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Posts posted by jontom

  1. it is not smart to give people the finger on the road but it is also not a reason to kill someone. This country has death penalty and this is a case where it would be definitely justified, in my opinion. As for the guy with the semi-literate response claiming that the guy got what he deserved from the "boys", either this is a troll posting or someone who is not in a position to ever judge anything that anyone else does as stupid.

    There needs to be a clear warning in every tourist guide book and web site about Thailand:

    You cannot expect a "fair" fight in Thailand. Usual civilised rules about reasonable force will not apply. You must assume a disproportionate reaction. You cannot expect support or help from the police or bystanders. Do not enter into any argument at any level with any Thai male. You should always roll over and/or pay up and/or run away to be safe.

    Or only fight when you know you are going to win! Pick your fights carefully but dont be pussies remember you are twice these peoples sizes. Before the old cronies say oh they dont fight the same as back home you dont know what you are talking about etc etc I have lived here for 10 years and although peace loving have won all 3 of my fights with 'Thai boys.'

  2. The sames one's I see everyday in lower sukhumvit for years are still there,,,

    Old lady with the wooden leg near Pacific Place / Nana BTS with the cup with a few coins in it she rattles as you walk bye.

    Directly opposite side of the street near the entrance to soi 7, the old guy with his hand perpetually held out.

    The guy on the walkover between these two that does a poor job sometimes of hiding his mobile phone.


    On Nut BTS station old lady sits half way up the stairs waiing everyone probably to say sorry that we all have to go slowly and walk around her because SHE IS IN THE WAY!!!! , the man with 2 half arms on the top of the stairs who agressively bangs his stumps on the ground everytime I walk past, the 2 cheating Cambodian children (boy and girl)who recently have been pretending to be collecting for their school but are agressive beggars at the bottom of the stairs, the old lady with the false leg at Nana the 20 plus ones down Nana Soi 4 etc etc PS I saw the Sukhumvit slider at ON Nut BTS station how the hel_l did he get there?????All night sliding from Nana?

    Almost forgot! also round up the stupid Americans who keep giving them money and encourage them to get in everyones way!

  3. Good for them. I wouldn't mind a nice big prostitution crackdown. I can't stand it when the first thing people say when I say I live in Thailand is something about the women or sex or prostitution or AIDS. Sex will always be easy to come by here for foreigners, but it does not need to be advertised so openly and for sale everywhere you go.

    Dear Newbie,

    As nearly all of the prostitution in Thailand is for the Thai clientele you may upset a lot of locals by cracking down on it I personally dont see anything wrong with it at least these people are working rather than sleeping in hamocks all day long or begging.

  4. I don't ever see the Thai government setting up a welfare state. As it stands, they have social security and medical. The infrastructure and economic demands are too great to start up any new social benefit programs. At best, you will see some Thaksin-inspired populist money giveaways in the rural provinces, but nothing substantial.

    A welfare state in Thailand!!!!!!! Who is going to pay for it? Are the Thais willing to pay 40 per cent income and tax 17.5 per cent VAT. How are they about about quadrupling the price of petrol? When there is a welfare state in Thailand I will go to swampy and fly home with Flying Pigs Airways.

  5. Civil War comes to Thailand..?? Brilliant. Another simply EXCELLENT way to highlight the country around the world! :D

    Bye-bye tourists for another season..!!!

    R.I.P Thailand


    Paramilitary are illegal!

    Shove them in the slow house, until the trial in 2 - 3 years!

    This is the best way to keep the tourists away.

    Very good for the economy.


    I really dont think the basic Thai's living out in Isarn working from sunrise to sunset out in his farm gives a flying shit about how comfortable a farang is sitting at his pool. A vast majority of them out there are genuinely pissed off by being disenfranchised from the wealth that is being created and kept by a few in Thailand. Pure and simple.

