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Posts posted by MonsieurHulot

  1. I can't say that I knew him but I met him once or twice at Tuskers. He was a nice man (otherwise I would have never paid him a drink smile.png )

    Condolences to his family.

    • Like 1
  2. "Personally I would like to see the whole area levelled and replaced with new decent Western style restaurants" - Beetlejuice

    You sure don't like Asia. Why don't you just go back to Farangstan where there are plenty of "Western style restaurants"?

  3. I suppose everyone has to choose the path in life they want to follow. Each path has its share of risks. Dealing drugs in Thailand is quite risky. It's a path I would never follow.

    I suppose governments around the world have laws against drug dealers for a reason. With most governments having some kind of law against it, perhaps drugs really are bad for society. I suppose we are lucky we don't live in a place like Juarez, Mexico. Do you think current laws in Thailand dealing with drug users and dealers keep Chiang Mai safer compared to Juarez?

    A weird comparison.

  4. I think it is wrong for any state or government to outlaw the use of drugs by adults or the sale to them of any. Pencil me in as a libertarian, on that issue anyway. In that sense, I don't think Bob 'deserves' any punishment at all.


    I wholeheartedly agree with you.

  5. If it were skirts, I'd definitely be more disturbed.

    Your sarcasm aside, look into the context of the present circumstances:

    • Miscreants have started causing trouble in Chiang Mai and other provinces, setting fire to and in front of government offices and major businesses. In Chiang Mai, that includes behind the governor's mansion as well as a minor fire in front of Big C Hang Dong.
    • "Blackshirts" have been identified as armed and more than willing to use violence.
    • The gathering was in front of a place with a sign that says "official residence", which implies the home of "someone important"
    • The change of clothes and women pulling up on motorcycles seemed to occur in a planned, synchronized fashion, as if to expeditiously transport everyone involved from point A to point B, wherever that may have been.

    Irrespective of your opinion of me or my interpretation of the situation, it was enough to cause several neighbors concern. The group has, however, moved on to wherever they were planning to go, so situation over. I admit I'm glad it turned out to be nothing to do with anything near my house, so I'll take being mocked as a welcome reminder that there has been no trouble close to home, yet.

    It certainly seems to me that it is better to report something suspicious and it be nothing then to ignore something assuming it is nothing. Better to err on the side of caution. The situation described is sufficiently odd to warrant a post.

    Thank you for your post. Best for all to stay alert at this dangerous time.

    Report things that are suspicious to the authorities. Spreading unsubstantiated conjecture and rumour on the internet is irresponsible imo mr 3 posts.

    Anyway a group of people going to a funeral is no cause for alarm unless it was my funeral and nobody had informed me.

    Mr Loaded, I usually enjoy your comments but I think this one was under the belt.

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