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Posts posted by sagaris

  1. <snip>

    I love some of the strange rules, like the one about bad language. Bad language is not allowed unless it's combined with bad-spelling!!! It's either allowed or not, why would mis-spelling make any difference? :) <snip

    I think swear words kind of loose their edge when they're misspelled, like when a five-year-old uses one. That's one of the reasons South Park is funny.

    that loose not lose was intentional write?

    Heres one for you stats guys

    I had a first play with the Guardian APIs yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised by how simple and effective they were. I'm not one of those Ruby-on-Rails kids who mashes Google up with the Facebook in between grinding a fat half-pipe on an ollie; even I found them really great to work with.

    And, being the kind of childish individual who still gets kicks out of looking rude words up in the dictionary, I decided to use the API to examine changes in obscenity in the last 10 years.

    To do this, I took a group of common swear-words, and searched The Guardian archives for the number of articles containing each one for each of the last 10 years. This gave me an idea for the prevalence of the word, without being overly affected by, say, the vulgar rantings of Mr Brooker. I then divided this number by the total number of articles available for that year - giving the percentage of Guardian content containing each profanity, and accounting for the fact that the total volume of digital content, and by extension UK liberal coarseness, has grown year on year.

    I present the results below. Good news! The y-axis runs from 0 to 0.9%; even a liberal rag like the Grauniad seems to be pretty resistant to the tidal wave of filth which some might have you believe is flooding the English language nowadays.

    A few observations:

    Swearing is growing slowly year-on-year, across the board;

    Unusually, in 2001, swearing stayed more-or-less level. Bastard declined after 2001 - probably an after-effect of 9/11, after which most other swearing grew;

    Wank is massively underperforming over the last decade, whilst cock is flat;

    Shit has grown disproportionately and steadily since 2005, whilst fuc_k has gone as far as it can;

  2. <snip> the forum would be better off without the foul-language ( disguised or otherwise ) <snip>

    &lt;deleted&gt; that! :D

    I could say that the forum would be better off without excessively sensitive prudes. But I don't believe that. I believe that, as far as reasonable, inclusiveness trumps exclusiveness. I think the TV forum has found a reasonable balance when it comes to language and subject matter. The moderators have a light touch and I like that, though I'd like it more if it were a little lighter still.

    I love some of the strange rules, like the one about bad language. Bad language is not allowed unless it's combined with bad-spelling!!! It's either allowed or not, why would mis-spelling make any difference? :D

    Even funnier is the notion that BOLD text is interpreted as shouting and people actually get bothered by it!! :)

    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    Hvae a wrod wtih Fernch cnnoectoin

    hel_l gets auto corrected here but does heaven, how about jesus

  3. could i say it possibly has to do with having nothing in the past(until they met you)and old habits are hard to break.when you have no money to buy things with you would keep all and everything incase it could be used later and save having to spend money.with regards to cleaning,some people are just plain lazy(no answer there)but what are you doing having a vacuum cleaner anyway.surely a thai sweep and mop of the floor will do.

    I am married to a hoarder. No mistake my wife's sister keeps the cleanest house I have ever seen. She gets up a 5 am to get started. My wife too keeps house beautifully. The family like the mosquioto free 4 bathrooms.

    No the problem is the inability to throw anything out. You may not believe this but I have a cupboard where there is a stack of those plastic things that come in the center of a pizza. The plastic eggs come in. Those wonderful free knives that come with a S&P cake. Yup.

    But seriously. Go buy a new garden hose; replace it - take the old one & throw it in someone elses garbage can up the street. Tell her it's your money & you'll spend it how you like. Then have a discussion about how hoarding junk breeds mice rats & cockroaches. Most Thai's don't like cockroaches - even fried. Tell them you had a dream where a Thai ghost came to you in your sleep & told you to clear all the junk from your yard.

    They are still gonna bathe out of a bucket - nutsy.

    Yep, plastic forks, tomato sauce from fast food joints, loads of cups from cinemax ( Have a walue) apparently, shoe boxes, cardboard boxes from games.

    Concur with fridge situation and really concur with the bin situation and the plastic bag for peelings and left over food.

    She Keeps every toiletry item from every hotel ever visited. Old magazines, newspapers.

    I also personally dont like the old clothes used as pemanent floor wipers near the fridges.

    Hang on.... have you ever tried to throw away an old pair of flip flops. That wont happen. They will be retrieved.

    last thing is the way she wont use "the nice stuff". the beautiful clothes for the kids, so they outgrow them, the perfume so it goes off. The nice shower gel. Even sometimes the nice food. coffee.

    Save for later. Its mind blowingly silly.

    Going to introduce the concept of new years resolution today. Should produce huge results

  4. I moved the mattress today and looked inside

    And was fairly appaled by the sub culture residing.

    I put down a thousand baht and said look what Ive found and suddenly hoovering became a bit more interesting to my gorgeous wife. I had it very dramatically being just about to be sucked into a nearly unused siemens vacuum.

    might encourage her to hoover more

    ps dont get me started on the clothes.

    we are on number four so nothing can go back until we have it we know what it is etc etc.

    I have one full room full of baby clothes.

    She says they will stay there until i cut my GABORS. which aint gonna happen.

