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Everything posted by Rickster

  1. We all know these kids were set up, the whole case has been a complete farce from start to finish. Everyone knows who actually did it but the usual protection of people in high regard get away with their sins. Corruption will always be the winner when money crosses hands and the poor haven't a leg to stand on....very sad 😔
  2. What an absolute helmet 🙈😡
  3. So the Russian kicked an 8 month heavily pregnant woman in the groin, surely that's attempted murder 🤷‍♂️ just add her to list long list of Russians misbehaving and send them home. Every day it's bad press and every day it involves Russians....killing the image of Phuket specifically 😡
  4. Not got the minerals to fight for his country on the front line. Russians are Neanderthals with no etiquette, no manners and no respect for other people. I lived in Kathu for years now back in UK and all I'm hearing is Phuket has turned into a <deleted> hole full of Russians thinking they own the place and disrespecting locals as well as fellow tourists. Black list the lot of them and deport them if they can't behave themselves 🤷‍♂️
  5. Just proves in any form of society, diversity and business in this day and age, it's impossible not to offend someone by voicing one's opinions. We all need to walk around like robots with our mouths glued shut...
  6. Might have guessed a russian would be the culprit 🤬
  7. It's a bit like giving Palestinians access to the Elite club for 1000THB 🙈🙄
  8. Subject to limited exceptions i.e those who have hundreds of thousands on the bank ????
  9. Yeah these Indian tourists are a real pain in the ass ????????
  10. You can tell Russians a mile off...head like a fridge, belly hanging out the bottom of their 2 size too small food stained t shirt and a 6' stunning blond hanging off their arm ????
  11. I take if the term 'gangsters' is used loosely in this context ????‍♂️
  12. The report said he was stabbed in the chest and ribcage not his member ????
  13. Singha beer and a JD coke night cap
  14. Anyone who drinks Leo deserves to pay more for it...wouldn't insult the drain with it ????????????
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