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Posts posted by HughJampton

  1. Yes, any ideas on how to make my lawn green would be good.

    It is lush in some areas and looks like an ill dog in other areas.

    I think they were arbitrary in the use of top soil.

    Would spreading potting soil on the bald patches work?

    Hugh Jampton

  2. Following on from the original post.

    I looked at the Corolla Altis and Civic last week.

    Corolla 1.8 E was 900,000 and the Civic 1.8 E AT 904,000.

    Looked at both cars and it was an easy decision to go for the Civic.

    The Altis had what I would call a cumbesome design (My opinion was it looked like a 2004 design) interior and exterior while the Civic was much sleeker with a very nice interior and exterior.

    Toyota offered fee insurance for a year, full fuel tank, dark windows, and others while Honda offered dark windows, back reverse sensor, leather interior and other stuff but no insurance or a tank of juice.

    Monthly payments are almost identical but I had to put down an extra 20,000 for the Civic.

    All in all I am pleased I dissed the mrs and went to have a look at the Civic. When she saw the difference in design she too saw that the Civic was far superior.

  3. Which grade Jazz AT have you got? the base S, the V or the top SV? Given only the age and mileage, without knowing the original price, I'd say you'd been offered a fair price as one of my neighbours sold their 2006 Jazz for 420k.

    My only advice is to try to sell privately to gain a higher price, as the second-hand dealers will drive the price down, but you may already know this.

    Hi, thanks.

    The model is EA AT - it's automatic with abs, no airbags.

  4. Thanks for the info Hugh.I really miss a good Indian so I tried a couple from Lady Pies the other day.I had the Chicken Madras and a Chicken Tikka Masala.

    Very tasty curries.

    I am over from Samui visiting friends in Bang Tao so I am going to take a selection back with me as I cannot find a decent curry back there

    They should make it frozen in an eski I hope

    I was at Lady P's yesterday and she has a good selection of curries in her freezer. I'm sure if you whipped them in a cool bag/eski with some ice they would stay frozen for several hours. Could you let uncle Hugh know how they travel as I have mates in BK interested.

  5. If Super 8mm is the small cassettes that are/were used in the 'old' style camcorders then I have looked into this.

    1. In the electrical store (above tops i think) at central they have a counter for processing films/discs etc. On the board above the counter they have an image that shows 'from cassette to dvd'. I inquired abiout this and they said that the leads from the camcorder to a dvd player are required. These I do not have at the moment so I have not taken them up on this offer. The price is 1 hour cassette to dvd 300 baht.

    2. Perhaps on the same floor at central but at the opposite end is a photo developing shop. It does lots of other things as well. I believe they have a Kodak sigh on the outside. They said they could do it for 500baht per 1 hour cassette.

    I have not tried any of these yet and am still seeking a solution to get my 9 or so cassettes on to disc.

    If you find somewhere or use any of the above kindly post your findings for your uncle Hugh and perhaps others.

    All the best.

    Hugh Jampton

  6. Just had a quote for house (villa) insurance.

    Insured for 5 million Baht.

    9,000 baht per year.

    This is for full insurance, ie fire, theft, flood, etc.

    It does not cover jewelry or gold.

    Does anybody know if this is a fair quote for Phuket?

  7. I had a great curry from the Lady Pie shop in Bang Tao.

    I'd even say one of the best curry's I've ever had.

    Highly recommended for those that like British Indian ruby's.

    Hugh Jampton.

  8. This is my first post. Hello to all.

    I have about 6 of those small VHS tape cassettes that are used in old camcorders.

    I'd like to transfer the contents of the tapes onto disc.

    Does anyone know where this can be done?

    Thanks in advance,


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