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Posts posted by Slinky

  1. I seem to have lots of small (8mm x 2mm) worms clinging to the outside wall of my house and every so often they creep in and climb the walls. I have noticed them on public buildings too.

    Here is a description of them:

    Size : 8mmx2mm

    Colour: Pale grey on the outside, with a black worm inside.

    Shape: The grey case is oval and the worm is smooth and cylindrical.

    Does anyone know what they are and what's the best way to get rid of them?


  2. Hi

    I try to eat around 1500 calories a day and then input all the info into a tracker. However I can't find the calories for my favourite thai meals does anyone know the calories in an average portion of any of these?:

    chicken green curry

    chicken red curry

    chicken penang curry

    chicken Massaman

    chicken cashew nuts

    steamed lemon fish

    fried fish in 3 spices

    chicken pat thai

    fried rice with chicken

    fried morning glory

    papaya salad

    Meiji strawberry yogurt

    Any suggestions or a link to a website listing thai foods would be great. Thanks for your help.

  3. Yep International driving licenses are easy to get in the UK. I got one from my local post office just by showing my UK license.

    I've been renting a car from PMP Car Hire for the last 6 months and I have never been stopped by the police, but its nice to have peace of mind. I searched for a car rental agency through the Phuket Gazette and PMP were the cheapest at 16,000 per month during high season for a brand new car, and discounts during low season.

    Hope this helps. PMP are located near the airport but deliver cars to anywhere on the island, free of charge.

    Phone: (66) 087 264 6808

    E-mail: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    URL: www.pmpagent.com

  4. I have been renting a car from PMP for 6 months. They provide full insurance and deliver the car to our base in the south of the island. They have been great and even came within an hour to start the car, after I accidentally left the lights on. The rates are good and negociable if you visit during low season. I think the suzuki jeeps are 700 per day.

    Phone: (66) 087 264 6808

    E-mail: [email protected]


    Have fun!

  5. Hi

    This is the first time I have posted here.

    I have a Casio music keyboard that needs repairing after I plugged it into the mains using the wrong transformer - duh. I have tried Big C and a music shop in Phuket town, but they had no idea. Has anyone else managed to get a keyboard/or similar repaired on Phuket?

    Also does anyone know of anywhere where I can go with a few friends and sing pop karaoke (in English). I have no singing voice but visited Japan recently and found that it can be a fun thing to do when no one in the group can sing!

    Thanks for your help. :o

  6. Thanks for the link, but it seems to be a set price of 1,600 for Charlie Beach at Easter on Phi Phi where ever I look! Can anyone recommend anywhere else on Ao Lo Dalum Beach that might cost around 1000 baht per night. ( I need somewhere semi- nice as I am showing my family what a fantastic country this is!)

    Thanks for your help!

  7. Hi,

    Last year I turned up on Koh Phi Phi in April and Charlie Beach Resort gave me a nice aircon room in a building for 1,100 pernight including breakfast.

    I fancy doing the same thing this April with a few of friends, but while looking on various websites the prices for the same deal is always 1,600 or 1,700.

    Do you think the prices have sky-rocketed or is it just because I'm trying to book online.

    Is there a cheaper way to make an advance booking?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated - thansk!!

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