    The reason they voted for Thaksin even with all his faults was because he was the 1st to stand up for them, even though most regard him as corrupt, but they regard all of governing figures to be corrupt. However will side with the ones which are going to help the basic man on the street, who's basic day to day life has not improved. This country is too divided right now between those who live off others and those who work.

    Spot on!

    Correct! It amazes me how so many posters are anti Thaksin but cant understand why he is so popular in rural Thailand, and before saying (again!) he bought them all, do the maths he didnt have enough money to buy off millions of people. He gave the poor man hope and thats what frightens the elite.

  6. [quote name=plachon' date='2010-01-

    Is there23 16:54:07' post='3288647] really any need for xenophobic stereotyping?

    If this is a reference to ethnic Chinese this is a fact. Bangkok was originally formed by Ethnic Chinese people(source Lonely planet guide to Bangkok) I work with rich Thais in Bangkok and 99% are part Chinese. Take a look at the Yellowshirts and try to spot the suntan I don't think you will find one they are as white skinned as the actors in Thai advertising campaigns. I don't like xenophobia myself but in this case it is a fact.

    The ethnic Chinese are spread all over Thailand and intermarried immensley. The yellow demos were full of dark skinned Thais if you cared to look particularly in the latter days. The red shirts have their own fair share of Sino-Thais and this has increased if anything recently. Indeed what is Thaksin and many of the red leadership? The Sino-Thais have been at the bitter end of Thai nationalism in the past oddly enough including by some of Thaksins own allies!

    Sorry but it is more complicated than you write and not "fact" as you say.

    Thank you hammered for putting some balanced perspective on the racist overtones of the above posts. My own experience of Yellow shirt supporters would suggest that they come from a wide range of regions and ethnic backgrounds, including many from the South and quite a few from Isaan. My old next door neighbour was there in Bangkok through the long days of Govt house occupation and the sit-in at the airports and she is true Lao Isaan ethnically and about as far from the Bangkok Sino-Thai elites as one could hope to find. To suggest that the Yellow movement is representing the interests of the Bangkok elite is just plain wrong. It is very broad-based, as evidenced by the backgrounds of the 5 leaders. Yes, the situation is far more complex than the racial simplifications given by clearly misled posters have suggested.

    Well pardon me I must have got it the wrong way round all the dark skinned Isaan (is that being racist or just an observation ?) Bangkok taxi drivers that I meet that speak passionately in favour of Thaksin are really Sino Chinese Elite in disguise that obviously are Yellow shirts. How come what I see with my own eyes everyday doesnt match what you claim?

  7. All the power to him, I say.

    I support the red shirts' cause, though I wish they'd chosen a better mascot than Thaksin. Where do all you foreigners get your information from as to what the red shirts are about vs. what the yellow shirts are about? The media? The English-print media in Thailand hates Thaksin and the red shirts, so you're naturally going to see the yellow shirts' press releases being re-printed as news. Pick up a copy of Truth for Today or something and read one of the articles in English in the back -- you might be surprised to find what they are saying.

    I see and hear a lot of comments from foreigners who don't really know what the red shirts are angry about. Your problem is that many of you don't speak Thai well, don't read or write Thai, and the Thais who can speak English are mostly yellow shirts. The red shirts aren't as educated and don't speak English as well, so you're not hearing their side accurately because it's being filtered to you through the intellectual elite and their agenda. You get to hear what the red shirts are about from their enemies. So many foreigners support the yellow shirts not fully realizing that the yellow shirts are majorly xenophobic while the red shirts welcome international influence and development.

    The yellow shirts are the old rule aristocracy, an outdated form of rule based on class elitism. They do not represent the best for all of Thailand, but for a sector of Thailand. They are the educated elite who would like to keep the classes separate. They are the party who suggested giving more weight to votes from people registered in Bangkok than people living in rural areas, simply on the basis that they feel they are more educated and therefore more qualified to run the country. These people are often as white as white gets because they haven't worked a day in their life, they don't know what manual labor is, can't even appreciate it. It is these types who have Burmese maids living in the backs of their homes without even the slightest tinge of guilt. They actually think they're being generous to their house slaves. But it is the same policies of the yellow shirts which has made visas and work permits and foreigners being in Thailand such a nuisance and a hassle. It is their fear of "losing their country" to outsiders through economic means (not political) that fuels their decisions.

