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Posts posted by aandrei

  1. So What Brought You To Thailand?, Work, love, travel, adventure, sex, drugs, perversion?

    ...non of these!

      rather a combination (of):

    -cheap organic fruts\vegs (being a only-raw-food-diet vegetarian) (MAJOR CAUSE)

    -hot climate round-the-year (got mad digging my auto out of snow each&every morning! :D  God,forgive me, i  am russian :D )

    -fresh air unpolluted air

    ...happily living in CM :) !!!

  2. searching female tango partner 4 practicing in Lumpini Park Youth Center

    im a Russian, tall guy, dancing tango argentino for 3 years back at home, dont wanna loose skill over here. searching a female partner to practice with

    my cell 0843342308

    photo of hall attached (was told that its open on thursdays & thirsdays):


  3. looking for a female partner 4 practicing in Lumpini Park Youth Center

    im a Russian, tall guy, dancing tango argentino for 3 years back at home, dont wanna loose skill over here. searching a female partner to practice with

    my cell 0843342308

    photo of hall is attached (was told that its open on thursdays & thirsdays):


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