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Posts posted by exchange1973

  1. A very sad story...some days ago we had a chat with her and her daughter. She is a friend of us.

    Please provide us with more infos if available.

    thank you and best regards from Berlin!


  2. Hi there,

    beside my linux and solaris systems i am running some windows 7 systems.

    i have to say that it is the best windows i ever had. i came from XP, ran vista for two weeks and 5 weeks ago a switched to windows 7.

    it turned out that redmond did a good job regarding to memory and multicore utilization.

    in the final release they also fixed some bugs included in the RC and Vista (remember the smb2 attack...;-) ).

  3. hello,

    i have a short question regarding to the possibilities of trading warrants and certificates on thai and foreign stocks at a thai exchange and/or OTC.

    is there such kind of market? is there a warrant exchange (no futures and options)?

    are there any online brokers who support otc trading for warrants in thailand?

    are there any online brokers who support ordering over an api?

    many thanks and best regards.


  4. hello to everyone,

    i'm looking for some good books (maybe ebooks, websites..) about financial warrants in thai language.

    the content should be:

    definitions (what is a warrant, what is an underlying...)

    how does a warrant work. (put vs. call, expiriation...)

    how can i trade warrants (exchange trading vs. direct trading with issuers)

    minifutures, knockouts, turbo bull/bear....(definitions, principles...)

    not necessary are things like warrant strategies like straddle, buttterfly....

    in english there are quite a lot of these book, but in thai?

    any recommendations?

    many thanks and best regards!


  5. what about the environment of serverhosting:

    redundant power supply with inline UPS.

    redundant network links

    firewalling (i mean real firewalling on a dedicated machine)

    halon flooder (in case of fire)

    access control

    well, in general all these effort doesn't worth for only one or two machines.

    but the best way to communicate it to a manager is a study of well known researcher like gartner group.

    the magic words are "TCO - total cost of ownership". this is a language every "manager" will understand.

    best regards


  6. hi there,

    sure DSL in combination with a dynamic - DNS service is an alternative solution. but considering the different speeds in down- and upstream. if you want to host a site with a little more traffic and want to do some videostreaming you have to have a faster upstream.

    generally the "low cost" DSL is an asynchronous DSL called ADSL. that means you have a fast downstream (for downloads or streaming some media to your machine) but a slow upstream (the upstream has not be fast for "home use" since only a few informations like requests and acknowledgements for TCP frames will be transmitted).

    if you plan to deploy an webserver at home these things will reverse. other machines send requests to your machine (this is your fast downstream). your machine has to transmit webpages, photos or videodata (this is your slow upstream). for non homeuse it leads to a very slow site which maybe is not available sometimes.

    a synchronous DSL (SDSL) will support broadband in upstream too. but SDSL is much more expensive than ADSL.

    so i think hosting the site at a managed serverfarm is more efficient.

    best regards.


  7. hi scooterboy,

    yes, there is a bus connection from udon to namsom. but there is a taxi service to namsom too.

    I'm german. the parents of my wife live in namsom. so we come here every year for 4-6 weeks to spend some time with the family.

    i agree with lickey. namsom is a very nice and peaceful place. i like to spend my holidays there and everytime we have to return to germany it is very hard goodbye.

    the shop of lickeys sister in law is very good and it is the only one in that style in namsom. i was there very often in january and the beginning of february and i wonder why all of them spoke a good english. now i know: brother in law is a native speaker ;-).

    well, the namsom people a very friendly and you will not have any problem at all.

    ok, scooterboy, enjoy your stay in namsom.

    best regards.


  8. Hi frank,


    probier doch mal diesen link, es ist das beste onlinewörterbuch, das ich kenne!

    grüße aus berlin.



    try this link, its the best onlinedictionary i know.

    regards and greetings from berlin



  9. Hi there,

    not all decent graphicadapters are AGP. I work with this solution:

    PNY Technologies Quadro (NVIDIA Quadro FX) and three ViewSonic 21,3'' LCDs.

    The graphicadapter is PCI and supports four screens with 32bit colordepth and a resolution of 1600 x 1200 per screen.

    regards and greetings from Berlin.


  10. Hi there,

    why not host your site in good old europe, redundant and highspeed connectivity, flexible configurations, huge bandwidth and webspace (incl. domainregistration of international domains).

    If you need any support -> PM me.

    regards and greetings from cloudy/rainy Berlin!