    There has been a 60-year campaign to unite people over nationalistic pride even when they don't see eye-to-eye politically, but unfortunately what have been propagated as national values for all Thais are often veiled agendas aimed at pushing the aristocratic elite's xenophobic policies. Self-sufficiency economy is a way of saying let's retain economic control of our country by limiting outside influence. And don't forget it was the yellow shirts -- peaceful or not -- who shut down the airports. That should tell you something about how they view the international community and its role in Thailand. They don't much care for the foreigners in their country--they don't appreciate them, they don't want them. They tolerate them because they want their money, but they want to completely control it so that the foreigners become financial cashcows while Thais direct the money flow.

    Red shirts are angry for a very good reason. Their country is not a democracy and has not been for at least four years. Democracy is the great equalizer to the lower classes, to the poor, to the underprivileged and uneducated -- it gives them a voice for change in their direction. Whether Thaksin was a bad guy or not is a moot point. There should have been due process -- all of the investigations which have come up after the coup should have been done through proper channels to oust him legally. The coup leaders have eroded their own legal and political system, and their political tactics have more to do with the cult of personality than with infrastructure, systems or laws. I say go Red shirts. Get your country back, get your democracy back, get your hope and your freedom back, get your opportunity back.

    When was Thailand ever or even close to being a democracy? How many Military Coups with the Elites blessing have there been in the last 50 years ? You are right about controlling the feelings of Nationalism if you doubt this look aroung Bangkok and wonder how much the ever present Nationalistic propoganda must cost and who pays for it.Thaksin is unpopular for many reasons but the ethnic Chinese elite in Bangkok were as you rightly point out horrified at a politician giving the underclasses some political aspirations of their own hence his downfall. The interesting thing will be to see what will happen in a country made up of haves and have nots, if history is anything to go by it could get messy!

    Is there really any need for xenophobic stereotyping?

    If this is a reference to ethnic Chinese this is a fact. Bangkok was originally formed by Ethnic Chinese people(source Lonely planet guide to Bangkok) I work with rich Thais in Bangkok and 99% are part Chinese. Take a look at the Yellowshirts and try to spot the suntan I don't think you will find one they are as white skinned as the actors in Thai advertising campaigns. I don't like xenophobia myself but in this case it is a fact.

  8. All the power to him, I say.

    I support the red shirts' cause, though I wish they'd chosen a better mascot than Thaksin. Where do all you foreigners get your information from as to what the red shirts are about vs. what the yellow shirts are about? The media? The English-print media in Thailand hates Thaksin and the red shirts, so you're naturally going to see the yellow shirts' press releases being re-printed as news. Pick up a copy of Truth for Today or something and read one of the articles in English in the back -- you might be surprised to find what they are saying.

    I see and hear a lot of comments from foreigners who don't really know what the red shirts are angry about. Your problem is that many of you don't speak Thai well, don't read or write Thai, and the Thais who can speak English are mostly yellow shirts. The red shirts aren't as educated and don't speak English as well, so you're not hearing their side accurately because it's being filtered to you through the intellectual elite and their agenda. You get to hear what the red shirts are about from their enemies. So many foreigners support the yellow shirts not fully realizing that the yellow shirts are majorly xenophobic while the red shirts welcome international influence and development.

