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Everything posted by tac

  1. I can't "immediately obtain a new passport" it takes 6 - 8 weeks, and there is no expdited passports for people applying outside of the country.
  2. I guess they made a mistake when they issued the visa.
  3. I’m a retired American who has spent the last 10 years in Thailand. I knew it was getting close to renewal time so I checked my passport and saw that my visa expired on 20-July. Still plenty of time. Yesterday I looked at my passport again and I noticed that my passport had expired on 27 May So I now have an expired passport, with an active Thai visa I don’t know what to do. Am I currently overstaying? I do have an active Thai visa. Do I have to leave the country? I’m living on a government pension so the 500 THB/day is really painful. Do I have to leave the country? If I with an so, where can I go with an expired passport? The US won't even accept me with an expired passport.
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