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Posts posted by James3212

  1. riveting photos indeed. I'm sure I'm not the 1st to say it looks like a tactical military strike. If this had happened to a US N plant, the Arabs would be dancing and celebrating in the streets.

    Just a year ago, EGAT published a summary of their 175 million baht 'Feasibility Report' for whether Thailand should go nuclear. The whole thing, of course, was a farce, as the recipient (Burns and Roe Asia, Ltd.) of that money knew beforehand what Apisit Patchimpattapong, Ph.D. and other heads of EGAT wanted to see. Indeed, the contract was probably 200 million, and EGAT heads could have easily put 25 million in to their deep pockets.

    Here's a quote showcased in the report's summary: ""Nuclear power has an excellent safety record" Source: H-Holger Rogner, Head of Planning & Economic Studies, Dept. of Nuclear Energy, IAEA, 2010

    And the overall summary of that report: "Nuclear power is reliable, low and stable cost, and has no greenhouse gases emissions."

    Would anyone like to join with me on a class action lawsuit against EGAT and Burns and Roe - claiming malfeasance in their collusion on that expensive bogus report? Thai taxpayers paid for that report indirectly. That 175 million baht was a clear waste of money by a government/public owned Thai company - on a ruse that fooled nobody.

    I would like to join you since Thai people are getting robbed, but I might be a mere "farang" ... I think we all should protest against this if they really decide to build this... Thailand has excellent conditions for solar power i think... Just think of each house in the boonies... They don't spend much electricity at all as well... Even one smaller solar panel on the house would suffice for running the pad lom and the tv... But then again the power co's would lose lots of profits from selling that electricity, unless they are willing to invest in the solar powerplant which would be better here really. I would gladly double my electricity bill (what we are paying in apartments anyways instead of government's 3 baht, its usually 6 baht or more in apartments so i would pay 12 baht or more if needed ) if that power was generated by solar panels.

    But i think that what is really scary for power companies is that most of the people later will be producing their own power from their own solar panels, especially when solar panels become more efficient and cheaper, so then the power companies might cease to exist.., Right now the companies sell the electricity to the people and people just blindly follow them and pay for their electricity... And i repeat, as soon as i get my own house im getting the solar panels for myself as well... going to be cheaper also in the long run

  2. So they finally decided to move the water and process it ... i don't know why they had to dump the radioactive water in the ocean then just few days ago then...

    It seems like they should read these forums because they seem to not bring in the portable pumps when I was suggesting it before and seems like they have just decided to transport the rest of the water to the waste processing plant... Kinda late after you already dumped couple of tons in the sea and poisoned the fish but better late than dump it all in the ocean of course... anyways as far as i know, big fishes eat the smaller ones & the radioactivity was 300 times over the limit near fukushima... 9 times over the limit 15kms away... so I think some fishes will eat a lot of cesium or plutonium... Wonder what will happen to Japanese and/or Russian fisheries soon when people (if) find more of these fishes and stop eating fish out of precaution... But its not just all about economy, its about our world... I have a lot to say on this but i think many might be not interested as some don't seem to care about nature...

    To me it is really bad that humans did all the nuclear tests making parts of world non-accessible and harming the nature... I really would like to see them cleanup the mess that they made but i think that its not that easily possible now when they dumped tons of water.... I think international community should fine the company and make them responsible to clean the ocean but i cant even imagine how would they do this... seems like the water is dumped for good and who knows what will be the after effects of this.... one thing is shown as evidence already... radioactive fish found... now who knows who know what happens to the people that eat the exposed fishes or even other bigger fishes that eat less radioactive fish... i guess time will tell again... but we really need to proceed in advancing the medicine and alternative power ... that is my opinion ... and we shouldn't be building nuclear power plants ... especially since they don't seem to be able to completely remove the nuclear waste and treat all people in case of a disaster and clean the plants and animals of harmful elements...