    The yellow shirts are the old rule aristocracy, an outdated form of rule based on class elitism. They do not represent the best for all of Thailand, but for a sector of Thailand. They are the educated elite who would like to keep the classes separate. They are the party who suggested giving more weight to votes from people registered in Bangkok than people living in rural areas, simply on the basis that they feel they are more educated and therefore more qualified to run the country. These people are often as white as white gets because they haven't worked a day in their life, they don't know what manual labor is, can't even appreciate it. It is these types who have Burmese maids living in the backs of their homes without even the slightest tinge of guilt. They actually think they're being generous to their house slaves. But it is the same policies of the yellow shirts which has made visas and work permits and foreigners being in Thailand such a nuisance and a hassle. It is their fear of "losing their country" to outsiders through economic means (not political) that fuels their decisions.

    There has been a 60-year campaign to unite people over nationalistic pride even when they don't see eye-to-eye politically, but unfortunately what have been propagated as national values for all Thais are often veiled agendas aimed at pushing the aristocratic elite's xenophobic policies. Self-sufficiency economy is a way of saying let's retain economic control of our country by limiting outside influence. And don't forget it was the yellow shirts -- peaceful or not -- who shut down the airports. That should tell you something about how they view the international community and its role in Thailand. They don't much care for the foreigners in their country--they don't appreciate them, they don't want them. They tolerate them because they want their money, but they want to completely control it so that the foreigners become financial cashcows while Thais direct the money flow.

    Red shirts are angry for a very good reason. Their country is not a democracy and has not been for at least four years. Democracy is the great equalizer to the lower classes, to the poor, to the underprivileged and uneducated -- it gives them a voice for change in their direction. Whether Thaksin was a bad guy or not is a moot point. There should have been due process -- all of the investigations which have come up after the coup should have been done through proper channels to oust him legally. The coup leaders have eroded their own legal and political system, and their political tactics have more to do with the cult of personality than with infrastructure, systems or laws. I say go Red shirts. Get your country back, get your democracy back, get your hope and your freedom back, get your opportunity back.

    When was Thailand ever or even close to being a democracy? How many Military Coups with the Elites blessing have there been in the last 50 years ? You are right about controlling the feelings of Nationalism if you doubt this look aroung Bangkok and wonder how much the ever present Nationalistic propoganda must cost and who pays for it.Thaksin is unpopular for many reasons but the ethnic Chinese elite in Bangkok were as you rightly point out horrified at a politician giving the underclasses some political aspirations of their own hence his downfall. The interesting thing will be to see what will happen in a country made up of haves and have nots, if history is anything to go by it could get messy!


    Thailand's human rights situation under Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was getting worse over the past year, New York-based Human Watch said in its annual report Thursday.

    Govt aims at turning Thailand into full welfare state by 2017

    A social security system,imagine what the rate for unemployment would be.....250 bt a week?

    Does Abhisit really expect to be in Government in 2017? Where is the smiley Army general when you need him? :) I suppose the off topic one is close to an army person, you know the ones that run Thailand.

  10. Try negotiaiting with them first- tell them you have moved to another part of the world and that you are willing to make small payments to a reduced level of overall debt (worked for a friend of mine). If you default, the standard procedure is they will sell the debt to a private debt collecting agency (for 20 p in the pound for example), the agency may then try to track you down if your debt was high enough (and they wont be too friendly either). But ifs its less than 5-10 K $/pounds they probably wouldn't bother. But if they find out you are in Thailand it may be they would come over here to combine it with a nice holiday in the sun (seriously). My friend who i mentioned earlier had moved to work in Pakistan for a contract, not very tempting destination for a debt collector.

    Having said that you would never be able to open a bank account in spain again and possibly elsewhere in europe (im not sure how interconnected the backs are in the EU, but i wouldnt be surprised if they do swap info like this).

