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Posts posted by exeter

  1. I have been spending a lot of time out at Bung Borapet, the huge wetland are SE of the Nakhon Sawan HUB. I have been investigating the sightings of a new species of crocodile therein. As all will probably be aware the Siamese crocodile grows to about 12 feet in length and is roughly a khaki colour with blackish horizontal bands, now locals here are saying that there is a much bigger species in this area, they estimate it to be at least 3 feet longer ( well that how much longer it appeared with his arms outstretched and eyes to the sky). Apparently is rarely seen in day light so I take it to be nocturnal.

    You will appreciate that I speak little Thai and to find a good interpreter is not easy, so I am having to do the translating, but am hoping to take an interpreter with me very soon.

    The locals, when I broch the subject seem filled with fear, start chanting mantras and lurching about from one leg to the other with much waving of arms.

    With so much rain this last week this could be a good time to spot the new monster of the swamp ( that my bit, hope you like it ) so hopefully next week I will have some more news for you.

    For readers from Kippers, I like that bit conjurs up fishy folk that smell a bit as well as being tasty, you had best stay north of the border you may not be able to handly mysteries like this, not mention the possibly of being terrorized by huge monster crocodiles,

  2. I have been keeping my powder dry of late, but am about to let you have both barrels about something big at Bung Borapet so keep tuned.

    Today again 3 big dumps of rain, so have been confined to quarters. Not worry too much the Hub is still functioning.

  3. I have been up country for a while, near the KPP border, some fever travelled over the border and have been confined to bed for some time, if it wasn't for the young nurse from the Walking Street Hospital I would probably gone mad! Still on the mend now, amazing what 3 spoonfuls of Yadong I think it was called can do for a man.

    Expect to be out and about in next to no time seeing what has been happening down town in the hub.

  4. I am expecting N/S to be on the proposed new High Speed Line when it finally get the go ahead, I can see many commuters using to Bangkok. Land prices here are going up like there was no tomorrow and this will make it feel no yesterday either! Yes N/S could be the next Dubai, Hampstead or Manhattan, might even get a new bus station to boot, this place is going places and I dont mean KPP ( zimmer frame city )!

  5. MOre news on the shopping front for NS is that and I have been hearing this for a couple of years is that there is to be another Tesco Lotus superstore along the Pitsanulok road, I am gathering its north of the river so keep your eyes and ears peeled! Nakhon Sawan could be the new capital of Thailand at this rate!!

    So we have 2 BigC an almost new Tesco and now another. Question where are they going to find the punter's to fill them.

    Re the new capital H/M had to go to BKK last Monday and the traffic even the fume's for a change were passable. On the way back I ventured through N/S yes I know very foolish had thing's changed well no hoards of traffic smog (I see the clock is still telling the wrong time) looks like N/S has already taken over from BKK or at least well on it's way. Here's a thought maybe they have started to ship the rubbish up there to give you a start.

    N/B on the way to BKK I used the by-pass now all up and running well except for the new patch's that have been put in where they made a bugger up the first time, keep a look out just before the bridge at speed you will be thrown all over the place thank Buddha the Limo has VSC.




    There are plenty of punters in N/S with loads of dosh to spend ( probably up to their eyes in debt) so no problems there and with special excursion trains running from Pitchit and Pitsanulok should not be a problem, they would run excursions from KPP but its not on the rail network and not likely to be, time passed it by, even the bus station was designed for horse and carts, well thats what the aroma tells mecoffee1.gif

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  6. I am told there are up to 60 TEFL English Teachers in NS, some of whom can be spotted at the weekend in various bars around the lake, or in Dawvdeong.

    There are a number of retired types who seem to leave home only for necessary trips to Tesco or Big C.

    Many afternoons will see a friendly group in the original Big C near the Chang servery.

    1230 to 1400 hrs, come and solve the worlds problems.

  7. I noticed the move yesterday, a little bit of good news for us, how far will it go is crystal ball time, no guesses just hope it keeps moving in the same direction, so at what figure do you think this worth a transfer and not worry about the rate variation for the year? I saw 46/47 mm would like a bit better than that 48 and definetly anything over 49 would bring a years living expenses out, that is the lesson of the first part of the year.Amen,

  8. MOre news on the shopping front for NS is that and I have been hearing this for a couple of years is that there is to be another Tesco Lotus superstore along the Pitsanulok road, I am gathering its north of the river so keep your eyes and ears peeled! Nakhon Sawan could be the new capital of Thailand at this rate!!

