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Posts posted by Dkalasz

  1. can anyone help me as to what Liquid lecithin would be called in thai? i need to purchase some and since it is a product of soy I am pretty sure it is to be had here but non of the online translaters have a translation for it.

    Thank you

  2. hello, I am looking for a a decent or several decent wholesale suppliers in thailand (general merchandise) basically looking to add some impulse items to my wifes food cart to try and the income. I'm working on doing a bit of importing via alibaba but still a bit hazy on how difficult this will be.. without the ability to read thai its very painful to figure out what i can what i cant and what just isnt worth doing.

    A side note I will learn to read these dam_n hiroglyphs lol

  3. Hello, I have been trying to find a place to purchase a decent waffle Iron here in thailand. I am in phetchabun so unless its local mail order would be prefered

    also I keep forgeting the name of those darn waffle franchises you see around the big c's anyone know the name off hand?

  4. Hello,

    I am in lom sak and am looking for someone who can tell me what pearl sugar would be called in thai. trying to set my wife up making waffles on her stand but cannot find this ingriedient and she has no clue what i am talking about. I know it must be available somewhere since i have seen it being used in waffles in petchabun.

    anyway i would be so greatful for any help

  5. Did anyone notice the comment lower in the Post article that the employee would get fired after he had stolen gear from bags 3 times!!??

    Yes, I missed that initially. I wonder how many times someone has actually stolen something before they get caught 3 times. What a joke. :)

    actually the way i read that is if the contractor has 3 of its employees get caught they lose the contract..not that same there basically making the company that hires the people responsible for there actions which is good.

    btw this is a huge problem at all major airports. so really until everyone fixes the problem its not a thai issue, its an airport issue worldwide

  6. Another blow for the tourism industry ,

    Right now a lot of Scandinavians start their vacation to Thailand , and most of them goto Phuket.

    Maybe not for long.

    Australians already are very wary of Phuket, British wary because of the airport extortion case, then Danish just the other day.

    It seems Thailand seems to make some kind of negative news on monthly basis where the main story is about either extortion of foreigners or how unsafe the country is.

    Keep it up Thailand!

    Oh come on. Thailand is as safe as most places in the world if not safer. Wait a year or two until the depression has bitten into every urban centre in the world and then you'll see what trouble is ! Stop moaning about Thailand and enjoy the amusing posts earlier in this thread.

    "Wait a year or two until the depression has bitten into every urban centre in the world"--- Have you been hiding in the cave? the rest of the world has been already in depression and recession for the past year if not more, it is Thailand that has not been hit at all(according to Thai government and BOT)

    And looking at other country's how often do you hear of day time gun gang wars in the city center?

    I'm fron the US and i can tell you there are cities that this is a daily accurance not all of course i'd say new york los angels detroit "gary indiania" and probably most other major cities see stuff like this quite frequent

  7. Diplomacy has seemingly been brought into the scenario from my take on the situation.

    When the P.Thai MP,s announce they are to travel to Dudia for the party / celebrations you would have heard the warning bells ringing many miles away, not only in the country this Fugitive on the run has chosen to use as his base.

    I wonder where they will go now then as they follow Thaksin on his Planned busines trip ???

    Had the powers that be in Dubia sanctioned this much heralded birthday party it would not have made good reading for them.


    They found out it would have to be a dry party and will move it to someplace they can get really pissed a true Thai custom. Just because he is i.e. wanted does not mean hes not going to party hard. :)


    hehe sorry dubai isnt dry plenty of booze albeit expensive as hel_l, plenty of.. ladies as well from many nationalities ..dubia doesnt discriminate :D

  8. Do they not respect farang culture of not publically broadcasting the images against the wishes of the family.

    No, they don't. It's ok to publish horrific pictures of dead bodies in Thailand. Accident, murder, and crime victims are frequently splashed all over newspapers, tv, and magazines.

    Its accepted media pratcise/reporting all over Asia - in the West folk live a "cotton wool" exsisitance, all wrapped up and isolated from the realities of death.

    It had nothing to do with no respect for "farang culture" This incident happend in Asia and the media were catering for an Asian audience.

    In Asia death is part of life ... it is not something people are culturaly and socialy brought up to be isolated from as we are in the West - and the poorer Western society is for such attitudes.

    I'm sorry ... it may seem a little harsh to folk in the West, but this is Asia and that is how things are in Asia.

    As for the Baht 12K Mr Clark had to pay over ...... yes, I am suprized that the media saw fit to pursue that in the manner they did. Does anyone know just which TV station camera crew it was?

    but it is just so uncivilized.. why would anyone want to see this?

  9. basjke, there are a lot of legitimate dating sites, where the woman is looking for a marriage partner. So, they take time to correspond to see if they are compatible/like each other, before meeting up. It seems that some people who wish to scam, will get to know the person over a bit of time, then thats when the special delivery thing comes in. The lady, thinking the man has sent her a gift, falls for the scam (or hopefully not). Hope that helps you understand better.

    I think there is a huge difference between looking for a marriage partner and announcing a marriage like happened in the OP case.

    She had actually met him through a legit dating site, the correspondance had been going on for at least 3 months and only recently did he speak of marriage to her. She had spoken to him on messenger also many times. She was excited at the idea of being married, especially since I married my wife (her sister) and we met on the internet a few years ago and we have a happy marriage. She was kind of thinking she could do the same. It is more complicated than the situation, although it is not about our situation... I am writing the post to warn others. Not asking for a judgement on the situation...peace

    So you and your wife also agreed to marry before you actually met each other?

    I'm sure your marriage must be built on love then.

    Umm not sureabout you but I would say starting a relationship with communication before meeting in person is a veryvalid way of meeting someone. you need to open your mind. relationships are all a crap shoot anyway but if your gonna win you have to roll the dice.

    also just a fyi there are parts of the world where you dont meet your spouse until your wedding day. or if you meet them it is for a very short period of time.

  10. Farm labourers with the mind of a 10 year old should not be allowed to vote

    Your absolutly correct they should continue to be poweless in there own country to supply the rich and educated with cheap labor and of course keep the prostitution business supplied with young ladies.

    dont want people with " minds of 10 year olds" voting?? provide education. what is done to the people of the north is down right criminal.

    edit: guess i should have read the whole thread to realize my view had already been stated several times. but that comment truly pissed me off.

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