    They wont touch you while you are in Thailand otherwise 'my friend' would have been got to a long time ago. He hadnt done anything illegal but just got into financial problems.You wont have any credit facilities in Spain but so what?You dont want more debt do you? If they caught up with you in Spain you could just file for personal bankruptcy (after all thats what many companies do before they set themselves up again) and it would all be written off anyway. Ignore the doom and gloom merchants 'my friend' tried a reasonable approach with these financial institutions and they ignored it despite them having made a killing in interest payments from him over the years.They sold the debt to debt collection agencies that are small tinpot companies who wouldnt know how to get to the airport let alone come after you in Thailand anyway why would they when they have the path of least resistance open to them in the UK and they can go for locals who owe money.

    Consider yourself now free from this burden, learn from it(as my friend has) and enjoy yourself in the los.And dont borrow money again, my friend hasnt!

  11. "The failure to act against official abuses extended to the police. Despite the government's strong opposition to the violent approach to drug suppression by the exiled former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, it remained unwilling to bring to justice officials allegedly responsible for more than 2,500 unresolved extrajudicial killings and serious abuses committed during Thaksin's 2003 "war on drugs" and ongoing drug suppression operations by the police.

    "Democracy in Thailand suffers badly from draconian laws on lese majeste and cyber crimes," said Adams. "A climate of fear looms over civil discourse and in cyberspace as a result of increasing restrictions on freedom of expression under the Abhisit government."

    The government also has used both the lese majeste statute in the Criminal Code and the new Computer Crimes Act to suppress critics of the monarchy and persecute perceived government enemies.

    Human Right Watch cited cases of Suwicha Thakor and Daranee Charnchoengsilpakul who were sentenced 10 years and 18 years in prisons for example.

    Abhisit's government blatantly breached Thailand's obligations under international law to protect refugees and asylum seekers for its forced repatriation of more than 4,600 Hmong to Laos and bad treatment of Rohingya boat people, Human Rights Watch said.

    "Prime Minister Abhisit did not honor his pledge to uphold human rights principles and international law in 2009," Adams said. "Getting Thailand back on track as a rights-respecting nation in 2010 is crucial both for the country and the region."

    I have to be honest and applaud Administration for publishing this article which is not easy to swallow for the present government, and others.

    What worries me, is the almost deafening silence by other members (more than 28 hours after posting this article) and I think that most, reading this, understand what I mean.


    They must be right when they say They say quote "a climate of fear looms over civil discourse and in cyberspace as a result in increasing restrictions on freedom of expression under the Abhisit Government" I just didn't think that would also include posters on Thai Visa.

  12. 'A good friend of mine' was in the same position but with unsecured debts with uk credit card companies and banks. After trying unsuccesfully to negotiate with them over repayments after he lost his job and got divorced he decided he had tried his best and left the country. In over 7 years he has never heard anything from them in Thailand despite being traceable via facebook etc and they probably now are written off (about 200,000 euros) Hope that helps.

    ps this friend had no problems opening up Thai bank accounts for savings accounts even before he started working complete with atms but no credit facilities.It was good for him to start again and has now shown he can live without borrowing.

  13. 'A good friend of mine' was in the same position but with unsecured debts with uk credit card companies and banks. After trying unsuccesfully to negotiate with them over repayments after he lost his job and got divorced he decided he had tried his best and left the country. In over 7 years he has never heard anything from them in Thailand despite being traceable via facebook etc and they probably now are written off (about 200,000 euros) Hope that helps.

  14. I thought the Cambodian beggars were the result of the new Financial adviser to that country. Another source of income cut off, see what happens when you upset some people.

    Will someone tell the Thai authorities that they have missed some at On Nut BTS they are kids posing as students raising money for their school the only problems are their crap attempts at a school uniform , the fact that they speak Cambodian and that they are about 10 years old and out at 9pm begging doesnt stop some Thais from giving them money though...suckers!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Some media models for encouraging righteous behaviour were the "Khon Kon Khon" TV life documentary series

    With total viewing figures of 5 (a family of 4 in Saraburi and their dog).

