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Posts posted by ajarndave

  1. For the most part this seems to be "Academic CRAP!!!" I'm sure all you couch philanthropists would have a new opinion, if the victim were a friend, coleague, avan an aquaintence!! how about if the victim was a child?? even worse, YOUR child!!!! Now how do you think??

    Have any of you people ever considered the "alternative" to "putting someone to death" ? ? ?

    You see; it is my contention, that by "ending someone's life" you're also ending this person's pain & suffering . . . . I feel that they don't deserve this luxury !

    A good start, but we have a LOT of alternatives to explore?!? I have a list!!

  2. jesus, you guyys soun dlike you've been in prison for 20 years and found yourself drop planted in" th Eroginious Zone"...

    just slosh out of the bar you happen to be in... find a taxi... and say "Piss please", after the obliglatory, Huh, say "I want Wine, women and Song... " and "Click Click you're in the best little whore house in Kansas">>>

  3. Yeah, lots of foolish posts in this thread, the one saying Pattaya tourists make a substancial contribution culturally to Thai society is another one.

    Funny how in this thread suddenly 20 newbies pop up with one post to their name spreading garbage.....

    Suddenly a lot of experts around.

    I don't think crime is worse in thailand then anywhere else. In your own country you also have daily murders, social drama's, suicides ect. You just don't notice them anymore.

    This is just noticable because it doesn't happen that often.

    so just because you are a "newbie" you can not contribute your opinion to an open forum?? You sanctimonious suck!! Grow another brain cell and then you'll have a PAIR!!! This is not Channel 19 on the CB....

  4. I remember a news story of a girl who knowingly had unprotected sex while having hiv.. she was successfully prosecuted for attempted murder, as she knew she had HIV, and she knew the implications of unprotected sex... (game over)

    I am most dissapointed with the racist reactions of both falung and Thai, ( I just had a 2hr argument with mine over this) I believe the Thai press is obviously Biased and sensational, hey whatever sells papers, after all it is a business isn't it?

    I am concerned for the falung, if he is, and I tend to believe he is, the victum (54yo and 30yo, hmmm, sounds like a Bar girl romance to me...) He should have been tested and sought vindification!! If he is guilty, hang him.

    The actions of the local authority should have ALL falung up in arms, this is nothing more than bash the white nigger!!! Thailand seems to be a race of hypocrytical falungophobes evedenced by this, and thousands of rescent stories. God I hope they are just stories...

    I have been comming here for the last 20 years and have witnessed the decline (to almost abolishment) of obvious, genuine respect for the falung. No improvement in the level of English. However a much prouder, ignorant and arrogant citizen. It could be that I am older now, and see more, and far deeper, I think.

    I do dream of "the global nation" and "brotherly love" and all that sanctimonious crap, but realise I'm not Thai and never will be... and to be honest I dont want to be, (that would take a full frontal labotomy and I dont like scars..)

    Wasn't it also in the nation that "Coco the Gorilla" had the same IQ as an average Thai teen?? ( ever seen them picking things out of each others hair... er.. on discovery.. thats the gorillas I'm talking about.

    At work we have a saying, " If there is any possible way it can ####up, some Thai #### will find it, and it will become the "word of GOD""

    I love it here, the insanity, moronicy, and the sweet... sweet p###y

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