  5. I think Thai people have the highest state of personal hygiene possible but Id be interested to hear your opinions

    my missus wont throw anything away

    She keeps platsic bottles old cardboard boxes and glass bottles and everything basically.

    We have one hose that has now had it. So its wrapped up with plastic bags to plug the holes. she uses this for washing things out the back.

    Strange ideas on washing up plates and dishes.

    Weve got four bathrooms with great showers, yet she and the three kids and mother in law prefer using a big tub of probably stagnant water with a bowl to brush their teeth and shower from. Is this thrift or stupidness.

    She dont dust or hoover. Mr sheen has not made an appearance.

    I hoovered yesterday and filled three small bags and thought this might help stopping my kids coughing so much. or is that the pollution, which isnt terribly evident today. so many questions so few answers.

    end of thr day this is a slightly tongue in cheek post. ive only been married 12 years.

    Ps. Toys dominate the whole house good toys, poor toys, threw away a load of platsic crap that had no decipherable use and was accused of throwing away spidermans arm. had to go backto the dump and search for a three inch bit of plastic. (It turned up. )

    pps on a more serious not where can i donate decent toys so they can reach more needy little kids.

    Rant over


  6. Id have to consult my kids or the ubc (sic) magazine but perhaps the funniest thing ive ever seen apart from Its a knockout was the aussie version of their countrymen and women jumping and bouncing over an assault course.

    Anyone else find this funny. slightly off topic, but it did give a good insight into the convict mind.

    Cant remember what it was called?

  7. I have often been mistaken for Steven Seagall in his later movies - poor guy. :)

    Come on nobody is that bad looking.Ive revised my opinion of your "looks" UG from "truly repulsive" up to merely "slightly scary".

    Is the rictus grin of "ming the merciless" aka I. Forbes still trawling the streets of Chiang mai. Seeking out the beautiful local things for local people.

  8. I believe wholeheartedly that the Chiang mai forum is the best forum on the web. Its compulsive viewing. I hate it,I love it, it gets my goat. Ive been threatened, castigated, agreed with, sent un solicited pms and basically joined in with the fun that is posting online.

    I started the O malleys v red lion thread about 6 years ago through wanting to get what I thought were two un publicised places discussed and lo and behold. It was the most viewed thing ever apparently.

    Im, so happy in Chiang mai and a bit pissed at the moment and wonder very gently whether we could all be nice to each other over this festive season.

    Just wondering whether the small disagreements could be put aside btween various members and we all love each other for a few days.

    happy life happy christmas and my fourth little sproggler is on its way. I love you all.

    I didnt really expound upon the reality show v thai visa paradigm, too tired and pissed.

  9. I for one want to know every time you blow ur prodigious snout. when u kill something. when u take a wazz. when u spend some money. Pm me when you wipe your ass.

    I want to now arywheything.

    Your movements specially. Solid, discombobulated etc.

    I know dem girls just waiting on you. MR. Jam Tomorrow.

  10. I believe that EU-standards apply, where flights to/from Europe are delayed, it might be worth checking whether your original compensation-offer complied with these legal requirements ?

    But don't hold your breath.

    as this flight was flying into the EU, the EU law applies. and just a few days ago, the EU announced new improved rules for passengers, which means - depending how many hours the flight was delayed - you get a compensation of 250, 400 or even 600 Euro !

    check the news-websites in your home country to find out more, or google for it in your respective language

    AH, I found something for your from the UK (as u were flying into Stansted). published just days ago !






    this is a Dutch-based company which will help you to get your compensation from an airline. they charge a commission in case they are successfull, otherwise their service is FREE.

    definitely worth checking out (and all other TV-members from Europe should save the URL as well, it might be very useful one day).


    Absloutely. Thankyou very much. Its really not the money but the principle. Also the incredibly shoddy way they handled a legitimate complaint. To other posters if you think nearly 13 hours delay is ok Id be surprised.

    I also continue to use Air asia and think their service is mostly very good. I just want them to address this issue properly.

  11. I had a bad experience flying KL to stansted i was delayed 12 hours 39minutes. received 200ringits compensation in a credit shell that they didnt tell me about which expired. USELESS.

    Put up in a dump of a hotel an hours drive from airport. No fun at all.

    has anyone ever received any form of compensation from these goons.

    They said initially the flight would be delayed for 11 hours. so they didnt have to cancel it!

  12. commendable actions op. i also think the guesthouse should be applauded as they could easily have not allowed her to stay or misconstrued the situation at that time of night/morning.

    Which guesthouse was it, if you dont mind me asking.

  13. In BC Canada we pay about $10 for two large pieces of deep fried fish and chips, or about $12 for the same amount of halibut. That is in the 300 to 400 baht range for comparison. All the fish is fresh out of the sea.

    Pictures please! Im learning so much about Canada on this Thai forum thanks to you! You are a gift.

  14. Just about to start the process of acquiring a settlement visa for my thai wife.

    there is an online application facility on vfs website which would be helpful as we dont live in bangkok.

    Has anyone used this facility, does it speed things up or hinder the application in any way.

    secondly we want to travel around the 10th November does this leave us enough time.

    thirdly i noticed that the online application requires an itinerary. does this mean that we have to book tickets prior to hopefully receiving the visa?

    lastly as we are settling in Uk is a one way ticket acceptable to VFS.

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