    Meanwhile, the latest Ann Tomprason soap opera, which reflects true real life for the majority of Thais and morals for all to follow including most people being half western, teenagers driving brand new Porsches, houses that would turn Tony Montana green with envy, unbridled jealousy and materialism, sexy women acting as if they are bi-polar, schitzoid and any other mental illness in the book, assaults on women by their boyfriends (but all is forgiven in the end because the guy's misunderstood), police officers acting professionally and for a bit of light relief a sterotypical Isaan maid to add a comic element received a record number of viewers on it's opening night.



    Sorry for the off-topic post, but you forgot a few key elements of all (ALL!) Thai dsoap operas, apart from the ones you correctly listed.

    1) Everyone, including the gardener, the kids and the dog, either own a gun or have access to one.

    2) However the only person able to actually hit someone with a gun is the money-crazed female (not the cops or the good guy)

    3) Said female is ALWAYS easy to spot for her fire-red lipstick that she wears 24/7

    4) Bad people won't die even with 27 bullets in them. At least they live long enough to reveal the whole story (usually in final episode) with lots of tears

    5) However the good guy who got hit by a single ricochet bullet dies immediately with large amounts of blood gushing from his mouth (even if hit in the left foot)

    6) Porsches, S-Classes etc are always slower than beat-up pickup trucks or Toyota Corollas

    7) Porsches, S-Classes etc always run into trees when trying to out-maneuver said pickups or Corollas.

    8) Those crashes are never heavy enough to cause damage to the car, however the driver and front passenger are always badly injured or dead (airbags never deploy either)

    9) All cell phones are of the same brand (sponsor of the soap opera) and use the same ringtone (usually a Nokia-default-tone even if the phones are Samsungs)

    10) Don't forget the token khatoey to accompany the Lao or Burmese hilltribe housekeeper/servant!

    Sadly, Thais are addicted to that crap..... i know because i live with one who won't miss even one episode of those soaps.

    Best regards.....


    Sorry about the boiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg! being in the wrong place but I thought you forgot to mention the hilarious sound effects used in Thai TV ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooo! gunfire ricochet..................

  16. Some media models for encouraging righteous behaviour were the "Khon Kon Khon" TV life documentary series

    With total viewing figures of 5 (a family of 4 in Saraburi and their dog).

    Meanwhile, the latest Ann Tomprason soap opera, which reflects true real life for the majority of Thais and morals for all to follow including most people being half western, teenagers driving brand new Porsches, houses that would turn Tony Montana green with envy, unbridled jealousy and materialism, sexy women acting as if they are bi-polar, schitzoid and any other mental illness in the book, assaults on women by their boyfriends (but all is forgiven in the end because the guy's misunderstood), police officers acting professionally and for a bit of light relief a sterotypical Isaan maid to add a comic element received a record number of viewers on it's opening night.



    Sorry for the off-topic post, but you forgot a few key elements of all (ALL!) Thai dsoap operas, apart from the ones you correctly listed.

    1) Everyone, including the gardener, the kids and the dog, either own a gun or have access to one.

    2) However the only person able to actually hit someone with a gun is the money-crazed female (not the cops or the good guy)

    3) Said female is ALWAYS easy to spot for her fire-red lipstick that she wears 24/7

    4) Bad people won't die even with 27 bullets in them. At least they live long enough to reveal the whole story (usually in final episode) with lots of tears

    5) However the good guy who got hit by a single ricochet bullet dies immediately with large amounts of blood gushing from his mouth (even if hit in the left foot)

    6) Porsches, S-Classes etc are always slower than beat-up pickup trucks or Toyota Corollas

    7) Porsches, S-Classes etc always run into trees when trying to out-maneuver said pickups or Corollas.

    8) Those crashes are never heavy enough to cause damage to the car, however the driver and front passenger are always badly injured or dead (airbags never deploy either)

    9) All cell phones are of the same brand (sponsor of the soap opera) and use the same ringtone (usually a Nokia-default-tone even if the phones are Samsungs)

    10) Don't forget the token khatoey to accompany the Lao or Burmese hilltribe housekeeper/servant!

