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Posts posted by leeboy13

  1. To be very honest with you, as a Fiance there (as far as I know)is no such visa, so it looks as if you are stuck with the tourist visa option and I would be pleasantly surprised if your future employers could or would assist you with that, but I would doubt it.

    I am not sure about your comments on your girl having to leave for 1-2 months. As i said i have heard of 6 months visas being issued if that is correct and the no need to leave every 30 days is also correct, then she will be ok. after the 6 months, she takes a cheap/ish flight to Shenzhen, crosses the border to HK then goes to a China Travel Service agent and renew again for another 6 months and comes straight back to China again. Could be done in a day I hear.

    As for my case I reside in Kunming which is only a 1:45 hour flight from BKK so I am actually closer to BKK than HK, your option is definately HK for financial reasons.

    For domestic flight/hotel prices check out www.elong.com and click onto their English page

    Ever so grateful for your help here :)

    We'll be based in Shanghai but i appreciate your comments regarding her flighting out after 6 months and returning straight away, i hope this is the case :D

    Im checking out that site you posted :D

    kind regards


  2. Chinese Visas are almost as difficult as the Thai system. I do a lot of work in China but am not wanting a Working Visa as i want to keep under the radar for tax purposes etc. So I always apply for a Business Visa valid for 6 months. Problem with this is that I have to leave China every 30 days. I have heard of 6 month tourist visas being issued in BKK, which apparently there is no need to exit every 30 days, but cannot confirm that.

    So if you have to exit every 30 days the location in China is a big issue expense wise. If you were working in Shenzhen then its literally a walk sacross the border to HK, then turn around and re-enter Shenzhen. but a bit different if you are in more central or northern areas.

    Another thing you should be aware of and that is if you reside in a private property in China (i.e not a recognised hotel) then you BOTH must go to the nearest Police station with 48 hours and register with them, you will need copies of passport and copies of visas as well as rental agreement of the property. They will then put you on the Big brother computer system.

    This is taken very seriously and you will be visited at your residence by the Police to ensure you are telling the truth. In fact every 30 days I have exited and returned to China I have had a call asking me if I was residing in the same property as I was registered

    I appreciate your response and it is most helpful, fully expect my employer to sort my visa/work permit out..... as for my fiancée, im not so sure..... Is there any alternatives for her other than a 3 month tourist visa - in-which she would have to return to thailand for say 1-2 months and then she can return to Shanghai?

    Im confused as hel_l to be fair... im not concerned about me, its just my fiancée :) (if that makes sense)

    thanks for taking the time out to help me

  3. Hi All,

    Can anyone advise me on our options....

    I am going to china soon for a job interview - should i get it me and my thai fiancée plan to move there together - I know you have to pre-apply for visas to china but doesn't anyone know what our options are - tourist visa? are there any others? We are going to china to save for our wedding as the pay in thailand is just too low :)

    Any advise is welcome

    Kind regards


  4. Hi Cognos,

    I've pm'ed you for the address but I also want to say thank you so much for your reply.

    I hope you and your wife are enjoying Canada.

    Kind regards,


    Hi there, i am in a similar situation to the OP, would you please send me the address to this shop also :) sounds perfect :D

    kind regards


  5. Yes, a border run before your current multiple entry visa expires will give you new 90 day permission to stay on entry. At the end of September you must go to Thai consulate abroad for a new visa.

    If obtain double entry tourist visa:

    On re-entry into Thailand you will receive 60 day permission to stay. Before expiry you can extend your permission to stay for further 30 days at Thai immigration. At around day 88 (day before the visa expires) you need to do border run and re-enter Thailand to activate your second 60 day stay. Then extend permission to stay again for further 30 days at Thai immigration. That would give you nearly 6 months stay. Fees for extensions are 1,900 baht each time.

    ok, this is much clearer and most appreciated.

    one final question, where you said 'At the end of September you must go to Thai consulate abroad for a new visa' is this what you mentioned about Laos? could I obtain this there? I am happy gaining a tourist Visa rather than renewing my Non-Immigrant visa.... As i don't intend to stay in Thailand past xmas 2010, infact will be looking to leave Thailand before Christmas 2010.

    (I know you're probably banging your head against the wall now as I am sure I'm being fairly thick on this one so massive apologies) :)



  6. Again, a massive thank you for your advice here...

    let me make sure I have understood this correctly:-

    my non-immigrant visa is null and void (after June 2010 - it was issued to me at the end of June 2009) unless I return to my home country (UK) and gain a new one there.... (no intention of doing this unless I absolutely have too - flights are far too expensive...)

    therefore; before the end of June when my non-immigrant visa expires I need to go to Burma (for example) and gain a further 90 days taking me up to the end of September,

    then if I visit vientiane (I am right in thinking this is Laos right?) and re-enter Thailand - I can gain a double tourist visa for up to six months with a visa run in the middle (again going to the likes of Burma)? making my stay in Thailand up too the end of march 2011...

    The last thing I want to do is have to return to the UK at the moment so that will be my last option :) am I right in the above from what you have advised me?

    Thanks for your patience on this with me and sorry if I'm going over the same thing again, I just need to be totally clear on this as the last thing I want to do is get into trouble while I am here :D

    Kind regards


  7. thanks for helping me move it, i couldn't see the visa section, sorry :)

    i have been here since june 2009 so my one year is up in june 2010, i do the visa runs now to get my 90 days, i just wonder what my options are in june 2010 failing me getting a job with work permit :D hope this clarify s things more

    thanks for the advice thus far tho :D

    much appreciated


  8. Hi All,

    I wasnt sure where to put this query, but here goes...

    I have a non-immagrant type b visa which is due to expire at the end of June. As i dont want to leave thailand and i dont have a work permit what are my options? I know i cannot renew this visa whist in thailand (unless i have a work permit). This might be possible (to gain a work permit before the end of june) but i would like to make sure i have my options encase a work permit and job is not possible to gain.

    am i right in assuming that so long as i leave thailand before the end of june (say to burma) i would gain a tour visa upon entry? if so, would i get the 2 months? and what do i do two months later? burma again? and gain another 2 months? i dont think i can do what im asking......

    can anyone help advise me? i have contacted the thai consulate about it but have failed to get a response...

    if anyone has been in or is in the same situation as me i would highly appreciate yoru advise :)

    kind regards


  9. some of whom have already expressed an interest in what I do, what I earn and what I own.

    This is normal for people to ask you.... even if they aren't relatives. Wouldn't you make inquiries if a close family member was in the same position?


    No. I wouldn't ask what people earn. I wouldn't ask about mortgage repayments, insurance, investments, cost of the car, what my business turns over and how much tax is paid .... and I don't tell people those things either. I'm happy to talk about the actual work I do, describe the house I live in, the colour of my car (silver) and the fact that I believe it is wise to have private health cover. But that's about it.


    I could really do with some advise on this matter also, i am engaged to my thai girlfriend, moved my life out here to be with her and am very unsure as too what i should be giving her parents..... will someone who knows a lot about this email me at: [email protected] : )

    thanks in advance


  10. Where can i buy Singstar microphones in bangkok? I have a friend in bangkok trying to find some singstar microphones for ps2 but he has not find any place that sell them does any one know a place? regards orcko2007

    Hi does anyone know if it is possible to get singstar in thailand? the microphones and games?

    also if i have a uk ps2, will games bought here work? (by here i mean thailand)



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