    Anyways... back to TEPCO... It seems to me that by using common sense lots of these problems could be avoided... It just looks like that of course, I'm not an expert but they seem to be doing exactly what i was thinking just very delayed and after several huge mistakes mostly caused by delay i guess... Seems to me that if they were experts they would prevent the hydrogen explosions on time as well i suppose... Just its so sad to see what is happening with Japan and the world contamination right now on the seas, land and air and I'm surprised that they are not putting much thought into this, or it really seems like they don't...

    On a side note... Germany's Wild Boar Contamination

  3. For the ones that don't follow NHK...

    The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says seawater radiation levels continue to rise in areas north of the plant.

    Tokyo Electric Power Company says it detected on Thursday 110 becquerels of radioactive iodine-131 per cubic centimeter in seawater samples collected 30 meters from outlets in the northern part of the complex.

    The figure is 2,800 times higher than the maximum allowed under government standards. Measurements at the same spot were 600 times the standard on Tuesday and 1,000 times on Wedneday.

    In a series of surveys 15 kilometers from the coastline, a reading 9.3 times the national limit was detected north of the plant, off the coast of Minami-soma City.

    The government's nuclear safety agency has instructed the Fukushima plant operator to review its monitoring activities, as the radioactive material is likely to be carried northward by ocean currents.

    The agency stressed the need to monitor areas of high radiation concentration more closely to clarify possible contamination of the ocean.

    Friday, April 08, 2011 21:57 +0900 (JST)

    link to the video & article: NHK News

  4. Dumping something into the ocean is about the worst thing that they could do.... Can also someone explain to me why they didnt put the water in an oil tanker??? or just on a regular boat in a container, or oil trucks???

    Several reasons:

    1. They didn't think of it. Asians in general, are not giants of innovative solutions to problems.

    2. They don't want to ruin an oil tanker (economics).

    3. What would they then do with a tanker full of water?

    4. If the contaminated water kept coming, they would then need additional tankers.

    5. Who wants to attach the hoses, and man the ship? Where would it dock?

    Thanks for the explanation but i cant believe that they didn't think of something so simple. They have lots of people on there and i guess they should think of something... however it has taken them so long to come up with the fire trucks and other stuff which is very strange

    2. Economics? I think that a possible radioactive tsunamis caused by the aftershock that seed plutonium across the land would be more of a problem and the seafood contamination but who knows... =\ TEPCO seems to be in charge...

    3. They could use the water to make concrete or take the water to the nuclear waste facility, just as they do with other nuclear contaminated stuff... Or take it to that Russian ship which processes contaminated water... To me it seems that anything is better than dumping it to the ocean =\

    4. Yep but one can store really a lot of water, much more than what they have had till now and they could find a plug to the radiation... the alternative would be then just keep pouring contaminated water into the ocean? thats in no way good for the people of Japan and others also ...

    5. Ahh yes that might be a problem but i think the lead suits or a lead wall would take care of the particles from the tanker tho i am not an expert... this might be the valid reason that people did not want to drive that oil tanker later to some other place if the water is extremely radioactive in such amounts that a lead wall couldn't defend from it. This i think would be the only valid problem unless if they could mount the remote controlled robots on to it...

    Either way its really bad to just dump the things into ocean =\ thanks for the explanation tho but i think if they cant think of this then we should somehow be able to send them suggestions perhaps? just in case they cant think of something like this =\ but they could even google "how to store water" and come up with lots of suggestions i guess... =\ then again so could those people that were throwing trash in the ocean but this is a huge company and you would expect something much better from them...

  5. How many people have died as a direct result of the Fukushima accident? And how many have died as a result of the earthquake and tsunami that caused that accident?

    How many are possible more to die indirectly? How much of the land has became contaminated? Would this happen if the humans did not build the plant there? Could people return to Fukishima prefecture after the tsunami and not lose their entire property, how many generations will plutonium remain radioactive? Can people relocate further inland and remain safe from the Tsunami? Did people create earthquakes and did people create nuclear plants? ... etc...

  6. I suppose the trouble is, as shown on this thread, that most members of the public don't understand the facts well enough to know when to be scared, and when not to be. SC

    I'm not scared. Indeed my personal safety is more secure, here in northernmost Thailand, than Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket - which in turn are more secure than many parts of the world. Parts of Hawaii used to paradisaical, now it's got oceans (and lifeforms within) of questionable safety.