    Sadly, Thais are addicted to that crap..... i know because i live with one who won't miss even one episode of those soaps.

    Best regards.....


  17. I await the arrival of the current government's apologists and anticipate that we will be treated to such excuses as;

    But it was worse under Thaksin. He killed thousands.

    That's true, Thaksin was responsible for the deaths of thousands, but it has nothing to do with mistakes/crimes commited by the current government. Each government must stand accountable for its actions - that includes this one, and all the ones that came before it.

    Your wait continues...

    P.S. Don't hold your breath

    Yet more proof that Thailand is not a democracy but a military dictatorship.

  18. Oh geez.... Keep this junk in the Thai media please. No need for such silliness here.

    Quite right keep it in the Thai media. I have been teaching Thai 'adults' English and for a recent class asked them to research news stories. I was expecting Haiti or something of that nature to be the topic but oh no! the news story that fascinated them and that they brought to class was about a Thai superstar called Pei who had been photographed on a motorcycle in Central and who may have flashed her knickers by accident.

  19. In my personal opinion as a foreigner with no fluency in Thai, ignorant, etc., the petition seemed pointless to legally accomplish a pardon. Now if a poster with a doctorate in Thai law has a better opinion, speak up.

    Like it or not what most posters fail to realise is that Thailand is a military dictatorship. If you doubt that check how many coups there have been in recent Thai history when the military didnt like the government. The situation at the moment is you have Abhisit in power backed by the military and elite but probably not by most voters. This is why there is no attempt being made to hold elections. The petition was never going to work when the Military are in control.

  20. I stayed a week at the Rajah Hotel in October 2549/2006 in room 705 if I recall, and it was well-priced and the people were kind and decent, both the cleaning staff as well as the reception staff. The facilities in the room worked a treat. I hope I'm referring to the same place as the 'mansions'.

    It's well-located for an holiday...

    I used to live there no complaints, friendly staff good location hotel style rooms.

  21. Thai's are just soo ignorant at times! No manners, whatsoever!

    Excuse me? Did you say Thais are so ignorant and no manners? I'm not Thai but I call your comment foul, uncalled-for. For all I know Thais relatively polite people, wherever you go, inside the train, in the bus, everywhere, with few exceptions like this train incident where you based your inappropriate comment.

    I agree with the posters comments that Thai's are generally ignorant and have no manners, this is based on 5 years of riding the skytrain daily. If you don't believe this try getting on the skytrain at On nut at 7.30am [...].

  22. In Thailand you are in a different culture where people view anything away from the norm as something of interest. In Thai there are many nouns that when used are the literal translation of what is being said that is why they will sometimes call a black person as dam- because dam means black. I have a black dog at home and he is referred by all the Thai as Maa- dam. A dog which is black. I also have an albino cat at home and she is referred to as meow khoa or farang meow. There is no offence meant it is just an easy way to describe what they see

    Racism comes out of ignorance. In third world Thailand there are a lot of ignorant people hence racism.

  23. Why start a campaign to focus on high end tourist and potentially dissuade lower end tourist coming, thinking they're not welcome??

    Why doesn't TAT focus on, just, tourism????

    That is the solution: stop upsetting the majority of tourists (most are not rich) and start focusing on tourism in general for all income groups--high, medium, and low income.

    The solution is so simple. Why can't TAT see this? Why continue to upset Westerners and ruin the tourism industry?

    I won't say where or who, but some organizations are run by total idiots.

    Upsetting Westerners is not a part of the picture, the numbers for January to October last year show that most visitors to Thailand come from :

    A Malaysia 1,359,220

    B Japan 822,767

    C United Kingdom 670,904

    D China 590,725

    E Australia 520,090

    F USA 496,812

    I wont say who but some posters don't know what they're talking about.

    Are you calling the 1 million plus Malaysians who cross the border on Knocking shop excursions tourists?

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