

    About my feminist threads or comments, this is only a part of my overall postings...but as you see, I am not alone with complaints about Western women....something true with it....

    There are plenty of threads, which I personally do not like, or which are meaningless to me... for example the Gay-section, I am not Gay, so I do not read what they post inside, another section is the Farang girls section, this is the women-gossip corner, I do not care and I never will post anything there....

    Simply said, if interested, read about the radical feminists, and if not, then just choose some other threads instead .....

    The Thaivisa Forum is a big forum, and there is a lot of information inside...not all postings can be interesting for all members....

    Harry's hair is a good example..... who has no problem with hair, will not read it.

    (or maybe post a funny comment, because it is HARRY's hair)

    On the other side,

    it is not really the least of one's trouble - skin problems often are very difficult to treat and it take a long time to see some progress. If somebody has any experience with that, why not to post it?

    Best regards, Johann

  19. An Asian (ie: Ainu) with white skin is not a Caucasian.

    An Iranian would be a "khak".



    May I ask you, what is your definition of 'Caucasian'?

    Stop being so ainul retententive.


    Please why do you not offer some explication, who is a Caucasian, and who not.

    Maybe you have also an explication ready, why an Asian with white skin is not a Caucasian......

    1-the Caucasian, or white race, to which belong the greater part of the European nations and those of Western Asia

    2-the Mongolian, or yellow race, occupying Tartary, China, Japan, etc.

    3-the Ethiopian, or black race, occupying most of Africa (except the north), Australia, New Guinea and other Pacific Islands

    4-the American, or red race, comprising the Indians of North and South America

    5-the Malayan, or brown race, which occupies the islands of the Indian Archipelago

    So if a Asian with a white skin is not a Caucasian, to which group does he belong?

    To talk about different races is nice and fitting this topic, which is called Asian Farang....

  20. "Asian Farang"  Does he mean an asian from another asian country or someone that is "Half Asian and Half Farang"?

    I would guess, he means a Caucasian from an Asian country....

    The question is now, is there an Asian nation, which population is made out of Farangs....

    Farang = Caucasian, but what is the definition of 'Caucasian'?

    Or means Farang not Caucasian?

    Confusing subject!

  21. An Asian (ie: Ainu) with white skin is not a Caucasian.

    An Iranian would be a "khak".

    Not sure, of course nobody really knows, but there are several explications:


    the Ainu are of Caucasian descent who crossed a land bridge from the great plains of Siberia. Traces of their Caucasian roots can be seen in their physical features, and also in their language.


    Some believe that they are of Mongolian heritage. (bloodsamples are indicating that)


    A smaller percentage think the Ainu's roots are connected to the Australian aborigines.


    Still, others wonder if they are descendants of northeastern Hokkaido' s prehistoric people, or the last of a separate race that occupied Hokkaido for more than 7,000 years


    May I ask you, what is your definition of 'Caucasian'?

  22. Explotation works  both ways. I am sure there are  falangs who take  baht  out of  the country. ................

    Yes, it works both ways,

    it is not the same in Thailand, if you are a golf-tourist from Japan, or if you are a low paid construction worker from Burma ....

    Thailand is, as I said in a previous posting, NOT a poor country compared to many others in that region...

    Seems they are earning well out of co-operation with foreign countries.

    Regardless if using cheap workers from poor countries around, or from overpricing foreign well-off tourists. Is this not exploitation? Or will you call it good business? Up to you!

    Protect Thailand against business?

    As far as I can see, only Singapore and Malaysia have a higher income and living standard...all others are below .....Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, but also China, India, Philippines and Indonesia....

  23. There's no such thing as an "Asian farang".

    A farang is a caucasian (white skin).

    There are Asian Farangs.....

    For example, some of them living here in Japan (Ainu)

    Or look at some faces in India (Goa) or Malaysia (Malacca) or Singapore....

    and Asia is not only SouthEastAsia....what about wide parts of Russia, or Iran....

    And yes, the word Farang is used by the Thai also with my wife, who is Japanese and often mistaken for a Thai.....

    I think, if a Thai recognizes the other person, that he/she is not a native Thai speaker, then they will call them to be Farang.

    Our friend is born in USA, US citizen, but both parents were Thai, and her mother tongue is Thai... Even Thais, who know, that she is US citizen, will never consider her as a Farang.

  24. Didn't the typhoon stop you from coming on line, Yohan? :o

    I have an internet ISDN leased line 24h connected in my home, no problems.

    But should I have connection problems, for sure in this thread there are remarkable many posters, who might replace me anytime....

    Seems I am not alone with my opinion about 'radical feminists' -

    What you read here, is really the Euro-Trash-Girl style.....deceives the boyfriend about contraception, gets pregnant and makes her demands, and then because it does not work out as expected, offers an abortion to get her boyfriend back ...


    Do you know now, why Western men are looking for Asian girls?

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