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Posts posted by jEFFREYk44

  1. I prefer Kasikorn, I live a few hundred meters from their HQ, the tall building near Rama 9 bridge, and always get great service from their staff, very nice. Bangkok Bank and SCB are a joke, had an experience with Bank of Ayudhya that was nice

  2. My copy was published in 1985, the year I bought it, was published by Duang Kamol aka DK Books, the cover is great as is the book, should be issued to single males at customs as they enter the Kingdom. Original publish date was 1956, amazing

  3. I know a guy who plans to be cremated and then have his ashes stored in a spirit house or chedi on the edge of his property. He will then have an ATM installed in it so every time his Thai wife comes to pay respect she can freshen up her wallet, or, when she needs some cash she can pay her respect to his memory

  4. [q

    To quote my wife,,,,,"If you Farangs cannot respect the customs of Issan people then go set in your room and chuck wah, and leave the Issan ladies alone. :o

    If that is a direct quote, well, my wifr would never say that altho uni grad and lawyer, she says it is bad talk

  5. I would travel to BKK from Suphan if there was a Taco Bell...superb cuisine and splendid memories of the TB parking lot in Laguna Beach and events leading up to a bust for 3 joints in 1968. The cop said 'I hope you enjoyed the tacos pal 'cause yer looking at 1 to 5 for possesion...'

    Ahhhh, Laguna Beach. What a nice place. Too bad it's in California! :o

    The Taco Bell in Laguna Beach is where Timothy Leary got busted (arrested to my Aussie friends) as well

  6. Another time at the same time as the "Mae Moi" incident, we (my then wife and I) were eating with our neighbors, two bargirls, one pretty, one stunning, and they had two guys visiting them that day, not leftovers from the night before.

    One guy says to the Stunner, "How did you ever get so beautiful?"..........She tells him, "I drink Nam Pla", he asks if he could try and she complies and I have never seen a face scruche up or implode like that after he took a full shot glass!

  7. About 25 years ago I was living on Soi Saen Suk off Rama 4 rd., there were six 3 story condos all serviced by one maid. The maids daughter was named something like Moi, so we called the maid Mae Moi (Mother of Moi).

    One hot afternoon I deceided to take my second shower of the afternoon when much to my surprise, no water, the maid had the pump turned off, so I went to my third floor window and yelled out....."Mae Moi, mai mee nam!", did so a few times.

    Saw a few people downstairs looking up at me quizically (that means funny and curious to you Aussies), anyway, I later found out that the way I was pronoucing the words basically meant that I was saying....."Mother of pubic hair, we have no water!"

    or so I was and am told

  8. I almost never buy a real newspaper, but I read almost every news site available ... even the Nation, I love fiction ;-)

    I subscribe to the Post (old habit) but seem to prefer the Nation more now, they have become a little more critical on things

  9. in fact, next time I drive down to the Big Smoke and find myself snarled in the inevitable traffic jam from h3ll, I shall amuse myself by imagining what Miss Fawn's favorite lovemaking positions are, whether she prefers dominant or submissive, and what sort of provocative attire she might don to further arouse her lovers' basic instincts

    Heck, I imagine that all the time, especially the attire


  10. Hi;

    I just moved to the rama2 area of Bangkok, and have NOT been able to find any foodland, villa, etc. in this area - but I AM new. Rama 2, Ekachai, and to a lesser extent Petkesim are all in this area.

    Anyone know of a good source in this side of town for western ingredients? Any foodlands or Villas on this side of the river? The locations I know of are VERY far away relatively speaking, over an hour by taxi and I DO NOT want to drive downtown.


    From Rama 2 take a bus or Taxi to the Marriott on the river, they have shuttle boat to the Taksin bridge where you can get the Skytrain, also the new Rama 3 bridge makes it a lot easier to get into town, you get on off Suksawat Rd. as you go into Phra Phra Daeng.

    Can't even get hamburger on this side of the river, there is a Tops of course at bottom of Central Rama 2 tho, but it is limited


  11. Yes give thanks to Squanto the Indian.

    A true and interesting story about Squanto is that after the Pilgrims got to America they did not see any Indians for several weeks, they had heard of them and worried about them. One day, while out hunting, they saw their first Indian (ok, Native American) off in the distance and he began to approach them, they prepared for the worst as this "savage" walked toward them. When he was in earshot, he yelled, in English, "hello, do you have any beer?"

    Squanto had been taken before by Englishman to England as a showpiece, learned the language and developed a liking for beer.

    True story, but beer does not go good with turkey and trimmings


  12. There's a place on Soi Rangnam called Teesud Isaan Inter which was apparently proclaimed "the best burger in Bangkok" by The Post, I believe. I've had the burgers there -- not bad, but I'm a little spoiled by having lived in Los Angeles for 20 years and eating at places like The Apple Pan and In-n-Out Burger. The flavor is good, they give you ketchup, mustard, onion, pickle, and a toasted bun, but the size is a bit on the small side and it's New Zealand beef, not the same quality as American stuff, with a few bits of gristle mixed in so that occasionally you'll bite into what feels like a pebble.... yechh.

    The other decent burger I've had is from a cart at the entrance to Nana Plaza - they fire up the griddle at 9PM - of course I only go there for the burgers... :o

    Have gone four times toTee Suud Isarn on Soi Rang Nam, it sucks except for breakfast, twice the burger was raw, totally uncooked, the Philly cheese was uncheable but breakfast was pretty good.

    The American gut, and I am American, is a jerk and does yell and cuss a lot, at least at his wife

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