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Posts posted by Longduckdong

  1. Seems we must go to different Cinemas

    as I to have never seen one with more than 15 people it

    And tio me thats packed

    It's either your choice of movies do not appeal to most Thais.

    It was on English Soundtrack.

    Or, you really have bad taste.......

    So go ahead and buy crappy, pirated DVD's and play it on your 150,000 baht home theatre system with 6.1 channels and while you are at it, try checking out the subtitles to see if they make any sense.

  2. I love Songkran. I am 33 and this will be my 4th Songkran. Although there may be some negative aspects on how some celebrate it nowadays. It doesn't make me hate it. I love it because I celebrate it the traditonal way with my girlsfriends' family. I get to drink with my Thai friends and enjoy the food. But most of all, I love it because I get to spend so much time with my girl indoors rather than in notorious places like Paragon, Emporium, or Central. :o

  3. 1) Politicians who buy votes are stupid, but if you allow yourself to be bought then you are worse.

    2) If you someone gives you money for your vote and then vote for him even if you don't wan't to, then you are just making things worse.

    Some might think that accepting money from politicians and voting the other way is smart. It could be so... If you really need the cash.

    But, after these politicians spend so much money every election time, what do you think they would do to replenish their political "war" coffers? On their salaries?

    Yes, it does matter, for this system, although not all the time, would only spawn more corruption.

    My Thai girlfriend and I pray that the Thais would learn this soon. It may take time and a lot of prayers though. Peace and enjoy the holidays. Just remember to not drink and drive. The life you save may be your own.


  4. Gulf of Thailand won't rise with global warming, expert claims

    Apr 23, 2007, 3:03 GMT

    Bangkok - Global warming is not likely to cause the sea level in the Gulf of Thailand to rise because the body of water is too far from melting glaciers, a leading Thai hydrologist claimed on Monday.

    Recent forecasts by the United Nations' Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which predict a 40 centimetre rise in sea levels by the end of the century will cause flooding for up to 94 million Asians living in coastal areas, may not apply to the Gulf of Thailand, according to Suphat Vongvisessomjai, a former professor in water resources engineering at Bangkok's Asia Institute of Technology.

    'The climate change panel's projection was wrongly accepted to apply to the Gulf of Thailand,' Suphat told The Nation newspaper. 'We are too far from melting glaciers or ice sheets.'

    Suphat added that, in fact, recent research shows that the average sea levels along some coastal provinces on the gulf have declined 0.3 to 0.6 centrimetres over the past eight years.

    The hydrologist, now an employee of Team Consulting Engineering, called on the public not to panic over the IPCC findings.

    'The climate change panel did not deceive us or exaggerate. Its scientific findings are just based on the environment of their scientists, most of whom live in Europe,' he told the English-language daily.

    Asia-Pacific news


    Leading Thai hydrologist. Smart man this one. What's he going to come up with next? You can't drown in the Chao Phraya river because it is full of silt? :o

  5. :o

    Wow, a shocker. When they yellows were protesting Abhisit thought the government should quit, but now that the reds are protesting he thinks the government quitting is a bad idea. :D

    they should include a laugh track in these every TV station state of emergency speeches.

    Classic example of: Do what I say and not what I do. :D

  6. Lovely, this will really endear the reds to Bangkokians. :o

    a dose of their own medicine, since they rammed it down ours

    seems Abhisit just has to learn the hard way

    for all his intelligence and education, he should have seen this a MILE away, before he took on PM

    Exactly, although I have no love for the reds. The yellows started it and brought upon themselves by closing down two major airports and vandalizing government house. You see, it is a vicious cycle. It will go on and on and on. I wonder what they were thinking. Surely they know that two people can play the game. Would have been better had both sides started talking and doing genuine reconciliatory actions before rather than chasing down an exiled politician and his party before taking it to the streets. Didn't the last elections prove that?

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