  9. Insurance companies are not there for your benefit thats how they make money. Age is the important factor, when you reach 60+ your risk is increasing as far as they are concerned, its does not matter how long you have been a client, it does not matter what they have said, the premiums start to go up sharply and you will not be able to afford the new fees. Self insure from 60+ is your best option you know where you stand but be honest with yourself and make sure the money is there if you require it.

    Insurance companies will look for any wriggle room not to pay you out remember that, do you want that sort of hassle?

  10. Is there any link between Margeret Thatcher, her economic policies and the current poor exchange rate between the GBP and the Thai BHAT?

    Discuss.I am for a few days holiday so have your answers on my desk for when I get back!

    Absolutely, the currently poor Pound/Baht exchange rate is definitely because of the Thatcher government, there can be no other possible reason (in the minds of a few nutters).

    I think nutters is a bit strong, they are alternative historians who study myths and legends and are prone to mixing facts with fiction, great entertainment but contribute little to debate or indeed the country apart from humour and venom.

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  11. She was at least a leader who cared about Britain ,she did not roll over to the E.U but fought for us against them and against the unions who were hell bent on destroying our great country(i remember the 3 day week ,working with no electricity and having to get around the mounds of rubbish in the street ,because the public sector were striking as usuall) she was not like Blair and co who were just in it for the money and so his wife could make a fortune out of the uman rights laws.(he also gave up our rebate that Maggie won from the E.U .we wont see her like again ,she may not have been perfect ,but at least she loved our country ,she didn't just use it,R.I.P

    So many morons forget the great things she did and are only asking "whats in it for me" which was the foremost attitude with the trade unions running wild.

    Excuse Me! Your grasp on reality is somewhat skewed!

    The whole point of trade unions is "what's in it for US"

    The whole point of Thatcherism is "what's in it for ME".

    You would think given what the banks have done to the UK economy and not only the UK economy, that trade unions running wild would be the least of your memories or problems. 1985 the year of financial deregulation when banks, building societies, mutuals were allowed to covert into being gambling casinos.

    I made a killing on a couple of the de mutualizations, making the most of whats on offer, I guess you did not, bit like the quick and the dead then? I think it was much later than 1985 when the de mutualizations started.

  12. Rolls Royce (the aero and marine division) was privatised in 1987. If BT were still government owned and had a telecoms monopoly you'd be waiting three months for a line to be installed and you'd have a choice of 2 or 3 phones. You'd also be paying £2 or £3 a minute for calls to Thailand. I don't know if you ever flew with BA while they were still government owned. They weren't much fun.

    I still have my BT shares as a momento of her showing me how to own shares, now I have many others as well, a time of opportunity. Look after youself or expect the state too? Take charge of your life or let the state do so? If you want the state to run your life there places for you to experience abroad right now, North Korea is a prime example. I am happy with the choices I made and I dont sit around crying and whingeing about what might have been, I moved from the north to the east then the south to find a better life for my family.

    Yes the biggest con of the century, you were conned into buying what you already owned and the proceeds were used to cut taxes for those already well off. Not only that but the architect of the BT sell off Norman on your bike Tebbit then went on to become a BT director.

    From BA union leader to BT director, getting on in life then!

  13. Now I know that the Telegraph is a respected newspaper/right wing Tory rag but there is an article today from a former miner who recollects the events of 1984/85 its in the bits about MT some of you historians "who know/ we were there ( even though I am only 12 )" perhaps should read, there are no big words. There is also mention of the way that certain individual's circumventing ballots and making poor decisions on behalf of his members, dare you read this, would you believe it, warning adult content.

  14. Right now settle down everyone, funeral kicks off at about 1500 hrs Thai time tomorrow, due to last about 3 hours, then we will see what we will see.

    Let us all draw a line under now under this topic all our positions are intransigent, accept it, lets move on after tomorrow. It will depend who writes historical documents if we are prepared to look again. Its abit like a football match with contrevertial decisions, managers always ee their side as being right regardless of what the cameras and officials see.

