For the first time in my life I've been the victim of fraudulent online payments by someone using the data of my debit card.
It happened last Sunday, and the total damage was about €300.
I immediately blocked the card.
On my online banking app I requested a refund but it was rejected because the money already had been claimed by the merchant.
I contacted my online bank. I actually don't use this bank often and haven't put that much money on it. That's maybe a reason why this bank's customer service didn't appear to be very interested in this fraud, they only sent me an email and didn't answer specific questions. Very disappointing.
I've sent the merchant an email after the refund was rejected.
I also requested a chargeback on my banking app.
By the way, the merchant was a Canadian airline company. I don't know if or how they investigate this case, but it could be a starting point to look at the passenger who flew with the ticket. Or isn't it as simple as this?
So I wonder, is there any chance of getting my money back?
And are there any other steps that I could take?