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  1. What do you want people who want to come on holiday to Thailand do? Have a 5 hour interview, an intelligence/aptitude test, 3 references and a £50,000 bond. Get a life FFS...do you want to stop world travel?
  2. Why make up fictitious suppositions about something you know absolutely nothing about?
  3. The photo's are Koh Nang Yuan, not Koh Tao.
  4. Obviously questions need asking. That's why an autopsy is being carried out.
  5. So, you are saying, that if he was 'polite and accomodating', which you have no evidence he wasn't, 'instead of sneering', which you have no evidence he was, there would be an over 50% chance that he would have received less punches and kicks. Quite a few assumptions there I think.

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