  15. It was the previous Labour government who started the ball rolling about her funeral, she had her imput too but they, for all their follies recognized what a towering political fugure she was in the UK, so all you anti Thatcher people who do you represent, where are your roots, old labour? Yesterdays's heros? Time change and things move on the future is ahead of us, the past you debate as you have, time to move on. Lets have a good funeral, if there can be such a thing and stop trying to change history, history is written by the winners, not the losers whether you like it or not thats why there are few pages missing in French history.

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  16. Ithink she would have loved all this attention, she loved a battle, a battle of minds. On wednesday we will see how much of problem the grave dancers project, I can think of no person in the world who I would hate so much that I would want to dance on their graves, I would hope, I am sure I would find better things to do and those who ask who is paying the bill for the ceremony I would suggest the money from this "pop" song that has taken the opportunity to make a killing ( sorry about that) should be donated to the funeral costs, alas I expect the leftists who devised this scheme will be to capitalistic to heed my request.

    I am going out now, I might be gone for some time.

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  17. Whoever is moderating on this I realize you have a tough call on what to allow and what not to as regards the topic, 507 is a case in point, you have removed some, you may not have allowed others, I dont know but this is make believe stuff that is extremely left wing and people will read it and believe it and who has checked it out of any of the 42 alleged statements? THis has do with her death, well its part of her history and cotribution but where do you draw the line? You need to be neutral or set the guidelines.

    It is sad that the topic has gone this way but that the nature of things, bit like Marmite.

    I do find this post very offensive and am surprised that no one has queried it, maybe they have how would we know?

  18. seems like the Queen is no happy with the funeral arrangements either,if you believe everything you read in the newspapers

    Do you have a link for that? I can't find one.

    The Queen and Prince Philip have chosen to attend. It is not a state funeral and they were under no obligation to do so.

    Other attendees include many of Thatcher's political oppnents; both from her days in office and since. The only one not doing so is Kinnock, and that is purely becuase he is already committed to attending another funeral at the same time.


    It is a state funeral in all but name, apparently the only real difference is that the Royal Navy won't be pulling the gun carriage. There is a very good constitutional reason why the monarch has never attended the funerals of any other PM,( apart from Churchill which was a state funeral). They are meant to remain neutral when it comes to politics. Regardless as to whether this was a personal decision taken by the Queen, ( And many people have serious doubts about that), the House Of Windsor have now nailed their colours to the political mast. It is no secret that Mrs Thatcher was not the Queens favourite PM. In the early days of her premiership there were a few hiccups during the weekly audience at the palace, the protocols of the curtsey, but apparently the Queen soon got the hang of it!

    Does anyone know if the Beckhams are going by the way? I can't believe they will pass up a photo opportunity like this.

    Apparently not although David did have some resepectful words for MT, as we all should but some feel unable to do so, sadly. I wonder how long after the funeral the hurt will carry on for these people? Dont you have any other life to live?

  19. A true British and world Icon, although to the scots she was English! Great Briton is perfect for her, conviction and drive to get things done and put the country back on its feet. We will not see here like again.

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  20. Drinks have never been a problem although I did get a frozen beer once. Their luggage allowance I think is 20kg I have no idea what the latest information is on that. I have used Emirates for my last trips because they give me 30kg, flight is a couple of hours longer but I have 30kg, food and drinks good. If weight is an issue have a look at Emirates.

  21. North Korea can always justify its military spending by pointing to the threats from outside its borders, we need to be strong to defend ourselves look at the US and South Korea having military games etc etc and the NK public except that, no choice, we will eat less.

    The colateral damage whether hostilities break out or not is the effect on the worlds stock markets, all going down with the uncertainty, NK has cost ordinary people a fortune on paper with its recent acts, perhaps they see tht as victory, stock markets will come back in the long term, will they have noticed something else they can manipulate?

    It would be in everyones interests to deal with this tinpot outfit and remove them, whoever is pulling the strings, can you think of worse lot to run a country?

    Would an attack by this country be their last throw of the dice, would they take that chance?

    I would like to return to a peaceful solution but I fear that it would only be a temporary solution until the next time, the next time they might have bigger bombs and missilies and thats the problem someone has to deal with.

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  22. Heard it on the hot wires that a US Aircraft Carrier battle group is due off Nakhon Sawan shortly ( when the rains come) to deter any likely attack by North Korea who seem to think that N/S is some sort of secret US installation ( thats why some people think is a smog to cloud the issue). Tickets to view the hardware will be available shortly. N/S is known in secret circles as area 52, not many people know that.

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