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  1. Nine years ago, the riots between the yellows and the reds gave the military an excuse to stage a coup, draft a manifestly unfair constitution, and take over or stifle all aspects of society in the name of anti-corruption and law and order. The following nine years have been a period of stultification and stagnation. None of the progress and enterprising spirit on the Thaksin years remain. Not only has Thailand failed to progress, the country has actually gone in reverse in many fields. Thai cinema is a case in point. Now a party has arisen that shows the way forward, and the Thai people have spoken loud and clear in favor of their program. But that voice is now threatened on the flimsiest of technicalities. It is up to the Senators, judges and other parties not to let this happen. They should put the country and democracy first, as the greatest and most beloved Thai of the past hundred years probably would have counselled. If this doesn't work, however, the Thai people in their righteous indignation must launch a protest movement much greater and more determined than anything seen before. It has been observed that "freedom isn't free", and that "all that is required for injustice to triumph is for good people to remain silent." If not, "Cry, the Beloved Country" will apply to Thailand.
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