  11. Hi there,

    DSL is a dataservice not a voiceservice. It is wrong to assume that if you have an DSL-line there is automatically a digital voiceservice, because DSL uses a different frequency-spectrum than the voiceservices.

    So it is possible to combine an analog voiceservice with a digital dataservice. But in MOST cases DSL is combined with digital voiceservice(ISDN).

    But you can answer the question yourself. What telephoneequipment do you use? ISDN-equipment or analog-equipment? There you will find the answer!

    Hope this help a little.

    Regards and greetings from cold Berlin!


  12. Hi there,

    also VMware is good piece of software. You can set up several virtual machines with different OS's. So you are able to run a W2k as a virtual machine within a Linux.

    But to reach a good performance you have to run it an a fast machine with some memory in it. ;-)

    Open Office is a real good alternative for MS Office!



  13. Hi again,

    popup_blocker, anti_spyware.......

    There are good and bad apps.

    To remind on the initial question:


    Build an image of a clean disk, or clone the disk (for a simple exchange of HDDs).

    Image or clone, whatever ..... if things go wrong you have a functional backup (Clone_disk or restore the Image).


    Set proper permissions for your system. XP supports a detailed permissionset.

    Use it, let not anyone work with Admin-permission. Use Users with RESTRICTED ACCESS. And set up a strong Admin-password.



  14. Hi there,

    use a potential equalization for your equipment. Unusual for home use but I think in your case it should be done. Things can get worse when you connect to machines over RJ45/twisted pair over a certain distance. If the two machines have not the same 'ground' (some volts are enough) the networkdevices will rest in peace.

    In pro-environment a potential equalization is required.

    Regards and greetings from cold Berlin!


  15. Hi george,


    in general the system_restore works well, just set a restore_point when you installed a new application. If something goes wrong you are able to reset the system to an defined state.


    But beside this I would recommend that you backup the system. Norton Ghost is the application of my choice. I use the remote_backup option, so I can backup the HDD or only some partions over the network. This procedure isn't "One Click" but "10 Click". If you want to clone your system (identical hardware required), you can setup a clone within a few minutes.


    The problem of deleting systemfiles and installing software by unauthorized users you can manage in your systemsettings: add a new user with RESTRICTED ACCESS. Let this user automatically login after booting. Setup a strong Administratorpassword (only for your use).

    Hope this will help a little.

    Regards and greetings from sunny but cold cold Berlin!


  16. hi there,

    quite funny, world war 2 remarks in a forumthread regarding to sending flowers.

    Sent flowers via Fleurop. Excellent service, reliable and fast (one day) delivery.

    The price is in normal range for sending flowers.

    If there are some problems with the destination they will call the recipient.

    good service



  17. Hi there,

    from Germany ? A normal transaction to an foreign bank account (especially thai bankaccounts) costs €35,-. Western Union is a bit more expensive.

    It also depends on the amount you want to transfer. I have opened another account and sent the ATM-Card (normal EC card) to LOS. A withdrawal with that german card costs only €4,50. (crazy but real!!!!) If i make a withdrawal at a german bank, which is not a cashgroup-member I have to pay €5,-. 10000km away from home I have to pay €4,50.


    Wenn Du Fragen hast, schick mir eine message!



    Regards and greetings from cold Berlin!


  18. Hi there,

    some words about schengen visa for EU. I'm german and my wife is thai. We live in good old Germany.

    1. relating to Thaksin's wife:

    Thai who can provide evidence for a self-financed trip including all requirements (health insurance.....) will not have any problems to enter the EU.

    :D I think Thaksins wife can do so!

    2. You can get a visa for tourists within some days in Bangkok if you fill all the requirements, as there are:

    a) provide evidence of monthly income for the last three months

    :o you have to subscribe a declaration that you will bear all the liabilities that your guest from LOS will accept during the stay in EU.

    (this declaration you have to subscribe at the local immigration authorities)

    c) you have to provide evidence for an existing health insurance that is accepted by the embassy.

    d) you have to invite the thai guest (letter)

    Hope this will help

    regards and greetings from cold and snow covered Berlin


  19. Hi there,

    in the past i used uleads video editor too. One year ago i changed to Pinnacles Systems Studio 8.

    It's easy to use with a good selection of tools and views.

    The finished video you can output in several formats (Mpeg, Avi, VCD, SVCD...)

    A good application for the whole developmentlifecycle (Capture-Cut/Edit-Output).

    Regards and greetings from Berlin.


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