    I've been 100% opposed to nuclear for power generation for decades and have recently (within the past 3 years) become active against Thailand going nuclear. my booklet

    It's not about me. It's not about anyone being scared. It's about concern for others, concern for other living things, and concern for this one finite planet. Despoiling the earth and the oceans is as dire to someone like myself as poisoning people or animals or plants. I'm not alone with these sentiments. There are Native American tribes who don't want spent nuclear rods stored in mountains bordering California and Arizona for similar reasons. There are those who can say 'Who gives a fat flying fudgebowl about what happens inside a mountain in a desolate part of the world!"

    Well, maybe it's not easily explainable in a couple paragraphs on a blog, but it's true. There are many people who care about such things and who are doing all they can to thwart the radioactivication of this planet. Now the planet's largest body of water is being polluted with radioactivity. None of us knows how severe, how widespread that toxicity will be over the coming decades. I resent the Japanese for building those reactors (the engineering and the chosen site, etc), and I resent all others who are frantically building those monuments to toxicity worldwide. They'd build them (and/or store the spent rods) in Antarctica if they could get away with it.

    It's sounds childish to say 'I told you so' ....but we did! Often and loudly! And we're still trying to tell those who will listen; 'Nuclear reactors are not the best (nor cheapest nor cleanest nor safest) ways to generate electricity.'

    Right on, i think after this i will also become active against nukes somehow, at least protesting if not more... Its the least we can do... I've just recently found out about numerous nuke tests all over the world... Even in russian Novaya Zemlja which was supposed to mean new earth... I think that they have found plutonium in the water around... How tragic is what humans are doing to the world... If the nukes were not discovered it would have been a lot better... Now i understand many nuke scientists who turn anti-nuke from all over the world... Because they realize that the ones in power are very irresponsible with this...

    They do not care if they pollute a piece of land for thousands of years, or if that pollution scatters around or poisons someone... Its really an awful thing... What we should be doing is working on cleaning the earth and making it a better place to live, not finding ways to pollute it more... And it is scary of how many things went unreported or how many things the humanity is unaware of...

    And also how can the nuclear power be cheapest when TEPCO which is 4th largest power company in the world, cant pay for the cleanup of things that were emitted from 1 power plant... It is very well likely that they will go bankrupt as well with this attitude and the Japanese people will have to pay for the cleanup and maybe they won't even cleanup, but decide to live with it... I can just see the headlines tomorrow. Bad food habits of the Japanese from Fukushima prefecture have caused numerous health issues.... Its just awful how some can still support this... I bet if they were living as a Fukushima citizen they would not think so... I doubt that TEPCO can even pay for the property damages of the cities in Fukushima (paying for all the houses and buildings that they had to evacuate) let alone compensate them for the loss of land just do the cleanup of land and pay for their medical bills and compensate them for grief and time wasted... Hopefully we can find much better alternatives soon... I do not think that anything is worth of contaminating the land so that even humans nor animals can live there... And as someone said about the problem on nuclear waste, plutonium... It's half-live is 24 000 years... and that's just one half-life... how much do you think storage of something will cost when you multiply it by the number of years that you have to store it? Leaving trash on earth for the generations to come is not a good solution... But i do think that we should find a good and cheap way to eliminate this nuclear waste ( change plutonium to something different that can decay quickly or to something that doesnt decay ) and solve this...

    Dumping something into the ocean is about the worst thing that they could do.... Can also someone explain to me why they didnt put the water in an oil tanker??? or just on a regular boat in a container, or oil trucks???

    Is there some reason on why was this now possible?? How come that "they didn't have the choice"?

  7. S Korea criticizes release of radioactive water

    South Korea has expressed concern over Japan's release of contaminated water into the sea from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

    The Japanese government approved the action by the plant operator. Tokyo Electric Power Company began dumping wastewater containing radioactive materials, including iodine-131 with a level of about 100 times the legal limit, into the sea to stabilize the crippled plant on Monday.

