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Posts posted by drsokrates

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    On Koh Samui at least one person per day dies on the road.

    365 people per year equal:

    200.000 casualties per year in the UK

    292.000 casualities per year in Germany

    1.100.000 casualties per year in the U.S.

    If these numbers do not matter to you, so be it.

    If you think, that it makes sense to talk about beerbottles on a table, so be it.

    If you think that it's more important to complain and judge Thais and Pharangs alike, so be it.

    My opinion is very clear: It's time to attempt change, no matter what the odds are. The situation on Samui is unacceptable.

    yes the rate is too high. My main problem starts not with the police even though they could do more but with the people themselves.

    Yes police are needed butIf parents were more responsible for their kids, If people stopped driving drunk, if people actually know how to ride a bike rent a bike, then the accident rate shall drop. Maybe not amongst Thais as they don't seem to listen but with foreigners most of us should know better. Tourist here for the short term also are problem. These are the people who come here and know nothing.

    Without putting them off samui they need to be educated. If the police don't want to detain them and fine them then they don't know what the rules are.

    Also people that rent the bikes out should be responsible to check the riders ability to ride. If they are terrible then push them into renting a car.

    Problem is that if they don't let them rent the bike then they shall go next door but at least could save one a damaged bike.

    i must have counted again last night about 4 or 5 vehicles with no lights on. 1 over taking car in the dark coming towards me with no lights.

    this is what car dvrs can be use full for.

    maybe a Facebook for people that drive dangerously with a moderator making sure they the posts are bound by the rules also bad taxis, with plate number video evidence if they brake the law

    There is a page on facebook, which collects evidence and gives information:

    "Roads of Koh Samui"

    If you have pictures or if you have seen any accidents, post them there.

    Generally, when you see accidents on Samui, stop and take a picture, but don't forget to help the victims.

  2. On Koh Samui at least one person per day dies on the road.

    365 people per year equal:

    200.000 casualties per year in the UK

    292.000 casualities per year in Germany

    1.100.000 casualties per year in the U.S.

    If these numbers do not matter to you, so be it.

    If you think, that it makes sense to talk about beerbottles on a table, so be it.

    If you think that it's more important to complain and judge Thais and Pharangs alike, so be it.

    My opinion is very clear: It's time to attempt change, no matter what the odds are. The situation on Samui is unacceptable.

    • Like 1
  3. I wonder what you are expecting from a language course at beginners-level. In course 1 you will learn how to say "hello" or how to order food. You can learn that in every bar. But what about life outside bars?

    I just finished course 5 and I can only say that you learn real Thai at "Mind your language". Every lesson is very useful and I can practise what we've learned straight away. More important is the fact that Thais understand my Thai straight away, so conversations are running smoothly and I have lots fun talking to them.

    The teaching is excellent and you can feel that Jom and his teachers have a long experience in doing so.

    I can strongly recommend the school, but you shouldn't drop out only after finishing the beginners-course, otherwise it would really be better to pick up your Thai from bars.

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