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Posts posted by Just1Voice

  1. I'm an expat (I think), and I doubt if I fit in any "profile". I'm 66 and have been here for 7 years, married to a woman only 10 years younger than myself. I have a 32 year old adopted Thai son that I love as if he were my own, and who has told me, more than once, I'm the best father he could ever have. I'm not rich, by any means, living on 100% VA disability, and 50% SS disability, but I manage our money well, and we live quite nicely. What the average drinker (not the alcoholics) consume on a Friday night out would probably be more than I drink in 6 months. My biggest joy in Thailand was climbing on my CBR 250 and hitting the roads for 3-4-5 days at a time here in the north and north east. Yeah, it got stopped by a stroke 20 months back, but I figure that by December I'll be straddling a new CB300f and doing it again. I pretty much keep to myself, but what friends I do have a real friends, and I count myself lucky to have them. I avoid the VFW and things of that nature like the plague, as I have no desire to sit around and rehash a distorted history where I barely escaped danger 100 times, and was the hero 100 more. If people like me, great. If they don't, so be it. Do I fit a "profile"? Yeah....MINE. And that's the only one that counts in my book.

  2. According to reports, it's a .22 Magnum. Interesting side note: Back in the '80's I had a very close "acquaintance" who worked as a real life hitman for the Mafia in Chicago. His weapon of choice for up close jobs - .22 Magnum. Of course, it didn't help him much when 3 of his "competitors" took him out with .45 autos. 555

    no wonder they get caught, they or their 'acquaintances' can't keep their mouth shut, lol

    Actually it as a bit of a "turf war" and they gunned him down as he was leaving his house in the morning. Not an unexpected outcome when you live that life.

  3. Jatuporn was quoted today as indicating something to the effect that if young people don't stand up for what they deem to be in their interests, then there is no future for the country.

    I understand social media is alive and well within the scenario described in this article.

    Nuff said.

    Nuff said is wrong. Too much said would have been better when you are quoting Jatuporn.

    What i can not figure out is how those kids made a 7 hour standoff unarmed and without using hostages. They should have been handcuffed and hauled to jail quickly.

    Jaunta lover, are we?

    Don't believe in things such as Freedom of Speech and Civil Rights? Sure sounds like it from your comments.

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