    South Korea's Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry conveyed its concern to Japan's Foreign Ministry on Monday evening through its embassy in Tokyo.

    The South Korean ministry pointed out that release of contaminated wastewater could be a violation of international law.

    South Koreas have been increasingly worried about radioactive contamination of tap water and farm products. Minute amounts of radioactive material have been detected in the country after the trouble of the nuclear plant.

    There's growing criticism in the country that Japan failed to notify neighboring countries in advance about the release of contaminated water.

    Tuesday, April 05, 2011 16:02 +0900 (JST)


    That's what it is, a violation of international laws and a very grave one.

    Definitely... And i do not understand how come they "didn't have choice"... They are pumping the water out anyways... So why was it not an option of putting it all in one oil tanker? Japan also has oil tankers at their disposal...

    I just feel baffled when i read these news... Why experiment with the ocean, sea life and humans eating the fish etc as well? Why not contain the water in the tankers? But I do not know how to ask the Japanese government or TEPCO this and I'm not sure if they would listen... If someone would be able to explain as to why was it not an option I would really like to hear the explanation.... Again I am not an expert but it seems to me that "dumping stuff in the water" should not be such an easy option...

  8. Lets recall the fact that our planet didn't have any natural radiation but now we have various kinds of very dangerous substances which are man-made. In your drinking milk you can find traces of plutonium the most dangerous poison known to humankind. With every leakage, nuclear bomb(testing) nuclear power plant accident the substances increase and some(the more dangerous like plutonium, stronium are here to stay for millions of years.

    Siemens today questions the nuclear industry. - these are the headlines in todays Der Spiegel - and even thinks a total exit of nuclear power plants is possible.

    Other Germans and former prominent nuclear power supporters have changed to anti now.

    Elcent i think that there are many kinds of natural radiation that are occurring right now like from radon and such gasses, uranium etc, and people are constantly under radiation influence but what is scary is that the materials that are produced right now were not available in the nature before, airborne or at these levels and they are being released now and releasing extra radiation

    However you are right about the milk and other vegetables and products, the levels now are higher and that shouldn't happen and there are some elements that were not present in milk and vegetables before...

    Anyways the danger of plutonium is its possibility of staying permanently in the bodies as it apparently can be absorbed and then it could irradiate cells of humans and animals constantly once its ingested... There should be some plutonium removal surgery available in the future i hope or procedure or anything...

    Either way we shouldn't release these deadly particles into atmosphere. And I really like the way Germans are rethinking all of the nuclear plants now and hopefully soon at least Europe will be clean from nuclear plants... However this should hopefully eventually become the world-wide practice to replace nuclear with better and cleaner technologies. It is absolutely insane to run these plants that can can cause so much damage to the environment i think especially without adequate protection... Also in the case of war or something if some country hits the nuclear plants that would cause havoc all around... Just guessing but lets say North Korea or some other country launches some missiles from some place in the sea for example and it hits the nuclear power plant anywhere.... Hmm I guess it would be similar to using big nuclear weapons anyways just without the nuclear explosion... Anyways imo it is good to see lots of people turning anti nuclear and looking for better alternatives even if they are more expensive at the moment and this also pushes the technology development for the alternatives so they will become even better and cheaper and i think ultimately we will have much cheaper and cleaner energy than what we have now...

  9. Sorry too late to edit but i want to ask does anyone have any information if they checked for remainders of plutonium in that seawater?

    I have not seen any other measures or analysis of the water that is being released. Most of it is coming from their own onsite waste disposal facility (10,000 tons), so they must know its radioactive composition--but I have not seen it released. The other 1500 tons is from the damaged site and is probably more contaminated.

    Supposedly the water being released is not the highly radioactive water that has come in contact with the melted fuel rods, for which they are releasing this water to make room for. But some of that highly radioactive water is already confirmed to be leaking into the ocean--and it would almost certainly contain some level of plutonium. That's because plutonium is a normal by-product of the fission reaction in all three reactors (even the two reactors that were not using MOX rods). For this reason, there will also be some plutonium present in all four of the cooling pools. That's why when they first found plutonium present in the soil samples, they still didn't know which reactor or pool it was coming from.

