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Posts posted by RocketScientist

  1. The Sri Lankan man, if he works for the Sri Lankan embassy, may not need a work permit. Nationals of a country working for the Embassy of their own country, are covered under different laws. There are bilateral agreements between countries that cover these matters. Most embassy staff (non-diplomatic) are given a non-immigrant visa, but no work permit.

    Diplomatic Immunity or not, work permit and visa status notwithstanding, he is facilitating the corruption by receiving the wire transfer payoffs to his account and disbursing them to the unidentified "Little Big Man".

    If these fines are legitimate, why are they not being transferred to a government agency directly?

    Do ya think Little Big Man paid his income tax on this money?

  2. Shocking how the British Embassy offered them jack sh*t in the way of help ?????

    From the article:

    "The Foreign Office said consular officials had offered to raise the case with the Thai authorities at the time but had been asked by the couple not to intervene."

    NOT !!

    However, on April 27 they sneaked out of the hotel and found their way to the embassy, where they met Kate Dufall, the pro-consul.

    According to the couple, she told them the embassy could not interfere with the Thai legal system and put them in contact with Prachaya Vijitpokin, a lawyer.

    This is what happened in Thailand when the couple arrived at the Thai Embassy after escaping the captors.

    Definitely sounds like "Jack Schitt" to me.

    The Foreign Office said consular officials had offered to raise the case with the Thai authorities at the time but had been asked by the couple not to intervene.

    This happened at the "Foreign Office" in England, once the couple has found their way home. They obviously realized that this was more "Jack Schitt" because it would amount to nothing / solve nothing and in all likelihood nothing more than blowing smoke up their <deleted>.

  3. I think the boyfriend needs to go rent another place for the hippy shop.

    I'd agree- notwithstanding the whole conundrum of legalities / work permit issues - and even though I have no problem with the whole hippy culture / lifestyle, do you really want to be seen and "associated" with this on a 24/7 basis? It just seems to me that a shop of this type will attract "attention" from the BIB, neighbors, etc. and a western female in a place like this would be even more of an "attention getter".

  4. Is the WP3 form absolutely required to get a Non B visa from Penang?

    The reason that I ask is because I will be replacing another foreign employee who is leaving Thailand at the end of June. As it is, the company resources (capitalization, employees) would not support another work permit application before the previous employee leaves.

    Is a letter of offer from the company sufficient to get the B visa, and process the work permit application one I have returned with the visa and the previous employee resigns?

  5. Hello to everyone here, from a new guy who needs some advice. I went searching for this very information, and found this great forum.

    I also need to get a new Non-Immigrant B.

    I have been a student in Thailand for the last four years, using a Non Immigrant ED visa which is expiring close to the end of the month. I have just graduated, and now have a job offer. I'm trying to figure out what I need to do. I've read a lot of things, and am kinda confused. I'm sure that it isn't rocket science, but sure seems like it right now.

    Is it possible to "switch" the ED visa and get a B visa, without having to leave Thailand? If so, what do I need to do?

    If not, and I need to go to an embassy outside of Thailand - Penang or possibly KL - What do I need in the way of paperwork? Am I understanding the posts in this thread correctly in that I must have a work permit application before these Embassies / Consulates will issue a Non-B visa?

    I was believing that I only needed a letter from the company offering me employment along with company incorporation documents, and that the application for work permit could only proceed after getting the Non-B visa....?

    Anybody been to Penang recently... have any hotel recommendations for a decent place, with Wifi / internet available?

    Is it possible to do it all with only a one-night stay? Does the Air Asia flight from Bangkok arrive early enough to get to the consulate and submit the application, to receive the passport on the following day?

    i just called them and they apparently will do it--for 8800. this price includes all fees.

    Curious to know - who did you call? What is included in this price?

    Thanks in advance to everyone.


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