The Thai voyeur was attracted to the scene by the woman's screams, of ecstasy I presume, so this is probably why they were not using their hotel room. Screamers can get embarrassingly noisy.
i have been hospitalised in two private hospitals in Bangkok, the last time 6 months ago. I think someone is confusing Bahts with Pounds, 3000 Baht was about what I paid, medication and MRA scan extra.
An interesting comparison here between the media of two countries, Thai media makes a point of naming nationalities, British media make a point of not revealing nationality or ethnicity.
Make a court order to stay away from the family, award the family a reasonable maintenance fee, and for this fee to be deducted at source from his army pay.
Does a child know the difference between naughty and wicked, it is like the debate over age of consent, it depends not
on the physical age but the emotional and intekkectual age. A this varies between individuals the Law has to establish a sensible break point.
As a parent and retired teacher I would suggest the age of eight.