    Thanks for explaining this... I thought so too.. Now what i dont realize is why they dont get the water in those oil tanker ships and store the water there temporarily until they decide what to do with it... As far as i know they can carry up to 500 000 000 liters or 500 000 tons of water...

    We do not yet know if the plutonium and radioactive cesium will influence the sealife in some way but this is a bad way to find out i think... As someone said there are purifying plants so they could use that. Also i do not know why they don't recycle the water and use it again when it goes out since its still supposed to be cool once its out... Presumably because of the particles but if the particles are bad then why dump them into the ocean?

    And i dont think we can say how quickly it will dilute in the water.... most probably the part around japan will have higher concentration of radioactivity for quite some time so the fishes there might be more in danger... and im not sure but it looks to me as if this might affect the whole world... Sure it will be diluted but this is such an irresponsible way of handling this crisis i think... But what else can we do to make them stop doing this? I realize I'm just typing away but some things just seem not well thought out... even though they are experts and stuff it seems that they are contaminating the parts of the earth slowly and not caring much for it... I guess under the sea and specially close to Japanese sea is not the best place to be right now...

  10. this link is a graphic peek at the

    radiation plume - as it spreads worldwide - taken from a few days ago. The amounts are probably miniscule, but it's a sobering graphic.

    I had to grin (pardonne moi) while watching it, as I'm from California, and I know there are millions there who are extremely health conscious. Examples: I know one gal who used to run out of her house every time someone turned on the microwave oven in the kitchen. I know a woman there who religiously dry sponges the skin of her entire body - every morning and evening, in order to dispel bad vibes. So, for people like that to get wind of (pun intented) a nuclear plume spreading over the Pacific to where they live - is anathema - even if the actual amounts are miniscule.

    whoa, seems like the whole world is covered with this... that being said, put the tin foil on the reactors (lol) and stop it from releasing more stuff... i think making a new sarcophagus immediately is way better than polluting the ocean, the soil or anything... eventually they might come up with a way to clean the sarcophagus or move it to waste repository or somehow remove it from there... well this seems pretty expensive way of generating electricity, especially that they will have to pay the farmers and others for their damages. If someone actually started to cleanup then we would see the real costs i guess, not to mention the possible health implications... I k

    I know that amounts are miniscule but it looks grim to see that entire earth is covered even with small particles... and I'm sure that citizens of the all countries didn't want radioactive Iodine in their air... speaking of which, does someone have a model of the whole world and not just the model up to France? It would be interesting to see if Thailand and Bangkok are actually covered... along with middle east and other countries like India etc...

  11. ahh i think i will not buy stuff from Yamazaki... It was good but look at the last entry on their wikipedia http://en.wikipedia....Yamazaki_Baking ... they should put this on their breads before selling them or have clear specifications of what is in them... sorry but tops wins my okane!

    oh and yes i think seint etiolle is the same thing...

    just trying to warn some people of the dangers as im maybe being too paranoid and research the stuff like this, i think it might be helpful to others who also dont like being test subjects... another huge + for the internet from me :)


    come to think of it again i gotta find my own bread making machine so i know what really goes in the food that I'm eating, or order stuff from johnbkk...not sure if i can trust tops either but hope they wouldn't use something like this...

  12. Update - Monday Night!


    TOKYO — Highly contaminated water is escaping a damaged reactor at a crippled nuclear power plant in Japan and could soon leak into the ocean, the country's nuclear regulator warned on Monday.

    Radiation measuring 1,000 millisieverts per hour was detected in water in an overflow tunnel outside the plant's Reactor No. 2, Japan's nuclear regulator said at a news conference. The tunnel leads from the reactor's turbine building, where contaminated water was discovered on Saturday, to an opening just 180 feet from the sea, said Hidehiko Nishiyama, deputy director-general for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

    The contaminated water level is now about three feet from the exit of the vertical, U-shaped tunnel and rising, Mr. Nishiyama said.

    Well, what are they waiting for? get the gasoline carrying trucks choopered in and fill em up then later put then in concrete or something if they still are radiant... But i guess they wont read these forums anyways....

    I also really like Japan and it pains me to see that so little is done and what is done is so slow... Is it really possible that there is no alternative? That they arent hurrying up? that they didnt have human-like shielded robots that can be controlled remotely in case of this disaster? that they dont know and cant send in a camera to check the leakage for this long?

    Sorry if this is being off topic just im really looking forward to see this contained and not having the prefecture to turn into another permanent exclusion zone where radioactive plant and animal life grows...

  13. If the Japanese govt banned its population from living within the region 5km from the coastline, it might save more lives than cleaning up the radioactive fall out..

    The tsunami has killed somewhere in the region of 25,000 people within a period of days. Probably more. That makes Chernobyl look feeble.....

    Why do we escalate man-made risks but just accept earthquakes and tsunamis as something out of our control? Because we have someone to blame? Whereas there is no one to blame for an earthquake or a tsunami.... But both are risks that can be managed.

    So then, tsunami victims cannot be helped by us but maybe we can help those facing the consequential risks. It's a laudable to collate and spread information so people have the latest and best information. No issue question regarding the huge efforts by some on this thread to share accurate information. It is sorely needed.

    But before we rally for no more nuclear power, let's also consider the merits of "no more living by the coast" (in Japan). I am not pro or anti nuclear power. I just want to see the whole picture and have efforts focussed on the best result.

    Not escalation, but i do agree that lots of media had put in too much sensationalism and this is not such a huge disaster yet. South Japan and Tokyo are safe thanks to the wind...

    That said, radiation is not something to ignore or joke about, and this is a serious incident, even if not as huge as they say on the news. For example if this blows up or if 2-3 powerplants with multiple reactors blow up and the contamination is enough ... Lets say the containment vessel cracks up under a huge eatrhquake or the tsunami or pressure etc, and you have a 3SV/hour radiation at a single point... you can say bye bye to Japan and some of the countries near by perhaps for quite some time, maybe even thousands of years... And the particles might be scattered throughout the world causing contamination all around the globe. Look what happened with Chernobyl and if something happens again of course it can be worse than that too... I really fail to see how people can't understand this... In theory if someone wanted to destroy the majority of life on earth it would be pretty easy right now even with the several n-powerplants around the world...

    Anyways even the situation now doesnt seem that bright as Fukushima's soil is contaminated and other provinces too. Its good that plutonium was not released but I really wonder why would we risk to have another potentially worse accident like that? Think about other accidents also, example, if the meteor strikes France's few nuclear powerplants, doesnt all have to come from tsunami, but also earthquakes can be strong enough to wreck havoc, especially if they are nearby... I am not saying that it will happen and the possibility is not large but why even have that possibility? Why gamble with the future of earth?

    This is why I don't like nuclear stuff, or stuff that contaminates the earth and makes it uninhabitable for humans. Can cause lots of health problems and deaths, potentially influencing the generations to come in random ways...

    I am all pro solar power and we should develop it i think. Perhaps EU will be the first to adapt and push the alternative power sources....

    Anyways i think we should also develop decontamination chemicals or something in case someone also uses nuclear power and doesnt want to stop using it. So that after people can protect themselves and clean the soil from contamination... That would certainly be good...

  14. ''We have not detected any radiation that will be harmful to people's health. So I think we will make our decision by looking at the results from the continuing monitoring process,'' Abhisit said when asked if the Thai government will place restrictions on foodstuffs imported from Japan.

    I was just wondering... How do you separate foodstuffs from stuff? Do you place it far enough from the other stuff so that it becomes stuffs?

  15. NHK late Thursday was showing a TEPCO video of the plant and its reactors shot recently by a helicopter flying over the site... Obviously, a manned helicopter..

    Which kind of re-raises the question that Elcent raised above... Doesn't Japan and its Self Defense Forces have access to unmanned low-level, highly maneuverable drones or other remote controlled, unmanned reconnaissance units that could be used to shoot closeup video and/or stills of the plant and help answer questions such as, which of the spent fuel pools is the most lacking in water.

    And as for the water spraying, in my past life, in very hot or dangerous or toxic industrial fires, I've seen U.S. firefighters set up monitor water streams that basically can pour water on a fire from a fixed position -- either from ground level or high atop a fire engine ladder which normally can reach about 7 stories in height -- without any required staffing once it's set up, other than being fed an ongoing supply of water via hoses, either from other fire engines or larger water sources like lakes or oceans.

    Even a lot of big city SWAT police units have remote controlled automated small track vehicles equipped with all variety of technology -- video, still photography, infra-red, maybe even radiology monitoring. And while I'm sure they don't have one sitting around in storage at Fukushima, that kind of unit is certainly something that could be shipped or airlifted in...

    All in all, as the saga drags on, it kind of seems like everything the Japanese are doing is incredibly low-tech and relying on human beings who face limitations because of radiation exposure risks... I'm wondering, why aren't they bringing better, non radiation sensitive resources to bear on the problem, even if they have to get them from the U.S. or U.S. military??? We've offered to give them whatever help they need, right???

    Yes my thoughts exactly. They shoulda just brought in the portable diesel pumps or portable generators with electric pumps with the chinook and setup the hoses since the sea is like couple of meters away, then maybe even the workers can watch the portable pumps working from the distance...

    Imo this should have been done days ago and should be in some nuclear rule-book procedure manual but then again im not one of those experts many would say... However i just wanted to ask this question..

  16. Hehe, in all seriousness, why then dont just drop nam ken from the heli's? or ice? one of the simplest things i just thought of hehe, it should be easier to hit the target and cooler when frozen...

    I guess i could come up with 100's of more suggestions just now but im not an expert so maybe it is better that i don't suggest much but just wondering as ice should be the same as water...

  17. @OP: Why no Pic - I wonder.... :)

    If I buy packaged bread, I always check it really well anyway, as many times I found it to be moldy...

    However it occurs, had once one in a metal, tin sealed "Suzuki Ground Coffee" tin..

    Nobody, even in Easarn, eats, ingests, enjoys cockroaches, it's an urban myth,

    resulting from a similar looking beast that is consumed, but it's a "water beetle",

    with a gland in the neck that has a very pleasant smell -

    used to flavor a certain "Nam Prik" Thai Style Salsa!

    Sorry all, as this is a first time im posting here... Well next time i will try to include a pic before throwing it away if i see something like that (hopefully not)... I was taking pics of funny typos and stuff before it became normal...

    Anyways yes i thought the outside of the water bottles were muddy, not inside of them... And i would not pay for water that has mud in it! If i wanted muddy water i wouldn't need to pay for it ...

    As for the vid... That's actually nice that they are using their creativity, even in a kinda weird and scary way, tho i don't think that children should enter those shops or for it to be available in supermarkets if they are near life-like... Hope he doesn't intend to bake real parts like that =\

  18. Around my soi theres very few crossings, you could walk for 30 minutes before you can find one...

    So i think that they should make crossings in populated areas and increase the number of trashcans and also fine the street "restaurant" owners for spilling c*** anytime they please along with the oil and food on the streets... I do not throw litter on the street, but sometimes i am forced to cross the street without the zebra lane because the nearest zebra lane is 2 kilometers away and it is a highly populated area =\

  19. Has anyone seen this before?

    This is the second time i have swallowed one part of it as i was eating it while not looking... I have found other bugs too but... =\

    I will definitely stop buying this "bread" eventho its not nearly similar to what we call the bread back home ( i mean okay its a type of bread but im just angry cuz of these cockroaches =\ ).. Anyways i guess i can't sue them in the land of smiles as i would be just another "farang who complains about little things that should not be fixed" and I will travel to foodland every now and then to stockpile on bread and other food...

    Just had to complain somewhere, sorry to all Thai and pro Thai people for complaining about the hygiene as this seems to be something that is banned from Thailand and i just think that this should improve -*- (the oily and muddy water bottles in 7-11 and family mart, cockroaches and dirty cuttlery in kfc, slime on big c carts and other things i will leave for some other time )

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